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Kristina Doubet
Joyce Stone
August 2009
First Step in Designing
Differentiated Curriculum is…
Learning Goals:
Knows, Understands,
Be able to Dos
Understandings are the Learning Goals
This is our learning goal for today.
The KUD model is used in all content
areas to ensure that all students have
access to CONCEPTS--the Big Ideas.
The KUD, in the context of concept-based
curriculum and instruction, provides the
teacher a useful tool to ensure that the
process of teaching and learning is clear,
consistent, meaningful, and grounded in
higher order thinking when used in the
daily lesson design, unit planning, and
identifying the scope of learning for the
Concept-Based Teaching
“A concept serves as an integrating lens” and
encourages the transfer of ideas within and
across the disciplines “as students search for
patterns and connections in the creation of
new knowledge.”1
Examples: Change, Culture, Systems,
Interdependence, Organization
1 Lynn
Erickson – Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction, 2002
Big Picture
• Communication
• Relationships
• Reflection
• Tolerance
• Collaboration/sharing
• Overcoming obstacles/Survival
• Compensation/adaptation
"Be able to Dos"
Change to one element of a
story will result in change to
the other elements.
Definitions of
setting, plot, point
of view, conflict...
Analyze the impact of historical
perspective on a piece of writing.
Determine the effects of a story’s
point of view.
Write a modern-day version of a legend or myth.
Rewrite a fairy tale from the perspective of a different character.
Planning a focused curriculum means clarity
about what students should:
KNOW: Nouns
– Facts
– Vocabulary
UNDERSTAND: Whole sentences
– Concepts, “Big Ideas”
– Principles, generalizations
– Basic Skills (Read non-fiction text)
– Thinking Skills (analyze, solve, compare/contrast, discriminate
– Skills of the Discipline (What does an mathematician do? Engineer?)
– Planning (Goal setting, use of time)
– Social (cooperation, sharing)
These are the conceptual objectives you have for
your students. They are statements that represent
big ideas, reside in the heart of the discipline, must
be uncovered, and have the potential to engage
See these examples….
2 Wiggins
and McTIghe – Understanding by Design, 1998
Students will understand that…
Social Studies:
….all cultures have beliefs, roles, traditions, economies, and technologies.
……people change and are changed by their culture.*
.…at times the right answer is not the best solution.
…. shapes, and patterns are found all around us
… ecosystem is comprised of interdependent parts.*
…..change to one part of an ecosystem results in change in its other parts.*
….each of a system’s (story’s) elements exists in an interdependent
relationship with the other elements.
….changing even one element will alter the story’s organization and outcome
in some way.*
*=Generalizations: Understandings that show the relationship between two or more concepts
2 Wiggins
and McTIghe – Understanding by Design, 1998
Mathematics Grade 1
Concept: Numbers
Essential Question: How and why do
we use numbers?
Number words
Definitions—number sequence
Understand: We use numbers in different ways and for
variety of reasons.
Identify numbers 1- 30 and use to count objects
Write number words from 1-30 and use to label objects
Put numbers in correct order from 1-30
Another Look at Math…..
Concept: Relationships
Lesson Topic: Fractions/halves
Essential Question: What is the relationship between
a part and a whole?
As a result of this lesson, student will:
– Know… vocabulary associated with fractions
(fraction, half, whole, “equal parts,” numerator,
– Understand… The properties of a “part” depend
upon the relationship between that part and its whole
– Be able to…
• …compare and contrast different halves
• …explain how halves can be different sizes
Grade 2 Math
Readiness Activity
To display halves of different sizes:
– Struggling…
• Give students different-sized circles in an envelope
• Give students a chart and ask them to display the
halves next to the appropriate wholes.
– Advanced…
• Give students snap cubes, attribute blocks,
construction paper
• Give students the same chart and ask them to display
the halves next to the appropriate wholes.
Reading Grade 3
Concept: Word Power
Essential Question: How can we increase our word power?
Definition of word power, theme
Group cooperation skills
Webbing, mapping, and brainstorming strategies
Words in relationship to themes
We can learn and use strategies to increase our word power.
Define and use word power.
Work in a group using the cooperation skills
Engage in brainstorming that adds to students’ word power
Brainstorm lists of words to go with themes using webbing and
Social Studies Grade 3
Concept: Community/Interdependence
Lesson Topic: Neighborhoods and Communities
Essential Question: Why are communities important?
