Glasgow 5th of March 1971

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Transcript Glasgow 5th of March 1971

Glasgow 5th of March 1971
Edwin Morgan
Glasgow 5th of March 1971
• What do you think of the title ?
Glasgow 5th of March 1971
• What does it make you think of?
Glasgow 5th of March
• In pairs
• You are going to be given the poem.
• The poem is mixed up and cut up in
• You must put the pieces together in a way
that makes the most sense.
• You must have reasons for the order you
put them in.
You have 10 minutes.
Glasgow 5 March 1971
With a ragged diamond
of shattered plate-glass
a young man and his girl
are falling backwards into a shop-window.
The young man’s face
is bristling with fragments of glass
and the girl’s leg has caught
on the broken window
and spurts arterial blood
over her wet-look white coat.
Their arms are starfished out
braced for impact,
their faces show surprise, shock,
and the beginning of pain.
The two youths who have pushed them
are about to complete the operation
reaching into the window
to loot what they can smartly.
Their faces show no expression.
It is a sharp, clear night
in Sauchiehall Street.
In the background two drivers
keep their eyes on the road.
Glasgow 5th of March 1971
In your pairs
What do you think the poem is about?
Glasgow 5TH of March 1971
• To make sure you understand the poem
we are going to create a summary of
everything that happens in the poem.
• Copy into your jotters the whole paragraph
filling in the blanks with the words in the
• The poem describes an incident in a -------- street when a young couple are pushed
------- through a ---- window by two youths
who are intent on ------- the shop. The
poem goes on to describe the attitude of
the -------- and of the other ------ who are in
the ------- at the time.
Glasgow 5th of March 1971
• You have 10 minutes.
• Use the poem to help you.
You have 5 minutes.
• The poem is an instamatic poem
• What do you think this means?
• The poem acts a snap shot.
• It captures one moment in time.
• What tense do you think it is set in then?
• Present Tense
• How does this add to the poem?
Glasgow 5th of March 1971
• Now that you have got the summary of the
• You must capture everything that happens
in your own snap shot.
• Draw a detailed picture.
• Remember you must include everything
that happens in the poem.
• Give the picture the heading
• GLASGOW 5TH OF March 1971
Glasgow 5th of March 1971
You have 10 minutes.
Graphic Images
• Edwin Morgan uses word choice to create
graphic images of the young couple falling.
• It is important we look into word choice as
it adds to the instamatic nature of the
Glasgow 5TH of March 1971
Word Choice
Word Choice
• You will each be given a word.
• You must write down anything you would
associate with this word.
• Anything you think of.
This is what we are looking for
You have 7 minutes
Arterial blood
Word Choice
• Look at the poem with the words included
and compare it to the poem without the
• What difference does Edwin Morgan’s
word choice make?
Word Choice
• You must look through the worksheet and
look at the difference made by the use of
certain words.
Word Choice
1. With a ragged diamond
of shattered plate-glass
2. With a diamond
of plate-glass
1. What difference do the words
“ragged” and “shattered make to this
Word Choice
The man’s face
is full of fragments of glass
The young man’s face
is bristling with fragments of glass
2. What difference do the words “young” and
“bristling” make to the line?
3. And what does it tell us?
Word Choice
and the girl’s leg has caught
on the broken window
and spurts arterial blood
over her wet-look white coat.
and the girl’s leg has caught
on the broken window
and there is blood
over her __________coat.
3.What difference to the words “spurts
”,”arterial” and wet look white coat make
to this section of the poem?
4.Why is it important that the coat is white?
Word Choice
Their arms are starfished out
braced for impact,
Their arms are out
braced for impact
5.What difference does the word
“starfished make to this section of the
6.What does it describe the people doing
with their arms?
Word Choice
• What do you notice about these words?
• Sparkly diamond
• Ragged diamond
• Which seems more threatening?
Word Choice
• Arms out
• Arms starfished out
• What does ‘starfished’ tell us about the
position the arms are in?
Word Choice
• ‘Bristling’
• Bristles are small pieces of hair which
come out of a man’s face. Morgan might
be suggesting here that the man’s face is
covered in tiny pieces of glass and it is
almost as if he has a “beard” of glass.
Word Choice
• A coat /A wet-look white coat
• We are given more information about the
coat here.
• What difference would it make if the coat
was black?
• Think about the blood.
Word Choice
• Blood flows
• Blood spurts
• If blood is spurting it is far more dramatic
and violent.
Word Choice
• Arterial Blood
• Blood
• What extra information is Edwin Morgan
giving us?
Word Choice
• Edwin Morgan uses word choice to build
violent graphic images of the couple
• By using words such as “spurts” he shows
the very violent nature of the incident.
People of the Poem
• Start a new heading on your page
• Glasgow 5th of March 1971
People of the Poem
• How many people are in the poem?
• 6
Who are they?
Young Couple
Two Youths
Two eye witnesses
People of the Poem
• Could there be 7
people in the poem?
• Think about the way it is written
• Who could be the 7th person?
Who else could have been there?
People of the Poem
• The seventh person could be the poet.
• The reporter who recorded this story
• We do not know if they were there at the
time or not.
• But by looking at the detail in the poem
you could argue that they were.
The Young Couple
The Young Couple
Write in your jotters in sentences
1. How do we know that the couple did not
see the event coming? ( FIND A
I.e. We know that the couple did not see the event coming because…
2. How do we know that the couple are in
pain?( FIND A QUOTE).
