Collecting Data Sensibly

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Collecting Data Sensibly
2.1 Statistical Studies: Observation and
 Whether or not a conclusion is reasonable depends
on how the data were collected.
 Sometimes we’re are interested in answering
questions about the characteristics of a single
population or in in comparing two or more well
defined populations.
 Sometimes we’re trying to answer questions dealing
with the effect of a certain explanatory variable on
some response.
 In the former situation, an observational study is
Investigator observes characteristics of a subset of the member of
one or more existing populations.
Goal is usually to draw conclusions about the corresponding
population or about differences between two or more populations.
 In the latter, an experiment is conducted.
Investigator observes how a response variable behaves when one or
more explanatory variables, sometimes called factors, are
Goal is to determine the effect of the manipulated factors on the
response variable.
Composition of the groups that will be exposed to different
experimental conditions is determined by random assignments.
 Important difference between observational study
and experiment.
Well-designed experiment can result in data that provide
evidence for a cause-and-effect relationships.
Alternatively, observational studies can not because it is
possible that the observed effect is due to some variable other
than the factor being studied.
Such variables are called confounding variables – variables
that are related to both group membership and the response
variable of interest in a research study.
 Example of confounding variables in a study
 A July 1, 2003 article from San Luis Obispo Tribune
summarized the conclusion so a government advisory panel
that investigated the benefits of vitamin use.
 Panel looked at a large number of studies and concluded that
the results were “inadequate or conflicted”
 Major concern, many studies were observational in nature and
the panel worried that people might healthier just because they
take better care of themselves in general.
 Confounding variable was lifestyle.
 Two different types of conclusions have been described:
One type involves generalizing from what we have seen in a sample
to some larger population.
The other involves reaching a cause-and-effect conclusion about the
effect of an explanatory variable on response.
 It is important to think carefully about the objectives of a
statistical study before planning how the data will
 Both observational studies and experiments must be
carefully designed if the resulting data are to be useful.
Table 2.1 Drawing conclusions from statistical studies
Study Description
Reasonable to
about group
to the
to draw
Obs. study w/ sample selected at random from a population
of interest
Obs. Study based on convenience or voluntary response
sample (poor sampling design)
Individuals used in study are volunteers or not
randomly selected from some population of interest.
Individuals or objects used in study are randomly
selected from some population of interest
Experiment with groups not formed by random assignment
to experimental conditions (poorly designed experiment)
Experiment w/ groups formed by random assignment of
individuals or objects to experimental conditions
2.2 Sampling
 If one is to generalize about a population from a sample,
the sample must be representative of the population.
If sample is chosen haphazard on the basis of convenience alone, it is
impossible to interpret the resulting data with confidence.
 There is not way to tell just by looking at a sample
whether it is representative of the population from which
it was drawn.
 A census – obtaining information from an entire
population – is often not feasible, so samples are selected
Process may be destructive
Limited resources: not enough time and money
Bias in Sampling
 Bias – the tendency for samples to differ from the
corresponding population in some systematic way.
 Selection bias – bias resulting from the systematic
exclusion if some part of the population.
Example: Taking a sample of opinion in a community by
selecting participants from phone numbers in the local phone
book would systematically exclude people who choose to have
unlisted numbers, people who do not have phones, and people
who have moved into the community since the telephone
directory was published.
 Measurement bias or response bias – bias resulting
from the method of observation tends to produce values
that differ from the true value.
Taking a sample of weights of a type of apple when the scale
consistently gives a weigh that is 0.2 ounces high.
 When questions on a survey are worded in a way that tends to
influence the response.
 A Gallup survey sponsored by the American Paper Institute (Wall
Street Journal, May 17, 1994) included the following question: “It is
estimated that disposable diapers account for less than 2 percent of
the trash in today’s landfills. In contrast, beverage containers,
third-class mail and yard waste are estimated to account for 21
percent of trash in landfills. Given this, in you opinion, would it be
fair to tax or ban disposable diapers?”
 Nonresponse bias – bias that results when data
are not obtained from all individuals selected for
inclusion in the sample.
This form of bias is lowest when response rate is high.
Highest nonresponse rates are mail, telephone and internet,
but are cheapest to conduct.
Best response rates are from personal interviews, but are
expensive to conduct.
 Important note on bias
 Bias is introduced by the way in which a sample is selected or
by the way in which the data are collected from the sample so
that increasing the size of the sample does nothing to reduce
the bias.
Random Sampling
 Random sampling helps reduce bias from samples.
 Most inferential methods introduced in this text are
based on the idea of random selection.
 Simple Random Sample of size n - a sample
that is selected in a way that ensures that every
different possible sample of the desired size has the
same chance of being selected.
