Transcript Genesis

Creation, fall, sin and the story
of salvation begins with the
Patriarchs Abraham, Isaac,
Jacob and his twelve sons.
Their journeys takes them from
Ur to Haran to Canaan and
finally to Egypt.
The extended family have become a
nation of twelve tribes, but are
oppressed slaves in Egypt. An
abandoned child comes to the rescue.
God shows His power and might, and
an escape by night on foot through the
sea starts a journey through the
wilderness to the promised land. As
God is writing His Law on stone tablets,
an unsavoury party is taking place.
In the wilderness - the
requirements of camping with
a Holy Awesome God.
On the edge of the promised
land, a new generation hear
what is required of them
The children of Israel are well on
their way, but they chicken-out at
the last moment and are left to
stagnate and die in the wilderness.
Moses loses his temper and his
place in the promised land. On the
move again, the boys just can’t
resist the girls next door.
Entering and conquering the
promised land. But warnings of
rocky paths ahead.
In the promised land the
Israelite forget and disobey,
suffer, repent and are rescued
by some interesting characters
over, and over, and over again,
but with some very unpleasant
1 Samuel
The last of the judges. The
people want a king like those of
other nations. Saul is chosen.
The Philistines are fought. But
God is moving His chosen king
into place.
1 Kings
The new king, Solomon, leads a golden
age, but discontent is brewing. Soon
after, the nation divides in two. The
southern kingdom remains faithful to
God some of the time, but the northern
kingdom surpass other nations with their
idolatry, immorality and injustice. The
prophets are often alone in proclaiming
the one true God.
During the time of the Judges,
with famine in the land, a
young family emigrate. The
men all die leaving the widows
to survive on their own. But a
kind relation is at hand back
2 Samuel
God’s chosen king, David, takes
his throne. God’s man unites
the tribes into a single nation
and then has trouble with
women, family and pride.
2 Kings
Things go from bad to worse. The
Assyrians overthrow the northern
kingdom and ten of the twelve
tribes disappear into oblivion.
Soon after, the Babylonians carry
out their scorched earth policy on
the southern kingdom and the
land begins to receive the rest
that it was due.
1 Chronicles
2 Chronicles
A retelling of the events
recorded in Samuel and Kings
but from a different point of
The story of King Solomon and
the southern kingdom of Judah
after the revolt of the northern
tribes. Ends with the fall of
Jerusalem in 586 BC.
Sequel to Chronicles describing
the return of some of the
Jewish exiles from Babylon and
the restoration of life an
worship and rebuilding of the
Second Temple.
In Persia (after the exile), the
courage of a young Beauty
Queen and the wisdom of her
uncle save the day.
Back in Jerusalem after the
exile . The governor is in town
and starts to put things back in
order with Ezra, but is left
frustrated by people’s old
A very long sad poem about a
faithful man who suffers a lot;
unfortunate advice from some
‘friends’, but God has the last
One hundred and fifty songs by
King David and some other likeminded individuals.
The wise sayings of King
Solomon (who was not always
as wise as his proverbs)..
Song of Songs
King Solomon ponders the
meaning of life!
Words of warning and
encouragement to Judah, the
Southern Kingdom in the C8th BC.
Concern with righteousness and
Prophetic ‘Servant of the Lord’
An erotic love song attributed
to Solomon
Prophet to the Southern Kingdom
in late C7th – C6th BC.
Predicts fall of Jerusalem and lives
to see it.
Mentions idea a ‘New Covenant’
that would be written on their
Laments for the fall of
Jerusalem in 586 BC and its
aftermath of ruin and exile.
But also words of trust in God
and hope for the future.
Prophet in exile in Babylon
before and after the fall of
Jerusalem in 586BC. Vision of
restored Temple.
Emphasised need for inner
Living a life of faith in exile
under King Nebuchanezzer
(Babylonian Kingdom) and then
Darius the Mede (Persian
Preaches to the Northern
Kingdom during the troubled
times before the fall of Samaria
in 721 BC. Concern with
faithlessness of Israel but also
statement of God’s constant
love for his people.
A call to repentance and a
promise of restoration.
(Time of Persian Empire
C5th or C4th BC?)
A call for justice. Words of
warning against Israel and her
neighbours for their injustice.
(Mid C8th)
A post-exile message to Edom
(descendants of Esau). Edom is
vilified for its cruelty to Israel,
God’s chosen people.
Isreal is seen as taking over the
land and ruling justly.
A story of rescue and a second
(Northern Kingdom? – before
fall of Samaria?)
Challenging words to Judah
from a contemporary of Isaiah,
Hosea and Amos.
Themes of love & compassion,
justice & faithfulness, sin & evil.
A message to Assyria, the big
power of the time, warning of
doom. A reminder that God is
sovereign no matter how big
the enemy may seem.
Habakkuk’s complaint to God
about the injustices of the
Babylonians (C7th BC)
Prophecies to Judah in the C7th
BC warning of the destruction of
Jerusalem – and its future
Having returned from exile
Jerusalem still lies in ruins after
a number of years. Haggai calls
for the Temple to be rebuilt.
The temple has been rebuilt
(C5th BC) but the people are
not being faithful. God is going
to send a messenger to call
people back.
Propehcies regarding the
restoration of Jerusalem and
the rescue of Israel. Passages
about a future Messiah.
(Around at a similar time to
Daniel in C6th BC)