Kulinaria w Europie

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Poland France Italy Ukraine Germany

soup made with leaven of flour having a distinctive sour taste.


Ingredients: pork ribs - 500 grams eggs Knorr white borscht, or other concentrate clove of garlic - 1 piece carrot - 100 g bay leaf - 1 piece celery - 100 grams marjoram - 1 pinch Parsley - 100 grams allspice - 2 or 3 grains por - 100 grams cream - 150 grams


Method of preparation: Boil the eggs , then peel the hard-boiled eggs and cut them into quarters, then set aside.

Peel and cut vegetables into smaller pieces. Then wash the meat, add the vegetables, pour about 2 liters of cold water and bring to boil.

Collect the resulting foam on top, then add the spices.

Boil the broth Add slowly for about 2 hours, then remove all of the vegetables.

the contents of Knorr soup handbags into a bowl, add some cream, and then distribute them in to a small amount of broth.

Add everything into the to any boiling soup, stirring constantly – you dont wont to have lumps. Cook for about 5 minutes. When the borscht is r eady , s erve it with pieces of eggs and a piece s of ribs.


for traditional Polish cuisine, Lithuanian and Belarusian dish of cabbage and


Ingredients: - 1.5 kg sauerkraut - 0.5 kg white cabbage - 0.3 kg of bacon - 0.7 kg of pork (shoulder or pork) - 0.5 kg sausage (such as Śląska , Podwawelska) - 1 jar of tomato paste - 2 bay leaves - A few grains of allspice and black pepper grain - salt - Spices, eg Kucharek - 2 glasses of red wine - cumin - marjoram - Oil for frying - Two tablespoons plum jam - 2 ounces of dried mushrooms


Method of preparation: First r inse sauerkraut, put it into pork shoulder in oil a pot with water and cook. Fry Second ly a dd the meat, spices , shredded cabbage, jam, mushrooms and tomato paste .

T hen d ice sausage and bacon and fry it in a pan. Add it to the diced pot with the rest of igrediens. Stew it until it is tender over low heat. At the end of some wine. Note that the the cooking, pour stew has a better flavor when it is heated over low heat.

thin, crisp pastries sprinkled with powdered sugar


Ingredients: 2 cups of flour 5 egg yolks 4 tablespoons of 1 tablespoon of thick cream (22% is perfectly OK) alcohol (6% of poverty vinegar) 2 tablespoons icing sugar for sprinkling fat for frying (oil, lard) pinch of salt of butter


Mix all of a the ingredients. Roll out few centimeters long (8-10) the pastry t hinly (1 mm) and cut and 3-4 cm wide . it Cut the strips into strips along the ir center – to make a hole. Turn each of the strips up – catch one of the ends and pull it through the hole . Fry faworkis in a large amount of fat until they are golden brown for about 5 minutes.

fried onions. meat and vegetable with


Ingredients: 6 large onions 6 tablespoons butter tablespoon of flour 1 1/2 l vegetable stock 4 slices of bread 5 grams gruyere cheese or Emmentaler cup dry white wine tablespoon thyme bay leaf salt and pepper


Method of preparation: Peel onions, cut into thin slices. Simmer the butter until it becomes soft and transparent. Stir all the time and care that it does not brown too much, because at that time begins to determine the taste. Add the thyme and bay leaf. Simmer over low heat about 30 minutes.

Increase fire to the color of onion has become golden brown. If you want the soup was suspension can brown tablespoon of flour and onions. Pour in the wine. Stir, and when the liquid has evaporated, pour the hot broth. (This may be water or broth with cubes, but gives only a taste of the power of true essential broth.) The soup simmer for about 20 minutes, taking off from the top forming a foam. Season with salt and pepper. The soup can be prepared a little earlier, well cool, and store (about 2 days) in the refrigerator.


