TK8 Overview

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Toolkit 8
Individual Learning Plans
A Program to Personalize Student Learning
and Contribute to Their Academic, Career
and Personal/Social Success
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
Why Plan?
 Planning is a lifelong skill that is a
requirement for personal growth
and success
 If planning is so important to our
success in life and the world of work,
it is our responsibility as educators to
help students become better
planners by helping them focus on
their own futures
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
What Is an
Individual Learning Plan Program?
 The Individual Learning Plan (ILP)
Program provides students with
guided and self-reflective
opportunities to plan for their
academic, career and
personal/social development
 Students use the ILP process to
demonstrate their progress toward
graduation requirements and the
ASCA counseling standards
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
ILPs Are a State Requirement
An Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is primarily authored
by students themselves, with guidance from their
school advisors, parents, and community contacts –
such as a business or arts mentor, when applicable.
Schools are creating structures and occasions – such as
advisories – to revisit ILPs frequently and even rewrite
them as the student chooses high school courses,
documents his or her outside activities, prepares to
meet graduation requirements, and generally plans for
the future. The ILP helps students focus on goals and
how to use the time in high school to accomplish their
personal objectives, in conjunction with completing
graduation requirements. If a student changes schools
within RI, the student and new high school has the ILP
to help avoid disruption in that student’s progress
towards graduation. ILPs offer an excellent opportunity
to engage parents in their child’s learning. [Source: RI
High School Diploma System, 2005)
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
The ILP and Student Success
Students are more likely to succeed in school,
work and life when they know how to plan for
their future
The ILP:
— is a structured process that enables students
to plan for their future in three developmental
domains: academic, career and personal/social
— allows counselors and teachers to observe
student progress along the learning continuum
— is results-based with specific learner outcomes
and functions as a pathway to personalization
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
ILP: A Results-Based Program
As a result of participating in the ILP Program,
students can expect to:
 Have meaningful interactions with school counselors
and teachers who help them plan for their academic,
career, and personal/social development
 Learn how to plan for their future (set goals, develop
action plans, monitor progress, reflect on one’s
experience, use results of reflection to update plans)
 Become skilled in identifying and addressing barriers
to their learning and developing strategies to
overcome them
 Always know how they are progressing toward
graduation and being able to make informed decisions
about post-secondary opportunities
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
Student Outcomes
The ILP provides a structured process to help students
plan for their futures through the:
a) acquisition of knowledge
b) development of skills
c) adoption of appropriate behaviors/attitudes
In order for students to demonstrate progress and be
assessed as proficient, the ILP Program must first deliver
opportunities for students to learn relevant content and
practice applying what they are learning to real-world
This content is called the “ILP Curriculum” and consists of
learning opportunities already in use in other areas of the
curriculum and new activities designed specifically for the
ILP Program
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
Relation of ILP Program (TK8) and
the Counseling Curriculum (TK2)
 The ILP Program is an organizing principle
for the counseling curriculum
 It organizes what we deliver to students in
terms of teaching them how to learn, how to
plan for their future, and how to cope with
the many challenges of growing up and
preparing for life after high school
 ILP activities are identified in the Scope and
Sequence, aligned with ASCA and NCDG
standards, and documented as part of the
district’s Curriculum Framework for School
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
Knowledge We Want
Students to Acquire
 Essential information students
will learn through the ILP:
― Importance of planning for their
― Steps in a complete planning
― Standards which affect their future
― Roles and accountability
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
Skills We Want Students to Develop
Tasks and skills that are essential for students to
do in terms of individual student planning:
 Envision the future
 Identify developmental needs
 Develop an action plan
 Implement their plan and monitor their
 Evaluate their progress and document their
 Develop new plan
 Provide evidence of progress toward results
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
Behaviors We Want
Students to Adopt
 One’s behavior and attitude
are critical to success in school,
work and life
 The ILP highlights behaviors/
attitudes required for success
by business and educational
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
ILP—A Personal Challenge to Take
Ownership for One’s Learning
 The ILP provides students with meaningful and ongoing
processes focused on their personal success in the
 It is a personal challenge to students to assume
ownership for their learning and to learn self-direction
as a life-long skill
 Students are guided in their efforts by adults who
interact with them to arrive at a mutually agreed-upon
set of learning goals and developmental activities
 Support for meeting this challenge also comes from
parents who are encouraged to become more aware of
their children’s plans through signing their ILPs
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
Six Steps in TK8
1—Complete TK8 Welcome Center activities
— Gain relevant knowledge about ILPs
— Diagnose your current ILP Program
— Develop a plan for using TK8 in your school
2—Design your ILP Program
3—Develop scope and sequence for ILP
4—Document the ILP Curriculum activities
5—Document roles and accountabilities,
and policies and protocols
6—Implement the ILP Program and generate
compelling data
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
Essential Design Components
The ILP Program design will focus on
these essential components:
 Documented ILP curriculum
 ILP support infrastructure
 ILP data management and reporting
 Strategic and annual ILP implementation
 Professional development on the ILP for
counselors, teachers and building leaders
 Family and community engagement
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
ILP Exemplar
 TK8 uses the ILP Program
developed by Hope High School,
Providence (RI) Public Schools,
as an exemplar
 The following slides are
examples of their critical
processes and forms used to
help students plan for their
academic, career and
personal/social development
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
Individual Learning Plans
2 Components: ALP and I-PASS
 The Academic Learning Plan (ALP) is a road map
with detailed directions to graduation by monitoring
quarterly through progress reports and report cards
and recording grades and credits annually.
 I-PASS (Individual Physical Academic Social Success
Plan) addresses the physical, social, academic, and
career goals of the individual on an annual basis.
New goals and aspirations are modified and updated
throughout the academic school year. The student
completes a new I-PASS each September.
Student success is personalized and individualized
and students learn to plan and become accountable
for their futures.
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
Hope High School’s ILP
Providence, Rhode Island
Academic Learning Plan
Credit Audit of courses, grades and credits earned
Academic road map to graduation
One ALP for all 4 years that is updated annually
Individual Physical Academic Social Success Plan
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
Designed to promote a balanced individual
— Mind (academics)
— Body (physical)
— Relationships (family and friends)
— Spiritual is a personal goal that is not
addressed with the I-PASS
Academic Learning Plan (ALP)
 Students are accountable for
understanding and tracking courses,
grades and credits with help from
advisors and counselors
 ALP is updated annually by students and
retained with advisors in individual
 Road map of core courses required, small
learning or theme choices, and elective
 Course of Study is enclosed with student’s
file for detailed course description
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
How We Deliver
the ILP to Students
Introduce the ILP through Advisories
Beginning of Year
During the Year
End of Year
ALP Packet
(4-Year Plan,
Academic Review
Start of Year
Written Reflection
on I-PASS Activity
I-PASS Packet
(I-PASS Goal
Setting Activity,
I-PASS Template,
ILP Folder
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
4-Year Planat
End ofTranscript
2nd Quarter
ILP Folder Checklist
and Counselor
Sign the ALP)
1-on-1 Assistance
Review ILP Folder
using Checklist
and Rubrics
Student and
Teacher Surveys
on Impact of
Using ILP
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier
Next Steps
 Complete the steps in TK8 to design/
enhance your ILP Program
 Talk with your colleagues in other schools
and districts to learn about their experiences
and insights
 Participate in the Rhode Island School
Counselor Association’s (RISCA) professional
development on ILPs
 Ask for technical assistance on ILPs from the
RISCA Professional Development Initiative
(contact: Belinda Wilkerson at
[email protected])
©2007 Dr. Karl Squier