A common method of selecting a random sample is to first
create a list, called a sampling frame of the individuals in
the population. Each item on the list can then be identified by
a number, and a table random digits or a random number
generator can be used to select the sample.
 Sampling with replacement – means that after
each successive item is selected for the sample, the
item is “replaced” back into the population and may
therefore be selected again.
Example: Choose a sample of 5 digits by spinning a spinner
and choosing the number where the pointer is directed.
 Sampling without replacement – after an item
is selected for the sample it is removed from the
population and therefore cannot be selected again.
Example: A hand of “five card stud” poker is dealt from an
ordinary deck of playing cards. Typically, once a card is dealt it
is not possible for that card to appear again until the deck is
reshuffled and dealt again.
A Note on Sample Size
 Common misconception
 If sample size is relatively small compare to the population
size, the sample can’t possibly accurately reflect the
 The random selection process allows us to be confident that
the resulting sample adequately reflects the population, even
when the sample consists of only a small fraction of the
population (see Figure 2.1 for illustration of this idea).
Other Sampling Methods
 In some situations, alternative sampling methods
may be less costly, easier to implement, or more
 Stratified Random Sampling – separate random
samples are taken from a set of non-overlapping
subpopulations, called strata (or stratum, singular).
Example: Estimating malpractice insurance cost among
subgroups of doctors.
Provides information about subgroups as well as overall pop.
Allow to make more accurate inferences about a population
than does SRS.
 Cluster sampling – involves dividing a population if
interest into nonoverlapping subgroups, called clusters,
selecting clusters at random, and all individuals in the
cluster are included in the sample.
In this case, it is ideal for each cluster to mirror the characteristics of
the population.
Note: The ideal situation occurs when it is reasonable to assume that
each cluster reflects the general population. If that is not the case or
when clusters are small, a large number of clusters must be selected
to get a sample that reflects the population.
Second note: Do not confuse stratified and cluster sampling. Strata
must be homogenous (similar). Clusters must be heterogeneous
(reflecting variability in the population).
 Systematic sampling is a procedure that can be
employed when it is possible to view the population of
interest as consisting of a list or some other sequential
arrangement. A value k is specified (a number such as 25,
100, 2500…). The one of the first k individuals is selected
at random, and then ever kth individual in the sequence
is selected to be included in the sample. Called 1 in k
systematic sampling.
Example: In a large university, a professor wanting to select a sample
of students to determine the student’s age, might take the student
directory (an alphabetical list) and randomly choose one of the first
100 students) and then take every 100th student from that point on.
Works as long as there is no repeating patterns in the population.
 Convenience sampling is using and easily
available or convenient group to form a sample.
 Example: A “voluntary response sample” is often
taken by television news programs. Viewers are
encouraged to go to a website and “vote” yes or no on
some issue. The commentator then would announce
the results of the survey.
 A recipe for disaster! Results are rarely informative
about the true nature of the population; wouldn’t
want to generalize about the population.
2.3 Simple Comparative Experiments
 Sometimes the question we are trying to answer
deals with the effect of a certain explanatory variable
on some response.
“What happens when…?”
“What is the effect of…?”
 To address these types of questions, the researcher
conducts an experiment.
 Experiment – a planned intervention undertaken
to observe the effects of one or more explanatory
variables, called factors, on a response variable.
Purpose is to increase understanding of the nature of the
relationships between the explanatory and response variables.
Any particular combination of values for the explanatory
variables is called an experimental condition or
 The design of an experiment is the overall plan for
conducting an experiment.
 A good experiment requires more than just
manipulating the explanatory variable. The design
must also eliminate rival explanations or the
experimental results will not be conclusive.
Example: Testing student the effects of room temperature on
student performance on a semester physics
Four sections, two assigned to 65 deg F and
two, 75 deg F.
 If 65 deg F group had a higher average would
these results conclusive?
 Why or why not?
 Extraneous factor – is one that is not of interest
in the current study but is thought to affect the
response variable; also called lurking variable.
 A well-designed experiment copes with the potential
effects of extraneous factors by
Random assignment to experimental conditions
Direct control
 Direct control – when an experimenter holds
extraneous factors constant so that their effects are
not confounded with those of the experimental
Revisiting the physics exam example:
Requiring the use of the same physics textbook for all sections.
 All sections meet at same time of day.
 Blocking - Using extraneous factors to create
groups (blocks) that are similar. All experimental
conditions are then tried in each block.
Extraneous factors addressed through blocking are called
blocking factors.
In the physics example if the four sections are taught by two
different instructors, we might block by instructor.
at 65o
at 65o
at 65o
at 75o
at 75o
at 75o
at 65o
at 75o
 We can control the effects of extraneous factors through
direct control or blocking as described above, but factors
cannot be controlled or blocked.
