Education Pays 2010

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Education Pays
Sandy Baum
Independent Higher Education Policy Analyst
Senior Fellow, George Washington University School of
Education and Human Development
Illinois College Access and Success Conference
July 2011
Median Earnings and Tax Payments of Full-Time YearRound Workers Ages 25 and Older, by Education Level,
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 1.1; U.S. Census Bureau, 2009; Internal Revenue Service, 2008; Davis et al., 2009; calculations by
the authors.
The Controversy
• Richard Vedder, Charles Murray, etc.
• Comparing unemployment rates:
College graduates / overall
college graduates / high school graduates
• Earnings comparisons
Choice of years and gender
• Why??
• Other people’s children
Estimated Cumulative Earnings Net of Loan Repayment for
Tuition and Fees, by Education Level
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 1.3; U.S. Census Bureau, 2009; The College Board, 2009; calculations by the authors.
Median, 25th Percentile, and 75th Percentile Earnings
of Full-Time Year-Round Workers Ages 25 and Older,
by Gender and Education Level, 2008
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 1.5; U.S. Census Bureau, 2009; calculations by the authors.
Median Earnings of Full-Time Year-Round Workers Ages
25–34, by Gender and Education Level, 1971–2008
(in Constant 2008 Dollars)
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 1.6; National Center for Education Statistics, 2004; U.S. Census Bureau, 2003–2009; Bureau of
Labor Statistics, 2010g; calculations by the authors.
Median Hourly Wage Gain per Year of Schooling,
1973, 1989, and 2007
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 1.7b; Autor, 2010.
Labor Force Participation Rates Among Individuals Ages
25 and Older, by Gender and Education Level, First
Quarter 2010
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 1.8b; Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010e.
Unemployment Rates Among Individuals Ages 25
and Older, by Education Level, 1992–2009
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 1.10a; Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2010d.
Smoking Rates Among Individuals Ages 25 and Older,
by Education Level, 1940–2008
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 1.16a; DeWalque, 2004; National Center for Health Statistics, 2009, Table 61; NCHS, 2008;
calculations by the authors.
Exercise Rates Among Individuals Ages 25 and Older,
by Age and Education Level, 2008
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 1.17; National Center for Health Statistics, 2008; calculations by the authors.
Obesity Rates Among Children and Adolescents Ages
2 to 19, by Age and Highest Household Education Level, 2008
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 1.18b; National Center for Health Statistics, 2007–2008; CDC, 2010a; calculations by the authors.
Percentage of Kindergartners Through Fifth-Graders
Whose Parents Reported Participating in Education-Related
Activities with Their Children in the Past Month,
by Parents’ Highest Education Level, 2007
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 1.20b; National Center for Education Statistics, 2009, Table 24.
Voting Rates Among U.S. Citizens,
by Age and Education Level, 2008
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 1.22; U.S. Census Bureau, 2008.
Postsecondary Enrollment Rates of Recent High School
Graduates by Family Income, 1984–2008
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 2.1; National Center for Education Statistics, 2010.
Percentage of 1999 Entrants at Flagship Universities
Graduating Within Six Years, by Parental Education Level
and Family Income, Adjusted for Student Characteristics
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 2.5a; Bowen et al., 2009.
Percentage of First-Time Full-Time Students Beginning
Bachelor’s Degree Programs in 2002 Who Earned a B.A.
at the Original Institution Within Six Years, by Sector and
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 2.6b; National Center for Education Statistics, 2008b.
Percentage of High School Graduates and of All Youths
Enrolling in College Immediately After High School,
Selected States, 2005–06
Sources: The College Board, Education Pays 2010, Figure 2.10; National Center for Education Statistics, 2009, Tables 105 and 203.