The Evangelism 廣傳福音 - Welcome to the Northern
Transcript The Evangelism 廣傳福音 - Welcome to the Northern
The Evangelism 廣傳福音
Matthew 28: 18-20
馬太福音 28:18-20
Speaker: Dr. Stephen C. Y. Liu
講員: 劉傑垣博士
At the end of presentation, there will be 7-10
minutes’ question answers, and discussion.
Each questions be straight-forward, simple,
1-minute please
在結論之後, 將有 7-10 分鐘 的 問答提出的
問題 不超过 1 分鐘. 請: 簡單, 直述
I. The Evangelism: Three Stages
I. The Pre-Evangelism
II. The Evangelism
III. The Post-Evangelism 福音後期
Equally important 三期 均是重要
I. The Pre-Evangelism
I. 福音預期
The Scripture: 聖經經文
耶穌基督 的 講道/ 教訓 / 吩咐
Mattew 28: 18-20
馬太福音28:18-20 去傳福音
Mattew 13: 1-23 The Parable of Sowing
馬太福音 13: 1-23 撒種的比喻
Matthew 28:18-20
馬太福音 28: 18-20
1. Jesus, the Savior of the people of the world
came to this world
耶穌基督, 救主
2. He died on the cross for you, substituting for
you, and redeeming you from sin and sinful
nature 耶穌基督為你代死在十字架, 為你贖
罪, 在 神面前得以稱義, 成為 “新人”,有 “新
生命” (being justified, and a new creation.
You have a new life in Christ).
Matthew 28:18-20
馬太福音 28: 18-20
3. You became a son of God.
4. You eventually became his “disciple”
直到你為 “門徒”
Matthew 13:1-23
馬太福音13:1-23 撤種的比喻
a. One kind of “Seed” used:
一樣的種子 = “一個福音”
b. Three types of soil :
三種不同的土地/心田/ human’s soul
c. Three degrees of accepting the Seed:
d. Fruit-bearing is affected by the types of soil
結果子多少, 受土壤的好或壞而定
(人的心 = 人的靈命 =human mind/soul)
Matthew 13:1-23
馬太福音13:1-23 撤種的比喻
e. The farmers’/gardeners’ efforts could make
the soil much more fruitful: 農夫/ 圓工的工
作可改良土壤的好壞, 結多果子/結實
f. Fruitful results: 30 times, 60 times to 100
times 結實 有: 30 倍, 到 60倍, 60倍, 到 100
倍. 有增加的可能性 30倍 - 60倍 - 100倍
這結實的增加, 是聖徒們在傳福音
I. The Importance of Pre-Evangelism
A. Cultivate/prepare human heart (soul) more
receptive to the Lord Jesus as Savior/the
gospel. 預備/ 培植 人們 的心田 (意志, 情感)
較易接受救主 耶穌, 為救主
B. The Holy Spirit working with the Word of God
when Jesus Christ is presented as the Savior.
聖靈 与 聖經 相互工作, 開啟人心以接受 主
I. The Importance of Pre-Evangelism
C. As results: 30 times, 60 times, and 100 times
人們接受而結實: 有 30 倍的, 60 倍的,
100 倍的
D. Our prayer/effort is intended to increase
福音預期內, 眾弟兄,姊妹 的個人工作,
II. What each Christian could do in preevangelism
在福音預期時, 基督徒可以做的工作
A. Explain biblical language/concept so that
people could understand better the gospel
解釋 聖經的字彙/ 觀念, 以至於人們較易於
1. The sinner 罪人: “我” 是個罪人
sin is not crime committed
罪, 不是人犯法 (crime)
II. What each Christian could do in preevangelism
在福音預期時, 基督徒可以做的工作
2. Sinner before holy God being short of His
glory 人在 真神的面前, 是罪人 (a sinner);
道德性; 人的 “本性”.
3. The Bible declares that we are sinners
是 聖經 宣告/ 告訴 我, 我是個罪人,
4. Not one human compares with/to other
human 不是 張三 比 李四; 不是人比人
II. B. The God, almighty and holy
神: 真神, 萬能, 聖潔, 無所不在
1. God is not what carved, printed, or made by
human hands. 基督徒所信的神, 不是木材
雕刻的, 不是人手所劃成的, 或泥土做成的.
