Transcript Slide 1

What Comes After Oil?

Will The Alternatives Be As Effective As Oil?

What Happens When Oil Runs Out ?

Could Oil Lose Its Value?

What is Oil?

How much are the world crude oil reserves?

UAE possesses 98 billion barrels or nearly 10% of the worlds proven reserves.

Wood and other Biomass.

Hydro-Electric Power.

Solar Energy.

Wind Energy.

Wave Energy.

Tidal Power.


Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC).

Solar Energy

Advantages Can be used almost anywhere.

Extremely low maintenance.

Very long system lifespan.

Can be operated unmonitored for extended periods of time. Predictable power output in most locations Simple installation.

Silent , unobtrusive operation.


High initial cost for solar panels Power output can be variable in some areas, necessitates the use of a large battery bank and / or alternate power source Requires good solar exposure.


Solar Energy Plant.


Wind Energy

Low cost per watt hour in a good location.

Smaller systems can be low maintenance.

Predictable power output in some locations


Wind Power Plant


Not suitable in many locations due to lack of resource.

Towering can be expensive for larger units Birds of prey run into tower and guy wires .

Power output can be sporadic in some areas.

Considerable noise is generated in high winds Even routine, minor maintenance on a windmill can be difficult on the top of a tower. Moving parts will eventually wear out.


Wave Power

No pollution or carbon-dioxide is produced during running.

Whenever there are waves energy is produced. However much energy you use more energy will be produced


Wave Power

Disadvantages The cost of building wave generators is currently too high; machines are only at an experimental stage .

There may be ecological impacts on areas of coastline if a number of generators are sited together .

It is very hard to build machines which are strong enough to stand up to the weather


Tidal Power

Advantages of tidal power It is renewable .

It is reliable.

The tide goes in and out twice a day .

It does not cause pollution .

Tidal Generating Station

Disadvantages It may not look as nice as the unspoiled river.

Boats may not be able to get past the barrage.

The place where a river flows into the sea is called an estuary.A dam (called a barrage) is built across the estuary.The barrage has turbines in it.

The original source of the energy is the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun as they pull the sea backwards and forwards, creating tides.

Advantages :


available and are virtually inexhaustible.

Fusion does not emit harmful toxins into the atmosphere .

Fusion, produces only helium, a gas that is already in abundance in the atmosphere and will not contribute to global warming.

Fusion produces no nuclear waste..

Disadvantages Scientists have not yet been able to contain a fusion reaction long enough for there to be a net energy gain.

Many countries are phasing out fusion research because of the failure to reach a breakthrough.

Nuclear Fusion

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)

Advantage : -It is renewable.

Disadvantage: -The plant would have to be huge and anchored in the deep open ocean or on a ship.

-How to store and transport the resulting electricity would also be a large problem.

Team Sally Mamdooh Group:


Fatima Barakji Aisha Mohamad Mariam Ghazi Nouf Yousuf