How do they work?
As a result of this lesson, students will…
– Know… elements of a community, roles of
community members, needs vs. wants; goods and
– Understand that… People in a community depend
on one another to fulfill different needs and supply
different wants.
– Be able to…
• Examine the facets of a community
• Compare and contrast community members’ roles
and the good and services they provide
Science Grade 4
Concept: Interdependence Topic: Cells
Essential Question: Why is interdependence
essential to plants and humans?
– Names and functions of each cell part
– The cell is an interdependent system; each part is
needed for the cell to survive and thrive.
– Identify each cell part by sight
– Explain the function of each cell part
– Analyze how the cell would be affected by the loss
or malfunction of each part.
Social Studies Grade 4
Concept: Civilization Topic: Survival
Essential Questions:
What are key factors that affect the survival of a
civilization? What can we learn from other civilizations?
Know: facts about “ancient river valley civilization, focusing
on Egypt and Mesopotamia, terms/definitions pertaining to
Understand that: Survival of a civilization depends upon
effective utilization of resources, communication and trade,
and organizational systems
Do: locate the civilizations in time and place, describe the
development of social, political, economic structures,
explain the development of religious traditions
Science Grade 5
Concept: Systems/Topic: Energy
Essential Questions: Why are we faced with a number of complex
questions about the use of energy in the future?
Know: vocabulary related to the topic, sources of energy in VT, difference
between potential energy and kinetic energy, law of conservation of energy,
different forms of energy, efficiency of energy transformation
Understand: the amount of energy from human use on Earth is limited,
that technology creates the need more energy as well as providing solutions
to some of our energy needs, that natural and human factors have created
the need for humans to make complex decisions about the use of energy.
DO: Classify energy as renewable and non-renewable
Examine the amounts and types of energy used to make certain common
objects and calculate the cost
Become an expert on a specific source of energy
Weigh the pros and cons of different energy sources
Make a plan for the use of energy in VT in 2020.
Mathematics Grade 5
Concept: Relationships Topic: Fractions
Essential Question: How and when do we express
numbers that are not whole numbers?
As a result of this lesson, student will:
– Know… vocabulary associated with fractions:
numerator, denominator, equivalent fractions, adding
and subtracting fractions
– Understand…There are a variety of contexts for
using fractions and ways to express them.
– DO…convert fractions to decimals/percents
– Identify when and how to use fractions in real
Science Grade 5
Concept: Perspective
Essential Question: How and why does our perspective of the world
change over time?
Theory (def.), evidence (def.), steps of the scientific method
Our perspective of the world changes as our knowledge advances.
Explain a scientific idea that has changed over time due to the
acquisition of new evidence
Explain how technology influences the ability of scientists to collect
Media (Language Arts) Grade 5
Concept: Perspective Topic: Advertising
Essential Question: Why are the media so
important in our lives today? Is that “good” or not?
How does perspective shape our opinions?
Know: Definition of media, perspective, point of view
– Advertising techniques (bandwagon, testimonial, etc.)
Understand: Perspective influences decision making
– The power of advertising lies in the ability to manipulate
the audience’s perspective
Do: Explain and analyze advertising
– Use point of view strategically in creating an ad
– Critique other ads; use of point of view to achieve
purpose/influence decision making.
From Concept to Action
Introduce – Perspective
Perspective essay assignment
with graphic organizer, example,
and rubric (student generated
Sample of Teaching Up
Concept: Multiple Perspectives
Novel: To Kill a Mockingbird
“You never really understand a man until you walk around in
his skin… until you consider things from his point of view.”
The Child's Perspective (Scout)
The Hero's (Atticus and Mrs. DuBose)
The Persecuted (Calpurnia and Tom Robinson)
The Maturing (Jem, Mr. Underwood)
The Outsider's (Boo Radley, Bob and Mayella Ewell, Dolphus
Conceptual base allows for flexible groups and tiered perspectives in
secondary classroom OR orbital or independent study for high
performing upper elementary students.
What an “Ah-Ha!”
“When I think about
differentiation, I realize
that concepts really are
the most important glue
that holds us [our class]
together – that keeps us,
“us.” Concept-based
teaching privileges
people who are not
normally given learning
Brad Blanchette – 10th Grade Humanities, Colchester HS, Colchester, VT
What is your perspective
on concept-based teaching?
What possibilities does this open?
What challenges does it present?