Transcript Document

Promoting Reflective Practice
through open professional
dialogue around data
Dr Kathryn Glasswell
Lindsey Judd
ALL 2014
It is the reflective, collaborative thinking and
inquiry around data that provides insight and
interpretation of the evidence. This THEN
allows for decisions to be made about
instructional change and building teacher
1. Conversations “grounded in evidence and focused on learning
from that evidence have considerable potential to influence
what happens in schools and ultimately enhance the quality
and the efficiency of student learning” (Earl & Timperley,
2009, p. 2).
2. “having conversations based on data in educational contexts”
is hard work because it requires new ways of “thinking and
challenging ideas towards new knowledge” (Earl & Timperley,
2009, p. 2).
What are your beliefs about
professional learning conversations?
Let’s explore using the discussion resources…
Adapted from Timperley (2012)
Tensions in evidence oriented conversations
in context
of research
and theory
Professional Learning
Conversations should be more
A helpful sequence to establish a practice of
joint inquiry (Timperley, 2012)
1. Express your opinion (be aware that is is an opinion and not
unassailable FACT)
2. Give reasons for your opinion (Why do you hold it?)
3. Check if your opinion is shared/understood or if a different
view is held
4. Encourage the other person to do the same
Balanced Conversations
Asking for reasoning
and evidence
Giving opinions
Giving reasoning and
Useful conversation starters
• Look at the conversation “openers” on the next slide
and notice how they are based on shared values of
• Notice also how they are collaborative and problemsolving focused.
• Conversations should be purposeful and in their very
nature express the values you aspire to.
What do you think is going on
there? Why?
Does this situation reflect what
you had expected?
What other reasons might there
be for that ( a bad testing day)? Do
you have other evidence to
support your interpretation?
What kinds of ideas do you have
about next steps?
Would you like me to talk some
more about that?
Can we clarify how each of us
would define that (e.g. guided
reading) so I can see if we are on
the same page?
What would be useful to you right
What kinds of support do you
think you will need? How will that
support help you achieve your
I noticed that you …(e.g. talked a
lot about behaviour)? I was
wondering what led you to do
Given what we are looking at,
what kinds of professional
learning goals do you have for
What kinds of interventions do
At this point, here is what I’m
thinking… and this is why I’d call it you have in mind? Why?
like that…