Transcript Bell Ringer

Bell Ringer
Identify the terms, like terms, constants, and
4m – 5m + n – 7
6a – b + 2a – 7
2 + 6a + 4a
m + 4m + 2m + 5
Oops!!!! Mrs. Key messed up…
 Constants are NOT like terms. Like terms are terms that
contain the same variable. For example:
 3x + 6x + 9 + 2
 8 + 4x + x + 7
 5y – 4y + 1 + 4
 2m + 4n + 3 + 6
Like Terms:
Like Terms:
Like Terms:
Like Terms:
Homework Review
Homework Review
Homework Review
#45. Write an expression to represent each model. Then
simplify the expression and write your answer.
Let’s Review What We Have Learned
So Far
 R drive > Key > Week 5 > Tuesday >
 File > Save As > P drive > math > new
folder > Week 5 > Tuesday > Review Quiz
 Simplest Form: An algebraic expression with no
like terms and no parentheses
 Simplifying the Expression: Using the Distributive
Property to combine like terms
 Expression: Any combination of terms and operations
 For example: 5x + 3
 Equation: A mathematical sentence stating that two quantities are equal
 For example: 5x + 3 = 13
 Equivalent Expression: Expressions that have the same value
 Distributive Property: To multiply a sum or difference by a number,
multiply each term inside the parentheses by the number outside the
 Term: Parts of an algebraic expression
 Coefficient: The numerical part of a term that
contains a variable
 Like Terms: Terms that contain the same
 Constant: A term without a variable
Distributive Property
Ex 1: 3 ( 2 + 1 )
Ex 2:
-4 ( 6 – 1 )
Ex 3:
(-2 + 3 ) (-5)
Ex 4:
Ex 5:
-3 (k – 4)
Ex 6:
(g – 5) (-1)
Simplifying Expressions
Identify the terms, like terms, constants, and coefficients in the
following examples.
Ex 1: 4n + 7w – 6 + 9 – 3n
Ex 2:
7b – 12s + 2 – 5s
Simplify the following algebraic expressions.
Ex 3: 4y – 2(x – 3y)
Ex 4:
7n + 4 – n - 2
 Absolutely NO talking!!
 You may use a calculator as long as it is not located on your
phone or computer.
 Turn in to me when you are finished, and get started on your
Section 4.2 # 1 - 20