2. The God Christians believe is true God,
almighty, holy and omnipresent. 基督徒所
信靠的神, 是真神,萬能, 聖潔, 無所不在
3. He is the Creator of this vast university, the
humanity and every living things.
衪創造第了這個大宇宙, 人, 動物, 植物;
今日, 他掌管這個大宇宙, 与人類的歷史發展.
II. B. The God, almighty and holy
神: 真神, 萬能, 聖潔, 無所不在
4. He manifests his power, wisdom and control in
this cosmic world. 衪的智慧, 權威, 掌管 彰顯 在
這個大宇宙中, 与人類的歷史中.
5. Man ( I or you) confesses as sinner before this
holy God.人 (每個人) 在 真神面前 承認自己是
個 罪人, 悔改 認罪 神赦罪 (因耶穌為你付了
代價 ) 宣告赦免 離罪 ,
6. You once accept Him as your Savior, He cares
for, protects, leads; and He gives you wisdom
and inner strength.你信靠 他以後, 衪是你的救
主, 主; 他看顧, 保護, 引導, 他賜給智慧与能力.
II. C. Jesus, the only Savior
耶穌, 救主
1. The God Christians believe/accept is once
He became man, living among us, so that
He could save/deliver his people from sins.
基督徒所信的這位 神, 曾取得了人的樣子
(神/道 成為人, 來到世界)
名字 耶穌 (因他要拯救衪的人).
2. Jesus declares himself as the Savior when He
was in this world. 耶穌宣告:他是救主,
II. C. Jesus, the only Savior
耶穌, 救主
3. Jesus as Savior attests with miracles
他以神跡証明救主, 這些 神跡, 無人能行.
4. Jewish people testified
當 時 的猶太人(信他的) 証明他是救主.
5. Christians all over the world testify that He is
the Savior.
全世界, 信靠衪的人們,証明他是救主
II. D. You are “saved”, as a “new creation”
once/if you receive Him as Savior
你接受了 耶穌為救主,
你成為了” 新人 “新造 物 的 人 “
1. Being released from sin and its control.
不再 活 在罪惡控制与引誘之中, 聖靈給你
2. The Holy Spirit lives in you, and will lead you
in newness of life/living.
聖靈住在 你的心靈內的, 給你內心的能力,
會引導 你走在真理 与 平安的道路
II. D. You are “saved”, as a “new creation”
once/if you receive Him as Savior
你接受了 耶穌為救主,
你成為了” 新人 “新造 物 的 人 “
3. Your life/living will be full of joyfulness,
peace and hope.
你的新生命/ 生活是喜樂, 平安, 有盼望.
4. The resultant blessing is much more than
being a member of a church congregation.
因接受/信靠 耶穌 為救主, 所帶來的祝福,
遠超過於成為 基督教會的一份子.
III. What we Christian could do in preevangelism?
在福音預期, 基督徒應做些甚麼事情?
III. A. 廣交朋友: Make friends as many as
possible. (Friendship Evangelism)
1.In USA, we Christians, just like any one else,
live “an isolated life-style”: Why?
居住在美國, 你我基督徒的生活, 是 ‘個人”,
“家庭” 生活, 很少與他人來往, 交朋友.
a.Individual living-style 個人生活, 一個家庭生
b. Go out and do my own thing/living in my
own apartment/home
III. What we Christian could do in preevangelism?
在福音預期, 基督徒應做些甚麼事情?
c. In sub-division/in a home 個人獨居/一家
d. Go out with automobile 進出是汽車
e. Seldom come in contact with friends
很少與 人/朋友接觸
f. Have much less friends 很少有朋友
因為教會傳福音聚會, 盼望有多位朋友來赴
会, 在 六個月到一年之前, 必須設法廣交朋
III. B. Literature Evangelism
福音單張, 基督教會雜誌, 書籍, 文獻
1. When you visit a friend/friends, take along
some gospel tracts, booklet, Christian
journals, publications, and books
當你去探訪, 交友, 社交, 約會, 時: 帶些:
a. gospel tracts 福音單張
b. Christian journals 基督徒雜誌
c. Christian books 基督徒書藉
III. B. Literature Evangelism
福音單張, 基督教會雜誌, 書籍, 文獻
You should read them first, before you give
them to friends.
