Nebraska Peer Education - Family, Career and Community

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Transcript Nebraska Peer Education - Family, Career and Community

Teens Teaching Teens
• The 4 peer education teams are:
– Families First
– Financial Fitness
– Student Body
– Public Relations
• Each team is represented by a current State Officer.
• Peer Education teams teach peers how to make better
• Each team has a central focus.
Families First
• Families First is an FCCLA national peer
education program through which youth
gain a better understanding of how
families work and learn skills to become
strong family members.
• There are 5 units for the team.
• These units are guidelines for the team to
create projects to teach people about
Families First Units
• The 5 units for Families First are:
– Families Today - Understand and celebrate
– You-Me-Us - Strengthen family relationships
– Meet the Challenge - Overcome obstacles
– Balancing Family and Career - Manage
multiple responsibilities
– Parent Practice - Learn to nurture children
Financial Fitness
• Financial Fitness is an FCCLA national peer
education program that involves youth teaching
one another how to make, save, and spend
money wisely.
Through FCCLA’s Financial Fitness program,
youth plan and carry out projects that help them
and their peers learn to become wise financial
managers and smart consumers.
There are 5 units for Financial Fitness to help
the team create projects to help people manage
their finances.
Financial Fitness Units
• The 5 units for Financial Fitness are:
– Banking Basics - Conquer bank accounts, credit, and
– Cash Control - Track and plan personal spending
– Making Money - Sharpen on-the-job financial fitness
– Consumer Clout - Become a savvy spender
– Financing Your Future - Apply financial skills to real
Student Body
• Student Body is an FCCLA national peer
education program that helps young
people learn to eat right, be fit, and make
healthy choices.
• Student Body has 3 units that help the
team inform peers of healthy choices.
Student Body Units
• The 3 units for Student Body are:
– Eat Right — Explore good nutrition, eating disorders,
healthy snacks, supplements, vegetarianism, and
– Be Fit — Take action related to lifelong exercise
habits, obesity, sports training, and other topics
– Make Healthy Choices— Choose a positive lifestyle
by avoiding drugs, alcohol, and tobacco; managing
stress; building self esteem; and practicing good
Public Relations
• Public Relations team members will be trained on how to
“maximize” the flow of information between FCCLA and
the public! Public relations team members will help
“brand” FCCLA across Iowa by using topics of public
interest and news items that continue to spread the
goals of FCCLA. Common activities include speaking at
conferences, working with the press/media and helping
publicize the Iowa FCCLA website through the use of
YouTube and Facebook to energize members statewide
Responsibilities of a Peer
Education Team member
• Attend Training
• Complete three projects by due dates
• November
• December
• January
• Complete online project submission
• During State Leadership Conference an
Award of Excellence certificate and pin will be
presented to team members that completed
all projects by the designated due dates
Award of Completion will be presented to
team will be presented to team members that
completed all projects, but did not meet the
designated due dates.
Any Questions?
• Contact Janet Mann
• Iowa Peer Education Team Coordinator
• [email protected]