Transcript Slide 1

Abolition was the movement to end slavery in the 1800’s
Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas, and Sojourner Truth were people
who fought against slavery. The Underground Railroad helped free
many slaves.
Two famous abolitionists were sisters from the South
named Sarah and Angela Grimke. They believed that
slavery was morally wrong. The Grimke sisters spoke
out for abolition even though they received criticism.
A Northern white, William Lloyd Harrison, began to publish an
abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator, in 1831. He wrote, “I will not retreat single
inch and I will be heard.”
A group of slaves on a slave ship Amistad rebelled on the ship and many
people were wondering what would happen to them. Former president John
Quincy Adams help win their freedom before the supreme court in 1841.The
Africans returned home in 1842.
David walker, a freed African American in Boston printed a pamphlet in
1829 urging slaves to revolt. The pamphlet was called “Appeal… to the
colored citizens of the world.“
Frederick Douglass was a moving abolitionist speaker. He
was born in 1817 and died in 1895. His real name was
Frederick Bailey.
He began as a very talented speaker and then became a lecturer
for the Massachusetts anti slavery society. Some people believed
that a great speaker couldn’t have been a slave. He published an
autobiography about his slave experiences to prove them wrong.
He feared that his former owner would
capture him so he left for a 2 year tour of
England and Ireland. When he came back,
he bought his freedom. Then he pursued his
life’s work of helping free other slaves.
Sojourner Truth began life enslaved. Her real
name was Isabella but she changed her
name to reflect her life’s work. Sojourner
means to stay temporarily in a place. Truth
stood for “declare the truth to the people.”
She too was an abolitionist as well as Frederick Douglass. Many people
may not know this, but she was actually a spy for the civil war and helped
recruit black troops to fight. After the war, she tried to get land grants for
slaves but this was unsuccessful.
Some people who were against slavery helped slaves escape in the
Underground railroad. The Underground Railroad wasn’t underground or a
railroad (it’s an oxymoron.) The Underground Railroad was actually an above
ground series of escape routes that lead from the south to the north.
Many runaways traveled by night and hid by day in places. The Underground
Railroad was very effective- it made the South lose 100,000 slaves from 1810
to 1850!
The system used railroad terms: The places where the slaves would
eat and sleep were called “stations” and the people who ran them were called
“stationmasters.” The people who contributed money were called “stockholders”
and the “conductor” was in charge of moving slaves from one station to the next.
Harriet Tubman was one of the most famous conductors in the
Underground Railroad. She had made 13 missions to rescue more
than 70 slaves. She was an African American woman that was born
in 1822 and died in 1913..
Early on in her life she was hit in the head
and she suffered from massive headaches throughout her whole life.
When congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act in 1850, she helped guide
slaves to Canada where slavery was prohibited
What was Sojourner Truth’s real first
Slaves gathered all around:
Harriet Tubman:
Frederick Douglas:
Slaves Trying to escape:
Slaves running with light:
Sojourner Truth:
Underground Railroad Map: