Transcript Document

Justinian: The Last of The
Then it was Justinian, fanning the flame and openly inciting the Blues to
fight, made the whole Roman Empire shake on its foundation, as if an
earthquake or a cataclysm had stricken it, or every city within its confines
had been taken by the foe. Everything everywhere was uprooted: nothing
was left undisturbed by him. Law and order, throughout the State,
overwhelmed by distraction, were turned upside down.
Nate M.
-Procopius, The Secret History
Power Point
The Early Years
 Justinian (originally named Petrus Sabbatius) was born
into a family of peasants in the early 480’s (AD).
 Life was hard, for two centuries Germanic people have
been invading the empire, and Rome had fallen to the Goths.
 Justinian eager to leave the farm, was finally summoned to
Constantinople by Justin his uncle to serve as a palace guard.
 By Justinians teens, Justin was head of the palace guard
and Justinian had taken a comfortable position under him.
The Succession
 Justin had become emperor when in his 30’s; like
Justin, Justinian got his power through the military.
 Shortly after Justin adopted Justinian, he made him
consul his main job was to set up games at the
Hippodrome, but he also represented Justin in the Senate.
 In 527 AD Justin died, Justinian then marched to the
Hippodrome were he was named emperor.
 Theodora was a circus performer; Justinian first met
Theodora at one of her performances.
 The two were married just before they were named
emperor and empress; it was illegal for a Senator to marry
a performer but the law was changed.
 Theodora instantly loved the royal lifestyle and would
choose death over leaving it.
 Despite her background she turned out to play an
influential and important role later in Justinian’s Reign.
Justinian’s Coinage
 The reverse side to the coin has an angel with a staff
(that has a cross on top) in its right hand, and a globus
cruciger in its left, to the left is a star.
 The figure in the center of the coin is the god Victory.
Emperors often put the god Victory on their coin but notice
how Victory also looks like an angel, he made this for the
 Procopius was a Byzantine historian who had bitter
resentment toward Justinian.
 He wrote a whole secret history about Justinian,
Theodora, and the Byzantine court.
 He also wrote books about the Persian war and
 Justinian was much in favor of law and order. He
always wanted codification of the Roman law.
 With a code he would have better control over society
and how he envisioned it (change it from pagan to
 Almost all of the new laws were strict moral codes
such as the law that prohibits gaming in all cities.
Justinian’s Code
Justinian’s Code: Punishments
 Not only were the laws harsh but so were the
punishments. They were very similar to Hammurabi’s
code “an eye for an eye…..”.
 For example anyone who was caught gambling in any
way had a “minor” penalty of both of their hands cut off.
 The people of Constantinople were very much against
most of the laws and their cruel punishments. Just five
years after enforcing the code, the city of Constantinople
was rioting.
 In response to Justinians code of law, the people of
Constantinople rioted throughout the city.
 The riots caused huge amounts of damage, whole
sections of the city were burned down.
 Mobs of angry citizens marched to the Hippodrome
chanting “victory” and “death to Justinian”.
 During the riots Justinian got very frightened he
pleaded Theodora to leave but she stood tall, she was
determined to have power, even if it killed her.
Riot Control
 Justinian turned to his leading general Belisarius to
take care of the riots.
 Belisarius sent his army into the riot slaughtering over
10,000 people before finally regaining control of the burnt
A New Hope
 The riots left Justinian desperate for any hope of
rebuilding. He first bought peace with the Persians using
mainly gold.
 Justinian’s next goal was to regain control of the
territory in Northern Africa lead by Belisarius. Two
years later Belisarius returned to Constantinople with
news of victory.
 He then wanted to recapture Rome from the Goths, in
537 (AD) Belisarius had regained Rome.
The Hagia Sophia
 The Hagia Sophia was originally destroyed during the
 In celebration of Belisarius’s victories Justinian hired
the greatest architects of the time to reconstruct it.
 The Hagia Sophia was the church of holy wisdom.
 Justinian believed that the completion of the church
symbolized the reunited empire.
Hagia Sophia
The Bubonic Plague
 During the year 543 (AD) the Bubonic plague had
struck Rome.
At least 200,000 citizens were lost, how was Justinian
supposed to make up for such a loss of tax payers?
 To make up for the loss, Justinian sent out tax
collectors and severely taxed everyone.
 Taxes were so heavy that if someone died, their
neighbor had to make up for the tax.
Justinian: The Last of The
 In 548 (AD) Theodora was killed by cancer.
Justinian then went into a depressed state and spent
his last years alone in his palace.
 In 565 (AD) Justinian died, as did any hope of a
reunited empire.
 That same year Germanic and Lombard tribes
poured into Rome.
Grabsky, Phil. I,Caesar. London: BBC Books, 1997
 This book had very thorough and accurate information. It also has
excellent illustrations.
 “Justinian: The Last of The Romans.” Hail, Caesar
 Hail Caesar covers everything during Justinian’s reign. It also covers
many other emperors.
Peck, Harry. “Theodora.” New York. 2000. http://www, (10,
January, 02)
 The information covered in “Theodora” is mainly about when she empress.
The source is accurate but hard to read.
Shermerini, Joseph. “Justinian.” 1999.
(10, January, 02)
 The Ancient Coin Forum is an excellent source for Roman coins. It also
has great coin images and detailed descriptions.