The Two Youths
The Two Youths
1. Which part of the poem tells us what the “two
youths” are doing ? (FIND A QUOTE)
2. Why would they want to rob a jewellery store?
3. How do we know that the youths do not care?
4. What do they do once the window is broken?
5. Why do you think that they pushed the couple
through the window, rather than just using a
The Two Drivers
The Two Drivers
1. What tells us that the “two drivers” did
not want to get involved?( FIND A
2. What reasons would the two drivers have
for not getting involved?
3. What kind of people do you think the two
drivers are?
If it was you…
1. If it was you would you stop and
Give reasons for your answer.
If it was you…
1. If it was you would you stop and help?
2. Give reasons for your answer.
What is the main message of the
• What is Edwin Morgan talking about?
• What issues does he cover?
• Talking to a partner brain storm four
things which Edwin Morgan covers in his poem.
• ( You have 3 minutes).
Issues and Messages in Glasgow
5TH of March 1971
Violence and its horrible effects
People’s cold and heartless attitude
towards others
People not wanting to get involved and
deliberately avoid trouble.
What did you think?
What is your opinion of the poem?
• How effective was Edwin Morgan in making you
think about the issues in this poem?
• Did reading this poem make you think about
violence and its effect on others?
• Did it make you think about how horrible some
people can be towards others just to get what
they want?
• Did it make you think about whether you would
get involved in helping others if you saw that
they were in trouble?
What did you think?
• In your jotter explain why you enjoyed the
• I enjoyed reading Glasgow 5th of March
Essay Plan
• Choose a poem which deals with
violence. Explain what is going on, and
show how the poet creates a lasting
impression through setting, imagery and
• Where is it set?
• Glasgow
• Sauchiehall Street
• Cold night
• Jewellers
• Graphic Images
• Word Choice
• Metaphors
• Detailed descriptions
• The People of the Poem
• The Two Youths
• The Young Couple
• The Two Drivers
Evening Times, Saturday March
• A YOUNG COUPLE are recovering in Glasgow Royal Infirmary today
after being thrown through a plate-glass window of a shop in
Sauchiehall Street.
• June Burnside (21) of Kingsway, Scotstoun, was said to be “quite
comfortable” with severe injuries to her leg, and her friend, David
Rutherford (19), of 29 Mitchell Drive, Rutherglen, was “comfortable”
with head and leg injuries.
• The attack on the young couple was one of several serious assaults
involving robbery which took place in Glasgow last night.
• Miss Burnside and Mr Rutherford were passing a furrier’s shop at 109
Sauchiehall Street when they were thrown through the window by two
• Police said that some of the display goods were later stolen from the
• Investigations are being carried out by detectives of Central C.I.D., but
no arrests have been made so far.
Glasgow 5th March 1971 – By Edwin Morgan
We will be writing about the poem,
Glasgow 5th March 1971
Edwin Morgan
The type of writing we are doing is called
‘Critical Evaluation.’
This means that, rather than just telling the story of the
poem, we are going to say how it made us feel, and
what we think the poet was thinking when he wrote it.
So, remember:
the Story
When we write critical evaluations, it is important to
show that we know the poem well, and that we can
find the important parts. The best way to do this is
to use quotes.
This is where we write down some exact words from
the poem and say what they mean and why they are
There are some rules that we must follow when we
write quotes – these are on the next page
Quote Rules
a) Start a new line when you write a quote.
b) Copy quotes exactly as they are in the poem – if
the poem takes a new line, you take a new line, and
never change any of the words!
c) Always put quotation marks - “ _____” at both
ends of a quote.
d) Make your quotes the filling in a Quote Sandwich.
This is where we put a line before the quote saying
what the quote is about, and a line after the quote
saying why the quote is good.
Copy these rules into your jotter to help you
We’re going to look at an example of a quote sandwich
We will look at the part where the girl hurts her leg. First, tell
us which part of the poem will talking about:
The young girl hurts her leg on the glass, and the poem says that :
Then write down the quote from the poem, surrounding it with
quotation marks (“_____”) like this:
“it spurts arterial blood over her wet look white coat”
Finish each quote by telling us what it means:
This means that the blood is coming out very fast, and looks very
dark against her white coat.
This is what your finished quote will
look like:
The young girl hurts her leg on the glass, and the poem
says that :
“it spurts arterial blood over her wet look white coat”
This means that the blood is coming out very fast, and
looks very dark against her white coat.
You should try to put a few quotes in each
paragraph, to show that you know the poem
well, and that you understand it.
Essay Plan
• Choose a poem which deals with
violence. Explain what is going on, and
show how the poet creates a lasting
impression through setting, imagery and
• The name of the poem and poet/
Summarise the poem in your own words
• Explain what time scale the poem takes place
• Explain what tense the poem is set in and why
• Explain it is instamatic poem
Paragraph One
• Show examples of jewellery Imagery
• Think about the glass
• Think about the weather
• Explain what the two youths are looking for
• Explain why they have chosen to rob a
• Explain the advantages of robbing a jewellers
shop. ( Think about the fact it is set in 1971)
Paragraph Two
• Edwin Morgan uses graphic images to
describe the couple’s fall.
• ( Mention 3 images)
• Quote and explain
Paragraph Three
• The poet then goes on to describe the two
• Show how the poet describes the two youths.
• Show how he describes their faces.
• Explain what the youths do once the window is
broken ( FIND A QUOTE)
• Explain why the youths used did not use a brick
to break the window?
• Why did they push the couple through instead.
Paragraph Four
• There are two eye witnesses to the crime they
are …
• Explain who the two eye witnesses are.
• Explain how what they do?
• What shows that they do not want to get
involved ( FIND A QUOTE).
• Explain some reasons they may have for not
getting involved.
• What does this tell us about the people.
• In conclusion, the poem deals with…