Success - University of North Carolina at Pembroke

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Transcript Success - University of North Carolina at Pembroke

Time Management
C h e n e v e r t , M . ( 2 0 0 6 ) . To u r g u i d e t o n u r s i n g s c h o o l :
A s t u d e n t ’s r o a d s u r v i v a l k i t ( 5 t h e d . ) . S t .
L o u i s , M O : M o s b y.
 What comes in short supply, cannot be purchased for
any amount of money, and once used, cannot be
 How many hours of time do you have in a week?
 24 X 7
 168 hours in a week
 So what do you do with YOUR time?
 Most of us think there are not enough hours in the
Keys to Success and Time
 Attendance
 Investments
 Budgeting
 Jotting it down
 Concentration
 Knocking off
 Dirty Jobs
 Librarian
 Equipment
 Majoring in minors
 Filing System
 “No”
 Goals
 Other people’s time
 Hanging in there
 Prime time
 Questions
Yakety Yak
 Regrets
 Saving time
 Tomorrow
 Urgency
 You hear us say all the time….”You need to come to
every class.” “Nursing school takes precedence.”
“You need to get your priorities in order.”
Some students will skip class in order to study.
Is this an example of poor time management?
Guess what?
For every hour you spend in class, you will reduce
your study time by 3 hours!
 You have to budget your time just like you do your
You have 168 hours in a week—use it wisely
If possible: PDA, Day planner, large calendar—track
it ALL well in advance.
Test days, clinical, final exam, concept maps, time to
study, time to spend with family, time to sleep, time
for R&R!
If you only have class 3 days a week—those other
days are not days off!
 Focus, focus, focus.
 Remove all clutter from your study area.
 Cluttered study area = cluttered mind.
 Focus on one thing at a time.
 You should only keep items on your desk that deal
with the task at hand—eliminate confusion.
Dirty Jobs
 We all have that one assignment/task that we
absolutely do not want to do!
 Guess what---do it first! Get it out of the way so you
don’t ruin the rest of your day thinking about how
bad you hate to start that project!
 Eventually, if you put it off, tomorrow will come and
it still won’t be done.
 Then, tomorrow is ruined as well as today
 You can’t put out a fire with water pistol!
 Before you start a project or an assignment, make
sure you have everything you need—pens, pencils,
index cards, poster board, blank concept maps,
articles, you name it!
 You waste time when you are not prepared.
Filing System
 “I know that article is around here somewhere.”
 You have now lost 20 minutes of prime time looking
for an article--- Have a place for everything and everything in its
 Don’t keep papers from NUR 3030 by your desk
when you are in NUR 4350. File away the 3030
items in a filing cabinet, under the bed, out of your
 Be goal oriented
 Set short term and long term goals for yourself every
 If you know what your goals are, you can skip
activities and even avoid people who are not relevant
to the accomplishment of your goal.
 Don’t sit around and say “I wish I could get a better
grade in Adult Health II.” Instead…
 Say…”How can I get a better grade in Adult Health
II?”----Make a list of steps
Goal: Improve my grade in Adult Health II Fall
 List the steps you need to take to achieve this goal.
 Decide which steps you are able to take to achieve
the goal.
Decide which steps you are willing to take to achieve
this goal.
Identify people who can help you achieve this goal.
Consider how you might allow yourself or others to
get in the way of achieving this goal.
Bottom line—don’t whine—only YOU can do
something about it!
Hanging in there!
 The harder the assignments get, the more tempting it
is to put them off.
 Fight the urges to blow it off and watch TV or go
partying---fight, fight, fight!
 If you stop working on the assignment when you find
it difficult, you will leave with a defeated attitude--instead, work on it for a while until you feel like you
are winning the battle—then stop.
 It will be much easier to return to it tomorrow!
 This is a tough one---You have to think of your time
as an investment or a deposit.
You must learn to prioritize your activities.
Every minute you spend studying is an investment in
yourself and your future.
Are you worth it?
Invest more time in high-priority activities.
 Tomorrow, you are having a test in Nursing course A
that is worth 40% of your grade. You are also having
a quiz in Nursing Course B that is worth 5% of your
 Where will a wise student invest the bulk of his/her
Jotting it Down—not just for the elderly!
 Lists!
 Help you prioritize.
 Help you remember.
 Give you a sense of accomplishment at the end of the
 Helps you consolidate and use your time wisely.
 Tonight, before bed, make a list of 6 things you need
to accomplish tomorrow. Then put them in rank
order and tomorrow start with number 1. Try it!
Knocking Off
 Sometimes just good enough is good enough.
 Settle for an A…..Don’t spend 5 additional hours for
an A+
 Know when you have had enough and are no longer
 No person can save you more time---just ask.
Majoring in Minor Activities
 Busywork
 Gives you a false sense of accomplishment
 Makes you tired
 Produces no results
 Be proud of your results, not your efforts
One Word
Other People’s Time
 “A lack of planning on your part does not constitute
an emergency on my part.”
 Piss Poor Planning results in Piss Poor Performance
Prime Time
 Everyone has their “best” time of the day…what is
 Use it to your advantage.
 If possible, block this time off as your study time.
 Use your less-than prime time for non-cognitive
tasks like xeroxing articles, Internet research, etc.
Question Yourself
 Several times a day
 Is this the BEST use of my time right now?
 Is this activity helping me to achieve one of my goals?
 Is this worth the amount of time it is going to take?
 Is this still worth doing?
 If I didn’t do this, what would happen?
 Don’t waste your time with them.
 If you find yourself saying..” If only I had not
____________” or “I wish I had ________”
change your mindset and say…”Next time I am going
Saving time
 Can’t be done!
 You can’t find it.
 You can’t make it.
 You can only make better use of what you have.
 Never gets here.
 Do it today!
 Urgent things are not always important.
 Important things are not always urgent.
 If you make time for the important and ignore the
pseudoimportant you will be a better student.
 Indecisiveness wastes time
 Be decisive
 Establish your own policies
 Give yourself a deadline—stick to it
 Give yourself a study time—stick to it
 Run your education like a business
 Use it!
 Keep copies of all of your written papers and major
 Save all of your written papers and major
assignments electronically.
 This is your insurance policy against loss.
Yakety Yak
 Unplug the phone or..
 Tell callers you will call them back after your study
 If you close the door and someone walks in and asks
if you have a minute, tell them “no,” but I will have a
minute at 9:00 p.m. and I will meet you in the
 Schedule them!
Your time management calendar
 Keeping in mind all of these concepts----Create a
weekly time map