Transcript Slide 1

energy – domestic greenhouse gas emissions
Space heating 53%
Water heating 20%
Lighting 6%
Appliances 16%
Cooking 5%
emissions from the domestic housing sector represent about 30% of the total
minimum energy standards
based on SAP 2005 calculation and % improvement on 2006 building regulations part
code level
energy performance
equivalent rating
level 1
10% improvement
EST good practice
level 2
18% improvement
level 3
25% improvement
EST best practice / ecohomes- very
level 4
44% improvement
ecohomes- excellent
level 5
100% improvement
level 6
full zero carbon
credits available – energy – target emission rates
energy – design considerations
● orientation
● volume / surface ratio
● use of thermal mass
● insulation
● natural light
● natural ventilation
● choice of heat supply
● use of renewables
● low energy lighting
● use of conservatory sun space
● use of materials
● use of sun-shading devices
mixed development, circus street, brighton by LCE
minimum water standards
based on consumption of internal potable
water in litres / person / day using the code
water calculator
● levels 1 & 2 – above proposed water
regulations level (120 litres per person per
● levels 3 & 4 – cost effective water saving
fittings (105 litres per person per day)
● levels 5 & 6 – water recycling / rainwater
collection (80 litres per person per day)
credits available – water
key design considerations:
- selection of fittings
- rainwater harvesting
- grey water recycling
minimum surface water run-off
surface water management
● ensure that peak run-off rates and annual
volumes of run-off will be no greater than
the previous conditions for the development
● requirement for all levels
credits available – surface water
key design considerations:
- surface water management
- porous paving
- green roofs
minimum materials standards
environmental impact of materials
● at least 3 of the following 5 key elements to
achieve at least a D rating in the 2007 green
external floors
upper and ground floors
internal walls
● requirement for all levels
sports hall to
burgess hill
school for girls by
LCE Architects
credits available – materials
key design considerations:
- see green guide