Facts, trends and challenges in waste management in the

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Transcript Facts, trends and challenges in waste management in the

Facts, trends and
challenges in waste
management in the
Republic of Macedonia
M.Sc. Margareta Cvetkovska,
Ministry of Environment and Physical
Republic of Macedonia
Waste management-present
Waste management policy
Waste management information system
Waste management-challenges
Waste management-present
Sub-standard with regard to human and financial
Insufficient and ineffective with regard to monitoring
and law implementation as well as hampered by
political and social lacks (like execution of enforcement,
stakeholders consultations, public awareness),
Characterized with lack of data and information on the
local and national levels.
Waste management-present
Around 77% of the population is covered by the public municipal waste
collection system operated by public enterprises.
Around 35% of the hazardous medical waste is collected separately,
transported to and burnt at the "Drisla" landfill which provides service on the
area of the capital of Skopje.
Activities of municipal waste recovery and recycling are very limited,
without any organized approach. Recovery of recycable materials, such as
metal, paper, plastics, car batteries and accumulators is performed by the
informal sector.
Composting and anaerobic digestion of biodegradable waste are not
practiced in the country.
There are no organized systems for collection of construction and
demolition waste, as well as for collection and treatment of agricultural and
live-stock waste.
At present, there is no organized system for collection of waste batteries and
accumulators, and waste electric and electronic equipment.
Waste management-present
Hazardous waste is sold/recycled and disposed of insite the plants or together with the municipal waste.
Identification of locations with PCB containing
transformers is underway and incineration is carried out
Waste management-present
Macedonia have limited markets for materials and
products recovered from waste with intention of
recycling or utilization for energy production.
The majority of recovered material for recycling would
have to be exported, which will incur additional costs
for handling and shipping and thus may exceed the
market value of the materials.
Diferent waste types
Proportional share of different waste types
Waste from excavation of
minerals and ore processing
Agricultural waste - manure
Agricultural waste - plant residues
Municipal waste
Construction and demolition waste
Non-hazardous waste from
power plants, thermal, metallurgical and
inorganic chemical processes
Used tires, accumulators,
end-of-life vehicles
Hazardous waste
Municipal waste generation
Municipal waste generation in kg per capita per year
Total and sector specific GHG
The general waste management
 Transposition
of the EU acquis for waste management
in the national legislation is one of the main tasks and
goals in the context of the establishment of integrated
and sustainable waste management system.
The general waste management
Law on Environment 2005, regulating the basic issues
such as environmental permits, environmental impact
assessment procedure, GHG emissions, etc.
Law on Waste Management 2004,
National Environmental Action Plans (NEAP 1996/2006)
Strategy for Waste Management of the Republic of
Macedonia (2008-2020)
National Waste Management Plan (2009-2015)
The Law on Waste Management
Regulates the overall rules applicable to the following issues:
 Definitions and applicability for waste types;
 Development of strategy, plans and programmes at different levels;
 Waste management and permitting procedures;
 Landfills;
 Waste combustion and incineration;
 Waste import, export and transit, monitoring, reporting and data
 Supervision by the competent authorities, penalty provisions,
transitional and closing provisions.
The Law on Waste Management
Does not regulate the management of waste originating
from mining. This subject is regulated in the Law on
Mineral 2007.
Partially regulates the waste falling within the scope of
veterinary activities, and other product with natural
origin which could be used in the agriculture.
Responsibilities of MoEPP and
Task and responsibilities of MoEPP Task and responsibilities of the
on waste management:
 Organization the collection,
 Planning and policy development
transportation and disposal of
 Registration, issuing permits and
municipal wastes
 Supervising transportation and
disposal of industrial non-hazardous
 Organization an effective solid
waste management system for
 Deciding on the location of waste
hazardous waste
management facilities, issuing local
regulations on waste management
 Monitoring, data collection
 Inspection
Establishment of the nonhazardous
and inert waste landfills
Issuing environmental permits (IPPC
The bylaws based on the
Law on Waste Management
Regulate the permitting procedures and determine technical and
other conditions for waste storage and transfer, acceptance in
landfills and landfill operations.
Specific importance is attributed to activities for regulation of
hazardous waste aimed at putting the hazardous waste under
control, including asbestos waste, PCB containing waste, waste oils,
medical waste, waste from titanium dioxide, end-of-life vehicles and
used tires.
Law on Ratification of the Basel Convention on
the Control of Transboundary Movement of
Hazardous Wastes and their Storage 1997
Regulate the cross-border movement of hazardous waste
Transposition of the main EU waste
related directives in the Macedonian
Law on packaging and packaging waste 2009
Law on batteries and accumulators 2010
Rulebook on incineration of waste 2009
Two regulations will be adopted
Regulation on waste transport (1013/2006),
Regulation (EC1774/2002) specifying the health
regulations for animal by-products not intended for
human consumption.
Two directives will be transposed
Directive on waste electric and electronic equipment
Directive on environmental liability (2004/35/EC) and
adoption of national regulations on soil quality and
contamination will provide the legal basis necessary to
initiate negotiations related to activities aimed at hot-spots
Waste management information
The implementation and maintenance of
a data
collection/information system shall cover data on:
 The sources, nature, quantities and fate of waste
 The main information on facilities for recovery, recycling
and energy utilization of constituents of individual waste
streams and
 Information on final disposal facilities
State of environment reports
Annual reports on all environmental media
Indicators reports
Environmental statistics reposrts
SOER reports
Web page of the Ministry of Environment and Physical
Waste management-challenges
The principle of solving the waste problem at the
source of its generation
Separation of hazardous from non-hazardous
waste streams at the source and separate further
treatment or deposition of such streams
Recovery of valuable ingredients of the waste
Establishment of rationale network of waste
treatment and disposal facilities
Remedial of contaminated sites – hot-spots