AP 13-14 Unit I - Progressivism posted

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Transcript AP 13-14 Unit I - Progressivism posted

What caused Progressivism?
1) The need to regulate big business:
Trusts threaten to establish monopolies in
particular industries; may fix prices to
prevent competition
“baddies” threaten the interest of the
people & are a threat to free enterprise
All want to regulate or “bust” the power of
the trusts; but no agreement HOW?
What caused Progressivism?
2) The need for political reform:
Opposed to party machines & business
domination; want government to be
responsive to the people
Referenda (repealing legislation)
Direct primaries (voters chose candidates)
Direct election of Senators (had been
chosen by legislatures)
Female suffrage (only 4 states in 1900)
What caused Progressivism?
3) The need for social justice/ welfare reform:
Desperate poverty; want government to help the
“have nots”
Tend to support: worker’s compensation, old
age pensions, end to child labor, factory
inspection, & education reform
Also favor direct taxation to pay for welfare
costs; want a more equitable distribution of
No complete agreement; example: prohibition
(“cure all problems” <-> others opposed)
What caused Progressivism?
4) The influence of the middle classes:
Usually seen as a middle class movement
Many leaders were: lawyers, doctors, &
academics; want to bring efficiency &
stability to society
Confident in the use of scientific methods to
solve social & economic problems in an
ordered way
What caused Progressivism?
5) Religious influences:
Most of 19th century American Protestants
stressed the need for individual enterprise
& hard work; believe God intended the
wealthy to be wealthy
Little interest in helping the needy
Late 19th century: many clergy realize
adverse social conditions may cause
people to become evil
Xians should promote social & economic
reform  Social Gospel movement
What caused Progressivism?
6) Influence of the media:
Early 20th century huge increase in newspaper
1902: McClure’s Magazine  winning formula;
exposed political & business corruption in main
cities (Lincoln Steffens; Ida Tarbell)
Rush to follow (copy) McClure’s
“muckraking” effects: a) public opinion became
more progressive b) progressive legislation
passed (state level) c) corrupt politicians
suffered defeat at the hands of “clean”
What caused Progressivism?
7) The left-wing threat:
Socialist organizations, particularly trade
unions, grew in strength in the early
20th century despite firms fighting all
forms of unionism
seemed something needed to be done to
improve the working class or may face
violent revolution (class struggle)
Sources of Progressive Strength
1) Farmers: tighter
regulation of RRs;
lower tariffs; easier
2) Urban Middle
small business vs.
trust monopolies; low
tariffs; govt.
regulation; extend
3) Workers: improve
conditions; regulate
women and children;
4) Writers:
muckrakers (critical)
5) Political Leaders:
Both parties