Modern Systems Analysis and Design Joey F. George Jeffrey

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Transcript Modern Systems Analysis and Design Joey F. George Jeffrey


Modern Systems Analysis and Design

Third Edition Jeffrey A. Hoffer Joey F. George Joseph S. Valacich

Chapter 19 Rapid Application Development

Copyright 2002 Prentice-Hall, Inc.


Learning Objectives

 Explain the Rapid Application Development (RAD) approach and how it differs from traditional approaches to information systems development  Describe the systems development components essential to RAD  Discuss the conceptual pillars that support the RAD approach  Explain the advantages and disadvantages of RAD as an exclusive systems development methodology


Rapid Applications Development (RAD)

Systems development methodology created to radically decrease the time needed to design and implement information systems radically.

Five key factors 1. Extensive user involvement 2. Joint Application Design sessions 3. Prototyping 4. Integrated CASE tools 5. Code generators


The Process of Developing an Application Rapidly

RAD is a general strategy rather than a single methodology    Goals To analyze a business process rapidly To design a viable system solution through intense cooperation between users and developers To get the finished application into the hands of the users quickly Traditional SDLC steps are followed, but phases are combined Iteration is limited to design and development phases


Components of RAD

User involvement is key to success Prototyping is conducted in sessions similar to Joint Application Design (JAD) Prototyping screens become screens within the production system CASE tools are used to design the prototypes


Approaches to RAD

Martin’s pillars of RAD   Four pillars     Tools People Methodology Management Conversion to RAD within organization should be done with a small group of well-trained and dedicated professionals, called a RAD cell  Over time, cell can grow until RAD is the predominant approach of the information systems unit


Approaches to RAD

McConnell’s pillars of RAD   Four pillars  Avoid classic mistakes  Apply development fundamentals  Manage risks to avoid catastrophic setbacks  Apply schedule-oriented practices Table 19 1 lists some of McConnell’s 36 classic development mistakes

Approaches to RAD


McConnell’s pillars of RAD (continued)  Development mistakes  Weak personnel  Employees that are not as well trained in skills necessary for success of the project  Silver-bullet syndrome  Occurs when developers believe that a new and untried technology is all that is needed to cure the ills of any development project  Feature creep  More and more features are added to a system over course of development  Requirements gold-plating  Project may have more requirements than needed


Approaches to RAD

Software tools  Case tools can be used for  Prototyping  Code generation  Example: COOL:Gen  Visual Development Environments  Visual Basic  Delphi


Approaches to RAD

Martin’s RAD Life Cycle  Systems requirement determination is done in context of a discussion of business problems and business areas    User Design  End users and IS professionals participate in JAD workshops  CASE tools are used to support prototyping Construction  Designer creates code using code generator  End user validates screens and other aspects of design Cutover  New system is delivered to end users


RAD Success Stories

Inprise/Borland’s Delphi  U.S. Navy Fleet Modernization  Requirements  Move from three character-based systems to a unified, GUI-based system based on a single database  Reasons for choosing Delphi   Support for rapid prototyping Promise of re-use of components  Outcome  System developed in 6 months   Estimated development savings of 50 percent New system resulted in immediate 20 percent savings due to reduced maintenance costs


RAD Success Stories

Inprise/Borland’s Delphi (continued)  First National Bank of Chicago  Electronic Federal Tax Payment System  Delphi enabled rapid prototyping and development  10 months of development time  125 programmers  250 million rows of data and 55 gigabytes of data on-line


RAD Success Stories

VisualAge for Java  Comdata    Modular Over the Road System (MOTRS) IBM Global Services chosen as vendor Servlets  Programming modules that expand the functions of the Web server  Applets   Embedded code run from client browser Nine months to completion    Three months of research Three months of coding Three months of testing



Dramatic time savings the systems development effort


More speed and lower cost may lead to lower overall system quality Can save time, money and human effort Tighter fit between user requirements and system specifications Works especially well where speed of development is important Ability to rapidly change system design as demanded by users Strong user stake and ownership of system Danger of misalignment of system developed via RAD with the business due to missing information May have inconsistent internal designs within and across systems Possible violation of programming standards related to inconsistent naming conventions and inconsistent documentation Difficulty with module reuse for future systems System optimized for users involved in RAD process Concentrates on essential system elements from user viewpoint Lack of scalability designed into system Lack of attention to later systems administration built into system High cost of commitment on the part of key user personnel



Rapid Application Development Approach (RAD) Components of RAD Conceptual pillars that support RAD RAD success stories Advantages and Disadvantages of RAD