Moving toward Multispectral, Multiplatform Operational

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Moving toward Multispectral,
Multiplatform Operational
Satellite Precipitation Estimates
Robert J. Kuligowski
Roderick A. Scofield
NOAA/NESDIS Office of Research and
Brief History of Precipitation Work at
Future Directions
• Multi-Satellite Blending
• Lightning
• Multiple-Channel Algorithms
• Nowcasting
History: GOES Algorithms
Emphasis on operational forecast
support (Satellite Analysis Branch)
Progression from manual techniques
(Interactive Flash Flood Analyzer—
IFFA) to automated (AutoEstimator/Hydro-Estimator)
Exploration of multi-channel
techniques (GOES Multi-Spectral
Rainfall Algorithm—GMSRA)
History: Microwave Algorithms
Emphasis on climate applications
Progression from statistical
algorithms to physical algorithms
(Goddard PROFiling algorithm—
Development of some forecasting
applications (TRopical Rainfall
History: Blended Algorithms
Resolution and latency favor GOES IR
estimates; accuracy favors polar-orbiter
MW estimates.
Efforts by many researchers to obtain the
accuracy of MW with the resolution of IR.
Some ORA collaboration with F. Joseph
Turk on Naval Research Lab algorithm.
Development at ORA of Self-Calibrating
Multivariate Precipitation Retrieval
History: SCaMPR
Flexible framework for automaticallycalibrated precipitation estimation:
• Calibrates against SSM/I and AMSU
• Discriminant analysis selects and
calibrates best rain/no rain predictors
• Stepwise forward regression selects and
calibrates the best rain rate predictors
Predictors AND calibration updated
SCaMPR continued:
SCaMPR is being transitioned into
real-time applications
Initial version uses basic predictors:
T6.9, T10.7, T13.2, temperature
differences, T10.7 texture information
Eta model PW, RH will be added soon
SCaMPR can use ANY gridded field as
a predictor
Preliminary SCaMPR Performance
• LIMITED sample; comparisons
of 6-h estimates to Stage IV
during the Oct. 7-15 test
• Fewer false alarms than H-E,
but also fewer correct
detections, especially for
lighter precipitation.
• Less bias than the H-E, but
bias increases with amount;
GMSRA is least biased of the
• Overall, SCaMPR performs
slightly worse than H-E and
GMSRA for low amounts (<10
mm/6h) but slightly better for
high amounts (>20 mm/6h).
Blended Algorithms and GPM
Blended algorithms are not intended
to compete with GPM
No IR algorithm is a perfect substitute
for MW!
Enhanced timeliness and latency in
GPM era will enhance combination
IR/MW algorithms
Ultimate solution is Geo MW, but that
remains at least a decade away
SCaMPR and Lightning
Receiving National Lightning
Detection Network (NLDN) data in
real time
Working to design and test lightningbased SCaMPR predictors
Wider applications anticipated with
increase in number of spaceborne
lightning platforms
Multiple-Channel Algorithms
GMSRA laid the groundwork, incorporating
a number of research techniques into a
real-time algorithm:
Visible: daytime thin cloud identification
3.9 µm: retrieving cloud particle size
during the daytime (after Rosenfeld and
Gutman 1994)
6.9 µm-10.7 µm: identifying overshooting
cloud tops (after Tjemkes et al. 1997)
10.7 µm – 12.0 µm: identifying thin
clouds during day or night (after Inoue
Multiple-Channel Algorithms
Increased channel selection on current
and planned geostationary imagers (e.g.,
12 on SEVIRI, 16 on ABI)
Research needs to be transitioned into
operations as the data become available,
• Cloud phase using 8.5, 11, 12 µm (Ackerman
et al.)
• Vertical profiles of cloud water/ice particle size
(Chang and Li)
Research is being conducted at ORA using
MODIS data for rain/no rain discrimination
The Hydro-Nowcaster
Nowcasts enhance the utility of satellite
precipitation estimates by increasing the
lead time of precipitation information.
The H-N produces 0-3 hour nowcasts of
rainfall (based on estimates by the HydroEstimator) and updates every 15 min.
Two components:
• Extrapolation: identifies cloud clusters, tracks
and extrapolates motions out to 3 hours
• Growth/decay: changes in cluster size and
temperature are used to determine time
change of rain intensity during the nowcast
Example: Hurricane Isabel on
18-19 September 2003
1 h nowcast:
2100 UTC –
2200 UTC
3-h nowcast:
2100 UTC –
0000 UTC (19)
Hurricane Isabel on 18-19
September 2003
1-h Nowcasts
3-h Nowcasts
Correl RMSE
ation (mm)
1.48 0.48
1.48 0.43
1.17 0.38 10.0 1.28 0.34
Statistics for 2100 UTC 18 September to 0000 UTC 19 September 2003
Many opportunities for progress in
precipitation estimation/nowcasting:
• Blending of IR/MW data
• New instruments and channels
• Space-based lightning (and someday
MW?) sensors
International cooperation—
development, data sharing, and
education—are essential for
maximum impact