Snails can be cooked by boiling, roasting on a grill or stewing in the


Ingredients: - 60-80 live snails - 2 handfuls of salt sauce: - 75 ml of water - 750 ml white burgundy - 1 small onion - 5 cloves - A bunch of herbs (dill sprigs of 3 thyme and parsley) Perfumed butter: - 40 g of butter - 4 grams of chopped shallots - 3 cloves garlic, chopped - 3 tablespoons parsley - salt - pepper


Method of preparation: Snails put into a container and cover. Leave in a cool place for a week. Put into a bowl and fill with salt. Stir until you get rid of the juice. Thoroughly rinse, set aside some time and rinse again. This operation, repeat 4-5 times.

Put the snails into the pot and pour over cold water. Bring to a boil and cook 10 minutes. Encirclement and remove the snails from shells (shells intact.) Cut out and discard the black part of the snails.

Make sauce: Stir the water with wine, spices, salt and pepper, throw in onions and cloves overloaded with a bunch of herbs.

Put the snails and cook 3 hours on low heat. Drain (save the sauce). Melt the butter, add shallots, garlic and parsley. Cook for a minute, seasoning with salt and pepper.

For each shell pour a spoonful of sauce cooking snails. Insert the screw and pour fragrant butter.

Serve warm.

dessert, made with cream, egg, sugar, crowned with a layer of caramelized sugar. Usually served chilled in bowls.


• 500 ml double cream high-percentage 36% • 6 egg yolks • 1/3 cup white sugar • 5 tablespoons brown sugar • 1 vanilla bean when stored in a cream base with eggs, cream and sugar, crowned with a layer of caramelized sugar. Usually served chilled in bowls


Method of preparation: In a saucepan, slowly boil the cream with white sugar and grains husk with a cut along the vanilla pod. When it starts to boil at the edges, take off the heat and gently cooling.

Yolks beating, but not quite, not fluffy. Pour warm cream with sugar, a spoonful, stirring each time, while trying not to aerate the cream. It is to be smooth, stiff and glossy but not fluffy.

Fill the molds, pouring the cream through a sieve.

Inserts for 50 minutes in the oven, preheated to 100 degrees.

Cooled down cream is cooled in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours or preferably overnight.

Each cream sprinkle 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and karmelizuję the sugar is dissolved and slightly flushed and formed a characteristic shell.

specially zucchini, soup based on vegetableses beans, carrots, green peas and spinach.


Ingredients: 1/2 cup dry white beans 1 small leek a sprig of celery (or celery root quarter) 1 large onion 1 large carrot 1/4 head savoy cabbage 2 large tomatoes 2 medium potatoes pumpkin patch (optional) a few sprigs of parsley bay leaf a few leaves of basil 4 tablespoons olive oil 2 handfuls of noodles (short tube or elbow)


Method of preparation: Pour the washed beans overnight with 2 liters of cold boiled water. Carrots, potatoes, pumpkin and dice the celery, leeks, cabbage and onion coarsely chop.

Cook beans in water, which is soaked after 30 minutes add the vegetables. Cook time 10 min. Blanch tomatoes, peel, remove seeds and chop, chop the parsley and basil and throw it all into a pot of beans. Boil for 10 minutes. Cook the pasta according to the recipe on the package (so that it remains firm). Drain, add to soup. The soup plates, sprinkle with freshly grated parmesan cheese.

Minestrone can also cook the beans fresh. Then, a few hours of soaking, and vegetables add to the cooked beans after 15 minutes. If you use canned beans, cook vegetables first, we throw beans to the soup at the end.

In the basic version is a flat cake of dry yeast dough (focaccia), spread with tomato sauce, sprinkled with grated mozzarella cheese and herbs, baked in a very warm oven.


Ingredients: 0.5 kg of flour 0.5 teaspoons of sugar teaspoon of salt 0.5 cups of water 30 g of yeast tablespoon of olive oil tomato paste ons (cheese, peppers, mushrooms, tomatoes, ham, sweet corn)


In a bowl, break the yeast, add the sugar, water, stir. When the solution will have the consistency of thick cream, allow to sit for several minutes. Sprinkle parties flour, salt and olive oil.

Briefly knead the dough with your hands. Sprinkle flour until dough does not stand out from the hand. Make it into a ball, cover with a cloth and allow to rise.

