Transcript Document

By: Aruna, Kashyap, and John
Physical Appearance
 Is surrounded by the Atlantic and Artic
 Is surrounded by Asia and Africa
 It is 4,038,000 square miles long
 The southern part is warmer than the
northern part
Political Appearance
 The countries are Italy, Norway, London,
Finland, Germany, Turkey, England, France,
and Spain
 It is in the Northern and Eastern hemispheres
 The major capital cities are Paris, Rome,
Amstradam, and Holland
 The famous landmarks are the Eiffel tower in
Paris, and the leaning tower of piza in Italy
People and Animals
 There are about 731 million people in
 There a lot of languages spoken. For
example: French, Greek, Roman, German,
and Hungarian
 The foods that can be found in Europe are
pasta, meat, vegetables, and salads
 You can find brown bears, wolves, black
woodpeckers, gray owls, and elk
Interesting Facts
 On Europe New Year, Easter, Labor Day,
Constitution Day, and Christmas.Almost all
buisness are closed on these holidays
 The transportations in Europe are cars, trains,
buses, airplanes, steamboats, and fleets
 Norway sponsers the Noble Peace prize
 There are more then six hundred museums in