Team Building - Trinity Care and Support

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Transcript Team Building - Trinity Care and Support

Director’s Responsibilities
Who Are We?
 Set-up in 1982. Now the largest co-operative development agency in UK.
 Financially supported by:
 Welsh Assembly Government & European Union.
 Local Authorities .
 Develop and train co-operatives businesses throughout Wales:
 Community co-ops.
 Consortia/marketing co-ops.
 Credit Unions.
 Worker co-ops.
Our Services
Business Development & Training
Community Co-operatives & Workers Cooperatives
Bringing together existing businesses to
form a support co-op. Could include
farmers, food producers & retailers
Business survival through employee
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this training day we will cover:
 The current role of the Director.
 The future role of the Director, based on the 2006
Companies Act.
 What to do when Directors disagree
What is the Role of the
Working in pairs discuss what you think is
the role of the Director – Discuss for 10
minutes and then feedback.
What is the Company Director ?
Appointed by members/shareholders or Board to act
as agents of the company and manage its affairs
 Anyone can become a Director – subject to some
 Age
 Capacity
 Legal
 Three types of Directors:
 Non-Executive Director
 Executive Director
 Shadow Director
The Roles of Directors
• They :– Regulate the affairs of the Company proceedings as they
see fit within the rules of the Company
– Manage the business of the company
– Call general meetings
– Appoint people or organisations to act on the company’s
– Delegate their powers to committees or managers
The Roles of Directors
• They may :– Appoint additional Directors to fill a casual/temporary
– Appoint a Director or Managing Director to any executive
– Appoint or remove the Chairperson.
– Appoint or remove their Secretary.
– Distribute any surplus as laid out by their Memorandum
and Articles of Association.
Legal Duties – General Principles
A director is expected to show a level of care, diligence and
skill appropriate to their actual knowledge or expertise
• Level
of knowledge or expertise should be appropriate
for nature of business
They must be reasonably competent and comply with their
fiduciary duties
They must not allow the company to trade fraudulently, and
where the company is in financial difficulties they must not
trade wrongfully
Care, Diligence and Skill
A Director is not necessarily an expert. Nor should
he/she be presumed to have skills they do not
possess, simply by virtue of their office.
A Director need not devote their continuous attention
to the business.
A Director need only display, in relation to their duties
“the reasonable care of an ordinary man or woman”
A Director is entitled to rely on other people, and
where appropriate, should be seen to rely on others.
A Director is not liable for errors of judgment.
Fiduciary Duties
Simply means that the Director will act in
“good faith”.
A series of specific duties are identified to
assist the Director in meeting this
• Act in the best interests of the company as a whole
• Duty of Confidentiality
• Personal Interest
• Ultra Vires
Wrongful and Fraudulent Trading
Wrongful trading occurs when:
• The company is (obviously) insolvent (without planned
‘escape’ route) or in liquidation
• The Director/s knew or ought to have concluded that there
was no reasonable prospect of avoiding liquidation
– N.B. It is important to remember that wrongful trading will only apply when all
of the above points apply.
• Fraudulent trading occurs when:
The business of the company is carried on with the intent to
defraud creditors. Any person who is party to it, may be liable
to a fine or even imprisonment.
Companies Act 2006
For the first time a number of specific
Directors Duties are laid down within a
Companies Act
Many of these new Duties relate to areas
covered by Fiduciary Duties within
previous Acts
Directors Duties 2006
Duty to act within powers 2007
Duty to promote the success of the company 2007
Duty to exercise independent judgment 2007
Duty to exercise reasonable care, skill and diligence
• Duty to avoid conflicts of interest 2008
• Duty not to accept benefits from third parties 2008
• Duty to declare interest in proposed transaction or
arrangement 2008
Duty to promote the success of
the company
A director of a company must act in the way
he considers, in good faith, would
be most likely to promote the success of the
company for the benefit of its
members as a whole.
Duty to avoid conflicts of
A director of a company must avoid a
situation in which he has, or can have, a
direct or indirect interest that conflicts, or
possibly may conflict, with the
interests of the company.
Duty not to accept benefits
from third parties
A director of a company must not accept a
benefit from a third party conferred
by reason of—
• (a) his being a director, or
• (b) his doing (or not doing) anything as
Duty to declare interest in proposed
transaction or arrangement
If a director of a company is in any way,
directly or indirectly, interested in a
proposed transaction or arrangement with
the company, he must declare the
nature and extent of that interest to the
other directors.
• Appoint Secretary and any other officers you
think you need
• Identify one person as a Director who has
discovered the following:
• The PAYE and NI haven’t been paid for three months
• None of the staff are accepting responsibility for ensuring the PAYE
and NI are paid
• No-one seems to have any idea what the company’s financial
position is
• The bank have rung to say that there is not enough money in the
company’s account to pay the current month’s wages
Exercise contd…
• As a Board agree the following:
• What are your immediate actions?
• What do you need to do over the next period?
[ Tip – this might include things that need to be written, information
gathered, people spoken to, decisions made ]
• What are the most important things that need to
be done to ensure you remain within the law?
Disagreement among Directors
Where a director believes a course of action
decided by the board is either potentially
damaging or improper, their duty to the
company extends beyond an adverse vote and
has three possible courses of action:
 Formal Objection
 Resignation
 Appeal to Members /shareholders
Breach of Duty
May lead to :
Loss of limited liability
Civil or criminal proceedings
Legal Structures & Director’s Responsibilities
Thank you!
Any Questions?