Transcript Document

Elsevier Databases Training

Tehran, January 2015

Dr. Basak Candemir Customer Consultant, Elsevier BV [email protected]

Today’s Agenda

• ScienceDirect Presentation • ScienceDirect Online Demo • Scopus Presentation • Scopus Online Demo • Mendeley Online Demo | 2

Who is Elsevier?

Long and successful story

Niels Bohr Physics Louis Pasteur (Chemistry) Alexander Fleming


Albert Einstein


George F. Smoot


John C. Mather


Roger D. Kornberg


Craig C Mello



Elsevier is the top scientific content provider of vital interdisciplinary information essential across industries and disciplines

Scientific Research Articles Published

#1 Global Provider Publish 25% of world’s journal articles 2,200 active journals 22,000 book titles 900 serials 12 million full-text articles ELS 25%

Multi-disciplinary content

Env Earth Sciences Sciences Soc Sciences Math & Comp Sci Life Sciences* Physics Health Sciences Global team 74 offices in 24 countries 7,000 Journal Editors 70,000 Editorial Board Members 600,000 authors Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Materials Science & Engineering * Includes biological and biotechnology-related fields, neuroscience, pharmacology, toxicology


Empowering researchers at every step...

Researchers are looking for a tool that will address multiple needs…

| 7

Help me to discover

the relevant information

Keep me informed

of the latest developments and news

Give me access

to the detail Source: Qualitative survey results “value of ScienceDirect A&G Researchers” June 2014

Make the process quick

and easy

Mapping these needs against what ScienceDirect offers, we see 6 principles emerge of how ScienceDirect is poised to empower researchers…


Easy to use and navigate both within the product and on 3rd party platforms

   Optimized article layout including article outline Intuitive and clean Interoperability of ScienceDirect with other research tools


Breadth of content

  A single platform to access high quality books and journal content, covering a multitude of research disciplines Over 2,500 journals and 26,000 books and close to 13M articles


Easy to retrieve and available

      Immediate full text access Mobile enhanced, high level of web accessibility Remote access Open Access Optimised discoverability through partnerships with 3rd party platforms Option to share customer holding information


Staying up to date

   Articles in Press Alerts & RSS Feeds Top 25 hottest articles

Extracting key insights Storing, sharing & discussing

    Recommendations for other articles or chapters of interest Articles and references enhanced with Scopus information Visualisation tools Image searching   Mendeley RefWorks | 8

What is in ScienceDirect?

ScienceDirect is Elsevier's full-text platform for scientific, technical and medical (STM) journals and books.

• covering almost 2,500 journals and more than 26,000 book titles, ensuring research begins and ends with ScienceDirect • More than 12,5m articles • taking research beyond print: increase the value of collections with ScienceDirect's embedded audio, video and dataset content • enabling users to search over 15 million images quickly and efficiently with Image Search 9


Scopus at a glance

An eye on global research.

• Scopus, the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. • Scopus delivers the most comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and Arts & Humanities. • As research becomes increasingly global, interdisciplinary and collaborative, you can make sure that critical research from around the world is not missed.

Scopus’ broad global content means researchers don’t miss relevant research 55M

records from


serial titles and


books 21.3M pre 1996 records | 33.7M post 1995 records • • • • • • • Content from > 5,000 publishers “Articles in Press” from > 3,750 titles More than 2,800 Gold Open Access journals Indexed 6.5M conference proceedings Titles from 105 different countries in all geographical regions 40 “local” languages covered Automatically-generated profiles for more than 15M researchers

What content does Scopus include?

Physical Sciences


Health Sciences


Social Sciences



peer-reviewed journals


trade journals - Full metadata, abstracts and cited references (pre-1996) - >2,800 fully Open Access titles - Going back to 1823 - Funding data from acknowledgements as of 2013

Life Sciences





records (10%)


book series

- 28K

Volumes - 925K items Conf. expansion:




conf. events


conf. papers




books - 311K items Mainly Engineering and Physical Sciences

Books expansion



books by 2015 - Focus on Social Sciences and A&H


patents from 5 major patent offices

Pre-1996 cited references expansion program What?

Coverage years Number of articles

Pre-1996, going back to 1970

We estimate 8M+ articles will be (re-) processed to include cited references Why?


Improve the completeness

and coverage of back files in Scopus -

Enhance the relevancy

and visibility of archival content in Scopus

Measure the impact

of pre-1996 – for both individual assessment and (historical) trend analysis.


Increase the accuracy

of Scopus Author Profiles for older researchers and decision makers.

Which Archives

• •

Archives from all major publishers that have digital archives available All subject areas included When?

