Transcript Slide 1
Foundation Stage
Curriculum meeting
24th September 2014
Welcome, thank you for coming.
Your children are settling brilliantly
and we are really enjoying working
with them.
Personal, Social and
Emotional development
(relationships, self-confidence,
self-awareness, managing
feelings, managing behaviour)
(number, shape, space, measures)
(reading, writing)
Communication and
The Early Years
Foundation Stage
(listening, understanding,
Expressive Arts and
(music, art, drama,
Physical development
of the world
(moving, handling,
health, self-care)
(DT, Science, History,
Geography, ICT, RE)
Making relationships.
Early Learning Goal states –
Children play cooperatively, taking turns with others. They
take account of one another’s ideas about how to organise
their activity. They show sensitivity to other’s needs and
feelings, and form positive relationships with adults and other
Self-confidence and self-awareness.
Early Learning Goal states–
Children are confident to try new activities, and say why they
like some activities more than others. They are confident to speak in
a familiar group, will talk about their ideas, and will choose the
resources they need for their chosen activities. They say when they
do or don’t need help.
Managing feelings and behaviour.
Early Learning Goal states–
Children talk about how they and others show feelings, talk
about their own and other’s behaviour, and its consequences,
and know that some behaviour is unacceptable. They work as
part of a group or class, and understand and follow the rules.
They adjust their behaviour to different situations, and take
changes of routine in their stride.
Letters and Sounds
We use a scheme called Jolly Phonics
Support materials are widely available.
Sounds are taught in a non-alphabetical order, they have a letter
shape, letter sound and an action.
Blending and segmenting
Tricky words are non-decodable
Sounds books /Tricky word/Blending books
Regular practise is the key to success
Reading books
Library books
Reading folders
Walk to school.
Our school is trying to reduce the number of cars arriving at the
school in the morning and evening so children are encouraged to walk
part way or all the way to school. A “park and stride” journey
counts as a walking journey. At the end of each week, the class who
has had the smallest number of car journeys, wins the “Walking
Welly “ award !!!!
We use the wheeled vehicles as often as possible to improve
coordination and balance, to increase physical activity and to
enhance both our play and PE curriculum. The children always wear
cycling helmets but if you want to send your own one in, we will make
sure they wear it.
We try to get outside as often as possible, so if you are able, please
send a pair of named wellies to school that can live on your child’s
peg. If not we have a supply at school.
A few notes for you:
• Water bottles can be used in the classroom but all of the children have
access to the water fountain all day. At lunchtimes, the children have
access to water or can drink from their own drinks bottle. Please do not
send any money for milkshakes.
• Packed lunch wrappers are sent home in lunchboxes rather than binned
so that parents can see what has been eaten. We encourage yogurt pots
to be thrown away because they are messy.
•A piece of fruit is provided each day for your child and they are
given a drink for which we ask for a donation of 10p a day to cover
the cost of this (unless they drink water).
•Milk money is paid on ParentPay.
•PE kits need to be in school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday.
All children need a white T-shirt, navy shorts and plimsolls or trainers.
Please make sure this is named!
•Your child now has a reading folder which they need to bring to school
every day. We will put any letters in these for you so please check them
• Homework is often given on a Friday and the subject it covers will
vary, but it is often maths based. Primarily to share current
learning with parents.
• We are currently focusing on developing independent skills, especially
dressing ourselves, finding our own coats, putting them on, on our own and
if possible, doing them up too. Please encourage your child to dress
themselves at home.
• Long hair must be tied up to avoid the spread of head lice and hair
toggles and decoration need to be blue.
• Children are not allowed to wear nail varnish or tattoos to school
Earrings must be studs and no other jewellery is allowed apart from
• Each weekend the class “pets” will visit children at home and have an
“adventure” with them.
Please write all about it in the diary and add some photos if you can.
• We do take photos of the children to use in class books and displays.
• Please make sure all your children’s belongings are named.
• When the weather starts to get a bit colder the children will still go
out at playtimes so it is important that all children have a coat on these
• We will be inviting you to make an appointment in the near future
to see us about how your child has settled into school.
• If you think you would like to help out at school then please let us
know. We would be grateful for any help!!!!!!
Thank you for coming. We are really looking forward to
working with you and your children this year.
If you are unsure about anything, please ask!
Additional notes.
Library days – Mylor class – Wednesday and Friday
Lamorna class – Tuesday and Friday.
The children do not have to change their books but they certainly can, twice a week.
Meeting for parents – 2.45 in Lamorna classroom on Weds 1st October on phonics.
Parent / Teacher face to face meetings during the week beginning 13th October.