Diapositive 1

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Local Authority
Identity card of Belgium
 Surface : 30.528 km2
 Population : 10,7 Million inhabitants
 Federal Capital : Brussels
 National Festival : Political July 21
 System : Constitutional monarchy constitutional
 Structure : Federal State
 Federate Entities : 3 regions (Flanders, Wallonia and Brussels) and 3
communities (French-speaking, Dutch-speaking and German-speaking)
 Languages : German, French, Dutch
a federal state in crisis
Recall : The federate entities wish to obtain their cultural and
economic autonomy
Historic context :
 Will of Flemish to link itself institutionnal with Dutch-speakers of
Brussels and will for the Walloons to also link itself with Frenchspeakers of Brussels
 Four great successive phases of institutional reforms (1970, 1980-8,
1992-3, 2001)
History of decentralization :
 It is explained by the cultural, political and economic aspects
Historical source of the conflicts :
 Country divided into French-speaking and Dutch-speaking
community, separated by social statuses (elites, middle-class….)
a federal state in crisis
Linguistic context :
 The French language is the official language considered as factor of
union between the communities
 Pb : Minority French language in the country
Claims :
 Cultural autonomy of the Flemings
 Economic Autonomy of the Walloons
Chronology :
 Constitution of 1831: Decentralized unit State
 After 1970 : Federal State moving
 1980 : Federal State made up
 1992 : Total revision of the Belgian constitution
 28 September 92 : Belgium is a federal state
 1994 : New constitutional reform. The federal state is organized
according to various qualification levels.
Belgium, federal state
Operating mode :
 Three great communities : Flemish, German-speaking and Frenchspeaking
 Three great administrative areas: Flanders, Wallonia, BrusselsCapital
Belgium, federal state
Common characteristics of the federate entities :
The communities and the areas are each one controls by legislative
bodies and executive: a Parliament and a government
→ The Parliament :
 Elected for 5 years
 Have the legislative power: it votes the decrees (they are ordinances in the Area
of Brussels-Capital), which has the force of law on the territory of competence of
the federate entity. It votes the budget, and elects the Government (except in the
French-speaking Community) not inevitably in its centre, and controls it.
 The Parliament elects in its centre a President.
→ The Executive:
 Is responsable before the Parliament
 Is responsable for the execution for the decrees and daily management. share
with the Parliament the capacity of initiative of the decrees.
 The treaties are negotiated and concluded by the Government but they acquire
legal effect only after having obtained the approval of the Parliament, ratified by
Belgium, a local authority decentralized
1- Towns (589)
Legislative body : the communal council
Executive body : the college burgomaster and of the aldermen
(or communal college)
→ commune council :
 The aldermen and the burgomasters are appointed differently
according to the Region
 It chaired by the Burgomaster (or by a president elected within
the council in Flanders)
 It lays out from 6 to 55 communal councillors elected officials
with proportional for six years according to the size of the
 It meets at least 10 times per annum at public sittings
 The Council Decision is made in the majority
 The lists of elections respect the principle of parity
Belgium, a local authority
decentralized authorities
2- provinces (10)
Each province is divided into districts where is named representatives by
list system proportion
• Province council :
 It is the Parliament of the province and meets 10 times per annum
 The number of councillors, elected for 6 years, varies from 56 to 84
according to the population
 To be able of the provinces : any decision-making power in the interest
of the province
 It votes the provincial payments
 It draws up the provincial budget
Local authority in Belgium
decentralized authorities: Provinces
The local public action :
Competences of the Areas
The Regions are competent for :
- economy, employement
- agriculture,
- the policy of water, environment, nature conservation
- housing,
- public works, of energy, transport, regional planning and town planning
- the credit, foreign trade
- the supervision on the provinces, the communes and the intercommune ones.
The local public action :
competences of the Communities
The Communities are competent for:
the culture (theatre, library, audio-visual .... ),
education, use of the languages
matters known as “personnalisables”
1) the policy of health (preventive medicine and curative)
2) assistance with the people (the protection of youth, social assistance,
assistance with the families, the reception of the immigrants,…)
scientific research in the field of their competences
The local public action :
competence of the Provinces
The Provinces have a capacity of initiative out of matter :
 education,
 social and cultural infrastructures,
 of preventive medicine and social policy.
They are also occupied :
 of environment, or of roads and river
 of economy,
 of transport,
 of public works,
 of housing,
 of use of languages.
They are autonomous but exert their competences under supervision of
the higher authorities. Example :
 A provincial school will be under the control of the community
 The regional planning will be under the authority of the Region.
The local public action :
Competence of the Communes
Competences of common concerns “the communal interest”, i.e.
collective needs for the inhabitants.
- Installation of the commune under supervision of the higher authorities
(adjustment of the roadway systems, constructions of sporting hall .....)
- All missions ordered by the higher authorities
- They are in charge of the maintenance of law and order, of the
management of the marital status, the behaviour of the registers of the
population, the residences, public works and teaching
- The burgomaster is the chief of the communal police force in the
exercise of his missions of administrative police force.
- The commune is in load of the social assistance and created the public
Center of Assistance.