Development of required systems and processes has already started The first content with pre-1996 cited references will be visible in Q4 2014 Completed by 2016 when >8M articles from all major publishers have been loaded

| 15

Books Expansion Project

Coverage years Number of books

• •

Back to 2005 (2003 for A&H) 75,000 by the end of 2015; 10,000 each year thereafter ) Book types

Monographs, edited volumes, major reference works, graduate level text books Book title Chapter title All chapter titles and links 70 000 60 000 50 000 40 000 30 000 20 000 10 000 0 Author data Abstract Citation count Books target in Scopus Cited references Metadata Actual books in Scopus Already in Scopus: Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Brill, De Gruyter, Woodhead, Karger, Oxford University Press, Edward Elgar, Maney, Intellect, IOS Press, Pan Stanford, University of California Press, Princeton University Press, Edinburgh University Press, Delft University Press, Duke University Press, McGill Queens University Press, Project Muse (60+ UPs), OECD and more…

How does Scopus choose content?

All titles should meet all minimum criteria in order to be considered for Scopus review: Peer-review English abstracts Regular publication Roman script references Pub. ethics statement Eligible titles are reviewed by the Content Selection & Advisory Board according to a combination of 14 quantitative and qualitative selection criteria: Journal Policy Quality of Content Journal Standing Regularity Online Availability

• Convincing editorial concept/policy • Type of peer-review • Diversity geographic distribution of editors • Diversity geographic distribution of authors • Academic contribution to the field • Clarity of abstracts • Quality and conformity with stated aims & scope • Readability of articles • Citedness of journal articles in Scopus • Editor standing • No delay in publication schedule • Content available online • English-language journal home page • Quality of home page Info:


[email protected]

Scopus includes more content than the nearest competitor

~24K titles >5,000 publishers Updated daily



Nearest competitor

12,491 ~12K titles 3,300 publishers Updated weekly


7,410 (+78%)


4,188 Physical Sciences


6,740 (+97%)


3,415 Health Sciences


4,436 (+50%)


2,954 Life Sciences


7,684 (+90%)


4,016 Social Sciences

Metrics in Scopus

• IPP • SNIP and SJR • H-index

There is no single ‘best’ indicator that could accommodate all facets of the new reality of bibliometrics .”

- Wolfgang Glänzel, Head of bibliometrics group Professor at KU Leuven, Belgium

Impact Factor

• Originated by Eugene Garfield in 1955 evolving into Science Citation Index in 1961.

• Approximates the average number of citations per recent paper for a journal • Calculated yearly starting from 1975

IPP-Impact per Publication

• Measures the ratio of citations in a year to scholarly papers published in the previous three years.

• 3 years considered to be an optimal time period to accurately measure citations in most subject fields • Not normalized for subject field- when normalized it becomes SNIP

SNIP-Source Normalised Impact per Paper

• Developed by Henk Moed - CWTS (Centre for Science and Technology Studies)-Leiden University • Measures the average citation impact of the publications of a journal, correcting for the differences in citation practices between scientific fields and therefore allowing for more accurate between-field comparisons of citation impact • SNIP is field normalized, dependent on likelihood of citation in subject field of source

SNIP: Source-normalized impact per paper



journals have

a Source-normalized impact per paper

(SNIP) measuring contextual citation impact by weighting citations per subject field - Peer-reviewed papers only Field’s frequency and immediacy of citation - Database coverage Journal’s scope and focus - Measured relative to database median

+ + +

impact per publication (IPP) Citation potential in its subject field


Inventiones Mathematicae Molecular Cell




Cit. Pot.



SNIP (IPP/Cit. Pot.)



SJR- SCImago Journal



• Developed by Felix de Moya, CSIC (Spanish Research Council) • Prestige metric- not all citations are the same • Citations are weighted depending on the status of the source they come from

SJR- SCImago Journal Rank

Life Sciences journal Arts & Humanities journal High impact, lots of citations One citation = low value Low impact, few on citations One citation = high value

SJR normalizes for differences in citation behaviour between subject fields


Integration of article level metrics into Scopus Mendeley

readership Statistics shows how many times Mendeley users have downloaded a specific article to their libraries.


is way to see all of the social or mainstream media mentions gathered for a particular paper as well as reader counts on popular reference managers


• Originated by Jorge Hirsch in 2005 • A group of papers has index




of the papers have at least


citations each, and the other papers have no more than


citations each.

• Attempts to measure both the productivity and impact of the published work of a scholar

An example from Iran…

g-index & m-index g-index

• Variant of


-index that emphasizes the most highly-cited papers in a data set


• Variant of


-index that displays


-index per year since first publication

Analyze Journals in Scopus

Analyze Journals in Scopus

What is Mendeley?

What is Mendeley?

Mendeley is a

reference manager

allowing you to manage, read, share, annotate and cite your research papers...

...and an

academic collaboration network

with 3 Million users to connect like-minded researchers & discover research trends and statistics.

… forming a

crowdsourced database

with a unique layer of

social research information and an Open API

Mendeley’s Three Key Values

“Drives Researcher Productivity”

Reference manager

“Enables Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing”

Research Network & Groups

“Creates Additional Insights & Build Apps”

Research Data & API