你必需, 在事先, 讀過了這些單張, 雜誌 与
When time comes, you could have a
talk/review of the contents
在不久期內, 再見面時, 有些討論內容,
III. C Hospitality Evangelism
友誼餐會/ 聚餐/ 筵請
1. Have a lunch together: 中飯聚談
2. Friendly visit: 拜访, 訪問, 交談, 約會
short, with a agenda in mind, 短而有目的
3. A walk together: 散步, 公園遊覽, 圖書館,
shopping mall
4. Take part in a sporting event, theatric event,
music concert
5. A dinner party 宴請
6. other friendly activities 其他活動
III C-2 Prayer specific
In your intercessory prayer, mention specially
the name of your friend (s), for salvation
在 你的代禱中, 提名禱告
求 聖靈 感動,
神 賜給相信的心 !
III. D. Specifically invited to attend a
gospel meeting 特約 參加/ 赴福音晚會
1. Be specific in date, time, place/address speaker
and subject:邀請 參加/ 赴 福音晚會. 將月, 日,
周日, 時間 (開始, 結朿) 講員, 短短介紹; 題目;
音樂節目, 獨唱, 獻詩等
寫在一紙上: 清楚, 易讀, 易記憶;
一星期前, 以電話聯絡, 提醒
2. Provide transportation/ride to church &
return home:
接送: 定時; 準時, 地點
III. D. Specifically invited to attend a
gospel meeting 特約 參加/ 赴福音晚會
3. Introduce visitor to church pastor, elders,
deacons, and fellow- believers, making visitors
feel at home.
親 切的介紹給: 牧師, 長老, 執事, 弟兄姊妹;
使 訪問者 感到: 歡迎, 友情, 熱情 歡迎
III E. Treat the Visitors/friends well
處處為客人, 為要叫他/ 她同得福音的好處
1. Sit together with the friends, keeping the
与邀請的朋友坐在一起, 使他/她 不感到孤
2. Assist him/her in whatsoever is going on,
including finding the Scripture.
協助 他/她 翻詩本, 聖經, 填表格, 等
3. Do not interrupt/interfere his/her listening
to the message presented
III E. Treat the Visitors/friends well
處處為客人, 為要叫他/ 她同得福音的好處
4. Encourage him/her to make a decision when
invitation is being given.當講員邀人舉手,
表示意決志時, 低聲音, 鼓勵她/他舉手.
5.When Speaker asks for coming forward,
indicating willingness to accept the Lord as
Savior 陪他/她走向台前, 決志接受 救主耶
6. When Counselor comes to give counseling,
sit together with them 當 陪談員來陪談時,
坐在旁邊, 但不要參与陪談.
III F. Congratulate your friends
恭祝她/他 己決志信主
1. Sincerely and warmly congratulate her/him
on decision-making 恭喜 她/他 已決志信主
2. Now, I can call you “my brother” or “my
sister” in Christ.
現在, 我可以叫 你 “弟兄 xx , “姐妹xx.
3. Joyfully introduce him/her to your friends,
deacons, elders 向其他弟兄/ 姐妹 介紹,
我的朋友, 己經 “信主了!” 多麼高興!
III F. Congratulate your friends
恭祝她/他 己決志信主
4. Invite him/her to come to the “New
Believer’s Class.
邀請他她, 參加 “初信慕道班”
5. Introduce him/her to the Instructor of “New
Believer’s Class”, if possible.
若可能, 介紹他/她 給 “初信慕道班” 的老師.
III G. Give ride home, & appointment.
1. Give ride home 駕車送回家
2. Make appointment for a review of what
he/she understand the gospel
預約一個時間, 溫習 “福音”
3. Encourage him/her to go to “Young
Believer’s Instruction Class” at the church,
giving date, time, etc
勉勵他/她 去參加 “初信造就班”
III G. Give ride home, & appointment.
4. Write down the date, time, and make sure
of having ride.
寫好 “初信造就班”的日期, 時間, 給 他/她
The end
Any question? Any discussion? 問答, 討論
1. Each question/discussion: 1 minute
每一 問題, 一分鐘
2. Straight-forward, simple, no elaboration
直述, 簡單
Closing Prayer 散会禱告
Thank you for coming to the class
謝謝 你來參加