Transcript Slide 1

A presentation for the Lloyds Maritime Academy
Utilising new technology for fisheries
monitoring catch and location
Karen Day
Business Development Manager
Fulcrum Maritime Systems Ltd.
London March 9th 2012
Fulcrum Maritime Systems
Sister company to Fulcrum Business Solutions (est. 1997)
FMS started up in 2008 to provide solutions to Maritime Industry
Work with Flag States to provide variety of systems
Bahamas, Antigua & Barbuda, Japan, Tanzania, St Kitts & Nevis & more
Systems to meet regulatory requirements, STCW, LRIT
Systems Analysis & Design, Bespoke Development,
Messaging, Web solutions
Staff with skills in hardware, operating systems, network
security, communications, mobile applications,
messaging, java, html….
Fisheries Management Centre (FMC)
This system is in use by the St. Kitts & Nevis Ship Registry
Objective: To enable St. Kitts registered vessels to sail in regulated fishing
Fulcrum designed system based on
customer needs
Uses the latest technologies
Programmable Satellite Communications Hardware
Programmable Mobile Data Terminals
Fulcrum Server Farm (Web Hosting)
Latest features of IBM Domino
Solution: Reliable, scalable, affordable
Customer’s Requirements
Meet regulations of “NEAFC Scheme of Control and Enforcement 2011”
All position reports and catch reports should be transmitted electronically in
a controlled and secure format from the Flag
3 regulated areas (RA)
Automated position reporting
Reporting frequency changes automatically
based on location of vessel
Automated electronic catch reports
Customer’s Requirements
Each Contracting Party of the vessel shall establish and operate fishing monitoring centres,
hereinafter referred to as FMCs, which shall monitor the fishing activities of vessels flying their
flags. The FMC … shall be equipped with computer hardware and software enabling automatic
data processing and electronic data transmission. Each Contracting Party shall provide for
back-up and recovery procedures in case of system failures.
1. The Contracting Party of the vessel shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the
data received from its fishing vessels to which VMS applies are recorded in computer readable
form for a period of three years.
2.The satellite tracking devices installed on board the fishing vessels shall ensure the automatic
transmission to the fisheries monitoring centre of the flag Contracting Party, at all applicable
times, messages relating to the data prescribed in Article11(1)(b).
3. Each Contracting Party shall take the necessary measures to ensure that its FMC receives
through the VMS, at least the mandatory information requested in Article 11(1)(b). The
Contracting Parties concerned shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the NEAFC
Secretary receives the position of the vessel in real time upon entering into or exiting from the
Regulatory Area and at least once every hour when operating in the NEAFC Regulatory Area.
Reports shall be in accordance with the
format set out in Annex IX(D)(1)
Download from
Latest Technology
Skywave innovative IsatData Pro series – Aug 2011
Two way - M2M
37 times more data
“Data Rich” applications
Customisable - Software Development Kit
Integrated GPS
Data Pooling/Cost
Latest Technology
The Inmarsat-4 (I-4) series of satellites
Most advanced of their kind
Power, capacity, flexibility
Capacity where needed
60 times more powerful
Commercial lifetime 2020+
Latest Technology
Mobile Data Terminal
Latest in successful series of MDT’s
Two way - M2M
Design features suitable for maritime
Software Development Toolkit
Over air updates
Fulcrum high security system
Fulcrum Network Topology (Main Site)
Managed Internet Access
BT Internet Line
NTL Internet Line
Cisco 3850
Cisco 5510 ASA
Cisco 3850
Cisco 5510 ASA
Cisco 3850
Cisco 3850
Clustered Database
Key elements of the FMC
• Position Reporting (Vessel Tracking)
• Electronic Reports (Catch Reporting)
• Database (Fisheries Monitoring Centre)
• User Interface (Web Based GUI)
Position Reporting
Fulcrum programmed hardware
Constantly checks location
Automatically switches reporting rate
Device can be remotely updated
Position reports automatically sent to FMC when in zone
Alerts and monitoring built in
Catch Reporting
Electronic capture of data
Avoids errors
System sends reminders
5 mandatory reports
Catch on Entry
Catch on Exit
Catch Reporting
Data input device provided
Pre-programmed by Fulcrum
Operator is prompted for information
Complexity of data
Must be easy to use
Notifications to operator
Use of Function keys to make input and navigation easier
Simple, easy to use interface
Interface shows regulated zones
Graphical display of
vessels in the area.
Click on the vessel
tag for more details
about the vessel.
The system is
programmed to
increase the
Reporting rate when
a vessel enters a
regulated zone (and
to send alerts).
Other Features
System has automated backup reporting
Seamless transition
Makes use of LRIT Position Reports
Backup system for catch reports
Fulcrum provide support for vessel operators
System fully monitored and available 24/7
Reliable, Scalable and Affordable
[email protected]