Transcript Slide 1

God’s Imprint on Our Lives
Fearfully &
Wonderfully Made
“For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and
wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.”
Psalm 139:13-14
“Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good….All these are
empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as He wills. ”
1 Corinthians 12:7,11
…we were made for God’s glory, pleasure & purpose
 We have taken a closer look at the following spiritual gifts
The Gift of Evangelism
 All Christians are called to evangelize and reach out to the lost
with the Gospel (Matthew 28:18-20), but some are given an
extra measure of faith and effectiveness in this area.
 The gift of evangelism is the ability and desire to boldly and clearly
communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ so that non-Christians can
become Christians.
 The Greek word:
“Euaggelistes” which
means “one who brings
good news”, “preacher of
gospel”; (“eu” = well,
“angelos” = message messenger of good.)
The Evangelist
 Evangelists are given the unique
ability by the Holy Spirit to clearly
and effectively communicate the
Gospel of Jesus Christ to others.
 They are
burdened in
their hearts for
the lost and will
go out of their
way to share the
truth with
 Evangelists are able to overcome the normal
fear of rejection and engage non-believers in
meaningful conversations about Jesus.
In over 55 years of ministry,
Billy Graham has preached the
Gospel message to more than
215 million people in over 185
countries around the world.
The Passion to Share Jesus
 They continually seek out relationships with
those who don’t know Jesus and are open to
the leading of the Holy Spirit to approach
different people.
 They love giving free
treasure away for Jesus (2
Corinthians 4:7), and it
brings them great joy
knowing that the “feet
that bring good news”
are beautiful to those
who believe (Isaiah
52:7). See Ephesians 4:11,
Acts 8:5-12, 26-40, 21:8,
Matthew 28:18-20.
Do you have the gift of Evangelism?
 Do you enjoy being with non-Christians and sharing the gospel?
 Are you able to effectively communicate to non-Christians in a
language they can understand?
 Does a person's conversion bring you profound joy?
 Do you feel frustrated when you haven't shared your faith for a while?
 Do you enjoy teaching others how to share their faith?
 Do you find it easy to direct a conversation toward the topic of Jesus
Those in Scripture that were gifted
with Evangelism:
 Philip (Acts 21:8) and
 Timothy (2 Timothy 4:5)
The Gift of Exhortation
 The spiritual gift of exhortation is often called the "gift of
 The gift of exhortation involves
coming along side of someone with
words of encouragement, comfort,
consolation, and counsel to help
them be all God wants them to be!
 The Greek word for evangelists is
“paraklesis” which means “calling
to one's side.” This word is only
found two other places in the
New Testament: Acts 21:8 and 2
Timothy 4:5.
The Encouragers
 Christians with this gift have an
unusual sensitivity for and are
attracted to those who are
discouraged or struggling. As a result,
people tend to pursue them for
healing words, gracious truth, and
compassionate counsel.
 These people also tend to have a
high degree of patience and
optimism. They may have a knack
for one-on-one relationships and
prefer working with an individual or
small group.
Do you have the gift of Exhortation?
Do people seek you out for advice and encouragement?
Do you enjoy walking with someone through difficulties?
Are you attracted to those who are hurting and needy?
Are you patient with people?
Would you rather speak personally with someone about their
problems rather than send them to someone else for help?
 Do you find it easy to express joy in the presence of those who are
Those in Scripture that were gifted
with Evangelism:
 Barnabas, whose name means
"Son of Encouragement" (Acts
 Paul (Acts 14:21-22; 16:40; 20:1)
 Judas and Silas (Acts 15:31-32).
The Gift of Faith
 The spiritual gift of faith is not to be confused with saving faith. All
Christians have been given saving faith (Ephesians 2:8-9), but not
all receive this special gift of faith.
 The Spiritual Gift of faith is to be
firmly persuaded of God's power
and promises to accomplish His will
and purpose and to display such a
confidence in Him and His Word
that circumstances and obstacles
do not shake that conviction
 The Greek word here is: “pistis”
which means “firm persuasion, the
conviction which is based upon
hearing, not upon sight or
knowledge; certainty, confidence”.
Extraordinary Confidence!
 The gift of faith may be defined as the special gift whereby the Spirit
provides Christians with extraordinary confidence in God's promises,
power, and presence so they can take heroic stands for the future of
God's work in the church.
 In the Bible the gift of faith is
often accompanied by great
works of faith. In Acts 3:1-10 we
see this gift in action when
Peter sees a lame man at the
Beautiful Gate and calls on him
to stand up and walk in the
Name of Jesus. Jesus said even
a small amount of this faith
could move mountains
(Matthew 17:20; 21:21).
Not Surprised by Miracles!
 The Holy Spirit distributes this gift to some in the church to encourage
and build up the church in her confidence in God. They take Him at
His Word and put the full weight of their lives in His hands. They
expect God to move and are not surprised when He answers a prayer
or performs a miracle. See also I Corinthians 12:9, Hebrews 11:1-40.
 These people also tend to be very convincing about the truth of
Scripture because they themselves are so convinced of the truth and
power of God and his Word.
 These people are often visionaries
who dream big dreams, pray big
prayers, and attempt big things
for Jesus.
 These people tend to be optimistic,
hopeful, persevering, changeoriented, and future-focused.
Do you have the gift of Faith?
 Do you view obstacles as opportunities & trust God for the impossible?
 Do you find yourself frequently boasting about the power of God and
what you have seen Him do?
 Do you get motivated by new ministries?
 Do you find other believers coming to you for hope when they face a
seemingly overwhelming trial or task?
 Do you have an effective prayer ministry, with many wonderful
answers to prayers that were impossible from the human point of
Those in Scripture gifted with Faith:
 Paul (Acts 27:21-25),
 Stephen, who was "full of faith"
(Acts 6:5),
 Jesus' mother, Mary, who trusted
God to give her a child though she
was a virgin (Luke 1:26-38).
The Gift of Giving
 The Holy Spirit imparts this gift to some in the church to meet the
various needs of the church and its ministries, missionaries, or of
people who do not have the means to provide fully for themselves.
 The Greek word here is:
“Metadidomi” which
means “to impart” or “to
 However, this word is
accompanied in Romans
12:8 by another descriptive
word: “Haplotes”. This
means “sincerely,
generously and without
pretense or hypocrisy.”
The Love of Giving
 Those with this gift love to share with others the overflow of blessings
God has given them.
 They are typically very hospitable and will seek
out ways and opportunities to help others.
 The are also excellent stewards
and will often adjust their
lifestyles in order to give more to
the spread of the Gospel and the
care of the needy.
 They are grateful when
someone shares a need with
them, and are always joyful
when they can meet that
It’s not just about money!
 It implies the giving of yourself with the gift. When you spend
yourself on behalf of others, it can include giving of your time,
abilities, knowledge, love and resources to the cause of Christ.
 When a person with this gift sees certain needs, God’s Spirit
nudges them in a way that they feel compelled to give what is
needed in the situation as an agent of God’s grace and mercy.
Do you have the gift of Giving?
 Do you tend to see the needs of others more than other people do?
 Do you enjoy giving your time, talent, and treasure to others?
 Do you see giving to a worthwhile project as an exciting honor and
 Do you give to the church regularly, cheerfully, and sacrificially?
 Do you often hear people commenting that you are a generous
 Do you find yourself looking for opportunities to give your money—
even when no one asks?
Those in Scripture gifted with Giving:
 The widow (Mark 12:42-43),
 Dorcas (Acts 9:36),
 Barnabas (Acts 4:34-37)
 Zaccheaus (Luke 19:1-10)