Example: Student ability in the physics test example
 We can handle extraneous factors through random
assignment to experimental groups—a process called
Ensures that experiment does not systematically favor one
experimental condition over another and attempts to create
experimental groups that are much alike as possible.
Ideal situation: Ability to both randomly select subjects and randomly
assign them to experimental conditions.
Would allow for conclusions to be made about the larger population.
 The former is not always possible, but we can still make conclusions
about the treatment.
 An investigation to test if an online review of course
material before an exam would improve exam
 Subjects selected might have different ability, which
is reflected in their SAT math and verbal scores.
 If we are going to assign these students to two
groups, one receiving the review and one not, we
should make sure that assignment does not favor one
groups over another.
This figure is suppose to show, by use of color, that the subjects were
randomly assigned. The orange and blue dots in the original figure were
indeed randomly dispersed for any given row of dots in the figure above.
 As long as the number of subjects in not too small,
we can rely on random assignment to produce
comparable experimental groups eliminating the
problem of extraneous variables. This is the
reason that randomization is part of all
well-designed experiments.
 The gas additive/mileage example.
Test three different fuel additives on fuel efficiency.
Use same car, 10 trials for each additive.
When an experiment can be viewed as a sequence of trials,
randomization involves the random assignment of treatments
to trails.
 Replication – a design strategy to ensure that there
are enough observations for each experimental
condition to ensure that each group reliably reflects
variability of the population.
 Example 2.3 Subliminal Messages
Language test, one group with words related to politeness, the
other related to rudeness.
After test 63% of the group give words that were related to
rudeness interrupted a conversation, the other group on 17%
 Many experiments compare a group that receives a
particular treatment to a control group that
receives no treatment.
Allows the experimenter to assess how the response variable
behaves when the treatment is not used.
 Example 2.4 Chilling Newborns? Then You Need a
Control Group.
Infants were randomly assigned to usual care (control group)
or whole-body cooling.
Results indicated that cooling reduced the risk of death and
disability for infants deprived of oxygen at birth.
 Before proceeding with an experiment you must be able
to answer these questions.
What is the research question that data from the experiment will
be used to answer?
What is the response variable?
How will the values of the response variable be determined?
What are the factors (explanatory variables) for the experiment?
For each factor, how many different values are there, and what
are these values?
What are the treatments for the experiment?
What extraneous variables might influence the response?
How does the design incorporate random assignment of subject to
treatments (or treatments to subjects) or random assignment of
treatments to trials?
For each extraneous variable listed in Question 7, how does the
design protect against its potential influence on the response
through blocking, direct control, or randomization?
Will you be able to answer the research question using the data
collected in the experiment?
2.4 More on Experimental Design
 Goal of experimental design is to provide a method
of data collection that:
Minimizes extraneous sources of variability in the response so
that any differences in response for various experimental
conditions can be more easily assessed.
Creates experimental groups that are similar with respect to
extraneous variables that cannot be controlled either directly
or through blocking.
 Notes on control groups:
 Comparing new treatment to old; old is considered the control.
 Not all experiments use a control.
Example: how oven temperature effects overall cooking time.
 Dealing with human subjects
 Placebo – is something that is identical (in appearance, taste,
feel, etc.) to the treatment received by the treatment group,
except that it contains no active ingredients.
Because people sometimes respond to the power of suggestion.
Single-blind experiment – experiment in which subjects do
not know what treatment they have received.
Double-blind experiment – experiment in which neither the
subjects not the individuals who measure the
response know which treatment was received.
 Experimental units and replication
 Experimental unit – the smallest unit to which a treatment
if applied.
 Replication – each treatment if applied to more than one
experimental unit.
Necessary for randomization to be an effective way to create
similar experimental groups, and
 to get a sense variability in the values of the response for
individuals that receive the same treatment.
2.5 More on Observational Studies: Designing
Surveys (Optional)
 Survey – a voluntary encounter between two strangers
in which an interviewer seeks information from a
respondent by engaging in a special type of conversation.
 Designing and administering a survey is not as easy as it
might seem.
Great care required to obtain good information.
 Survey researchers and psychologist agree that there is a
sequence of task in a survey:
Comprehension of question
Retrieval from memory
Reporting a response
 Keep in mind when writing a survey:
Questions should be understandable by the individuals in the
population being surveyed. Vocabulary at an appropriate
level, and sentence structure should be simple.
Questions should, as much as possible recognize that human
memory is fickle. Questions that are specific will aid the
respondent by providing better memory cues. Limitations of
memory should be kept in mind when interpreting responses.
Questions should not make respondents feel embarrassed or
threatened. In such cases, respondents may introduced
social desirability bias. This can compromise conclusions
drawn from survey data.