Carefully roll out the dough on floured countertop powder. Grease a baking tray and spread with fat in the dough, forming a raised edge.

The top smear very thick tomato concentrate. Place the additives on the pizza, sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake about 25 minutes in the TEM. 250 degrees.

dessert, which consists of a layer of sponge cake soaked in very strong espresso coffee and Amaretto, Into which a layer of cream mascarpone cheese, eggs, sugar and cream, and the whole sprinkled with a layer of coarsely ground flakes of dark chocolate.


Ingredients: 6 egg yolks 6 heaped tablespoons of sugar 50 grams of mascarpone 4 tablespoons amaretto (can be replaced with another strong and clear alcohol) about 20 biscuits 1.5 cups of strong coffee, freshly brewed and completely with cold (can be instant) 2 tablespoons of the bitter, natural cocoa Optional: 2 tablespoons grated dark chocolate


Put yolks into a bowl, add sugar and grated mixer on high speed for 8-10 minutes, until the turn into fluffy kolgiel-mogoel -colored off-white.

I add to the weight of mascarpone and blend one minute, until completely connect to the egg.

Add amaretto coffee.

Biscuits immersion in cold coffee for 2-3 seconds, then gently shaking them, removes excess fluid. In a flat dish arrange a layer of biscuits, pour them 1/3 of. In her arrange another layer of soaked sponge cake, pour the cream.

I repeat again for (number of layers depends on the size of the vessel, sometimes there are more, sometimes less, at the top is to be ground).

Dish carefully wrap with plastic wrap, and place at least 4 hours (or even better the whole night) in the refrigerator.

Before serving dessert cuts into squares with a knife dipped briefly in hot water and gently take out the bowl. Sprinkle each portion of cocoa and chocolate.

amount of cream.

Cooked with beets, cabbage, vegetables, bacon and a significant


Ingredients: - 0,5 kg of beef on the bone; - 0.4 kg white cabbage, - 0.25 kg beetroot, - 150 tomato puree 30% (3/4 jar) - 0.4 kg of potatoes, - 1 parsley root, - 2 medium carrots, - 1-2 onions, - 4 kopiaste tablespoons sour cream 18%, - 2 tablespoons sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon vinegar - 1 tablespoon sugar - Flour for the roux, - 50 g butter, - 5-6 cloves of garlic, - 6 grains of pepper, - 4 grains of allspice, - 4 large bay leaves, - Salt.


Method of preparation: Boil broth, drain, separate the meat from the bones, put separate. Peel beets and cut them into small strips. Add the beets to the skillet, add oil, vinegar, sugar and tomato paste. Add a little broth and simmer beets in przecierze półmiękkości to the state. In another skillet, fry in butter, diced onion, and sliced into strips, carrots and parsley root. Throw in the potatoes to the broth and boil, then add shredded cabbage. After 15 minutes, add the contents of both pans and pepper, allspice, bay leaves and cook another 15 minutes. At the end add a roux made with butter, crushed garlic and parsley. Allow the pot for at least an hour. Serve reheating, being careful separately for each plate: first serving of beef from the broth, then a large spoonful of cream and sprinkle with a mixture of everything posiekaej pietrzuszki parsley and dill.

Potato Cutlets meat, prepared with minced meat and potatoes. Served with salads topped with butter.


Ingredients: 1 kg potatoes, cooked 15 g of ham, chopped 2 tablespoons flour 3 tablespoons sour cream 1 egg, beaten 2 tablespoons butter salt and pepper


Method of preparation: To prepare gałuszki, potatoes and sausage to grind in a food processor, then mix with flour, butter, cream, egg, season with salt and pepper. From the resulting mass to form small balls and bake in the oven until golden color.

filled with white cheese with the addition of raisins.

RECIPE FOR DUMPLINGS WITH CHESSE 350 g of flour 1 egg approximately 125 ml of lukewarm water salt 400 g of cheese 50 g of sugar 1 egg yolk 20-30 g przesmażonej orange peel and sugar 50 g of raisins splashing butter dumplings 1 tablespoon breadcrumbs 250 ml sour cream

RECIPE FOR DUMPLINGS WITH CHESSE Grate cheese with egg yolk and sugar in a uniform, relatively thick mass. Add the finely chopped orange peel and rinsed raisins. Mix thoroughly. Roll out the dough thinly. Cut a circle of diameter 6-7 cm. For each ring stuffing (not too much, because the cheese expands in cooking and dumplings may break, make the dough in half and stick together. Boil in plenty of salted boiling water. Throw parties to the boiling water, stir, cover, and when you rise to the surface, remove the lid, cook for 1-2 minutes. Remove with a slotted spoon, drain, transfer to warmed platter. Serve topped with melted butter. You can also sprinkle with buttered bread crumbs brown. Separately give a thick, sour cream.

spices herbs a thick soup, cooked meat, fish or mushroom broth with aromatic


Ingredients: 1.5 l of strong beef stock (or can be of cubes) 200g of good smoked bacon 200g roasted, aromatic sausage intense flavor 2 medium onions (preferably red) 1 hot red pepper 50 g green olives 50 g black olives a handful of capers 3 cloves of garlic 3-4 pickled cucumbers more 1/2 cup drained from pickled cucumbers ("solianki") 1/2 cup thick tomato puree 2 bay leaves 3-4 grains allspice teaspoon marjoram teaspoon hot pepper powder freshly ground pepper small lemon sour cream


Method of preparation: Bacon slicing a small cubes and fry in a strong heat, stirring frequently. when begins to brown, I add diced sausage and cook for a big fire, until bacon is crispy. Cooked Translate into a bowl, and the remaining throw fat diced onion. When is soft, add a very small chopped peppers (without seeds!) and press by prague garlic. fry a few more minutes, stirring.

All the fried ingredients are put into boiling broth. Pour solianka of cucumber and tomato puree. Add the bay leaves, allspice, marjoram, paprika and pepper to taste (do not need to, or slightly salt). Cook 10 minutes on a very high heat (soup should be slightly bubbling), the and add olives, capers and some chopped cucumber in small cubes.

Cook another 10 minutes.

Before giving to any portion impose a "blob" of sour cream and a slice lemon, peeled.

Dutch sauce served with potatoes and parsley


Ingredients: after 9 white and green asparagus (peeled cleaned) with 2 slices lean bacon, smoked ham and Parma ham Grandma 5 g of oscypek in thin slices 1.5 tablespoons of butter sugar salt 200 ml clarified butter 1 egg juice of 1/2 lemon sugar salt pepper

RECIPE FOR BIAŁE SZPARAGI W SOSIE HOLENDERSKIM Method of preparation: Make the sauce: egg, lemon juice and seasoning mix in a high bowl. Pour the melted portions, warm butter, mixing until the sauce thickens slightly. Cook asparagus in salted boiling water and posłodzonym (green 4 minutes, white minute longer). Encirclement and fry in hot butter, remove, and at the same butter, sauté the slices of bacon, ham, and Parma ham Grandma. Encirclement sausage on a paper towel. In casserole arrange slices oscypek, the asparagus and ham them. Pour Hollandaise sauce. Turn on the oven grill (or set the upper heating at high temperatures), insert a form with asparagus. Bake 4-5 minutes.

hot apple pie. Dish consisting of a slightly sour apples, raisins dipped in rum and cinnamon wrapped in a sheet of thin paper like dough.

RECIPE FOR APFELSTRUDEL Ingredients: 250g plain flour type 550 1 egg pinch of salt 1 tablespoon soft butter 1 tablespoon vinegar 100ml milk approximately 1.5 kg of apples (should be sour) 100g raisins 3 tablespoons rum 100g of sugar 70g breadcrumbs 50g butter

RECIPE FOR APFELSTRUDEL Method of preparation: Preheat oven to 200 ° C.

Mix flour, oil, egg, water and lemon juice to produce a dough. Roll out the dough very thinly, spread with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Peel apples and cut into thin slices.

The cake rozwałkowane put apples, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. Close all in a roll.

Bake about 45 minutes in preheated oven at 200 ° C.

Sprinkle with hot strudel with icing sugar.