working smarter to maximise returns from educational

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Transcript working smarter to maximise returns from educational

designing for learning with technology

Ron Oliver Edith Cowan University Perth, Western Australia [email protected],au

The 11 th 334 Symposium Lingnan University March 2011

teaching maths through the decades


A logger sells a lorry load of timber for $1000.

• His cost of production is 4/5 of the selling price.

• What is his profit?


A logger sells a lorry load of timber for $1000.

• His cost of production is 4/5 of $800.

• What is his profit?


A logger sells a lorry load of timber for $1000.

• His cost of production is $800.

• Did he make a profit?


• A logger sells a lorry load of timber for $1000.

• His cost of production is $800 and his profit is $200.

• Underline the number 200.

teaching maths through the decades


A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is totally selfish and inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the preservation of our woodlands.

• He does this so he can make a profit of $200. What do you think of this way of making a living?

• Topic for class participation: How did the birds and squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes? There are no wrong answers.

• If you are upset about the plight of the animals in question counseling will be available.

what we have always known about learning…

• effective learning occurs through knowledge construction • practice and reflection • experiential processes • thoughtful activities • self-regulation • meaningful assessment and guidance • the following are useful but not sufficient listening • classroom tasks • content acquisition • reading

more learning

• efficient, guided, supported, more accessible, flexible, •

better learning

• relevant, meaningful, interesting, engaging, applicable •

better learners

• self-sufficient, independent, resourceful, active, willing •

better teachers

• facilitators, guides, planners of learning experiences better teachers

more learning

• availability of learning • access to knowledge • flexibility of learning • learning resources • administrative support • efficiency in delivery

better learning exploring learner engagement

information access

reading observing listening watching browsing…

information organisation

comparing merging measuring recording summarising collating annotating summing memorising organising practising…

information processing

articulating arguing reflecting evaluating designing critiquing inferring proving asserting assimilating applying solving…

better learners

• independent learners • self-regulated learners • developing metacognitive skills • self-sufficient learners

better teachers

• accessible resources • focus on learning design • administrative support • monitoring and support • learner scaffolds • learner focus

affordances of technology

of contemporary technologies • • • • • • • • interactivity support scaffolding mobility flexibility accessibility mobility portability

blending conventional with e-learning

enhanced learning employability

technology-supported teacher-directed

efficient learning enhanced support

enhanced learning

supporting alternative learning models

eg. authentic learning

• meaningful activities • complex tasks • • product-oriented interdisciplinary

supports for deep learning

• • • reflection higher-order thinking creativity & synthesis

active learning

• • • problem-solving inquiry-learning problem-based learning

collaborative learning

• • • connected learners shared learning spaces networks

student-centred learning

• learner control • learning empowerment • learner choice


employability skills

• discipline knowledge • breadth knowledge • soft skills

supporting lifelong learning

• self-learning • metacognition • self-regulation

enhancing cultural awareness

• internationalisation • globalisation • intercultural

developing rational inquiry capabilities

• problem-solving • critical thinking

providing multiple perspectives

• internationalisation • sustainability • environmental • social • financial

efficiency and economy

efficient processes and systems for teaching

• automated processes • templates • learning systems

reusable resources

• learning objects • open source courseware • learning designs


• learning management • organisation • assessment management

assessment & monitoring

• e-assessment • e-marking • feedback

information access

• resource access • just-in-time • multiple sources • rich-media

learner productivity

• • • • presentation communication information dissemination

enhanced learner support


• multiple modes • one-to-many • push technology • broadcast


• • • • • • • myspace

flickr youtube blogger secondlife facebook

online resources

• calendar and schedule • unit guide and plan • topic notes • workshop notes • lectures online • rich media • FAQ page • assessment exemplars • assessment rubrics • plagiarism detection • learning sharing space

learning scaffolds

• task supports • peer support • resource support • accessibility

flexible learning

• customisable settings • any time • any place • catering for diversity

interactive learning

• responsive • engaging • intelligent • dynamic

distance learning

• choices • flexible • interactive

learner portfolios

• resource development • work samples • reflections • capabilities

learning tools

• laptops • iPods • discussion boards • blogs • wikis • syllabi • email • connections

so you want to use ICT in learning and teaching?

• where to start?

• what tools?

• the right advice • boldly venturing out

variables influenced by blending learning with ICT

• teacher-centred • content-oriented • classroom-based • time-dependent • fixed scope • passive • • • • • • learner-centred task-oriented location-free time-independent open active

ICT and learning: what works?

ICT use students appreciate

• administration and organisation • information access • flexibility and accessibility • relevance • productivity 444 444 444 444 444

ICT and learning: what works?

ICT use students tolerate

• alternative environments • different approaches • learner choice • limited guidance 44 44 44 44

ICT and learning: what works?

ICT use students least appreciate

• problem-solving • collaboration • reflection • independent learning 4 4 4 4

interactive lectures

• • • clickers interactive activities for lecture settings • • • 32 clickers / 240 students summaries consolidation reflection • • • teacher-centric limited applications reflective

web polling

• • • wireless laptops Web tool • • • 20-30 laptops / 240 students feedback reflection asynchronous support • • • teacher-centric limited variety reusable

extension project

• • • authentic projects offered to advanced students • • • negotiated assessment project-based technology supported 24 laptop kits • • • limited student interest demanding for teacher limited ROI

students at-risk

• • • series of mobile learning technologies offered to at-risk students • • • extra supports 24 laptop kits extra class reflective blogs • • • strong student interest easily supported strong ROI

electronic lectures

• • • lecture recordings podcast/vodcast • • • strong accessibility ipods laptop downloads desktop access • • • • strong student interest easily supported learner resistance strong ROI

resource development

• • • • teacher development making PowerPoint instructional slides saved as podcasts • • ipods downloads just-in-time support • • • product development active learning flexible use

m-learning activities

• moblogging • google earth and GPS • movie making • excursion headsets

the right tools

learning management system

• connectivity • resources • access • skills

the right students

• expertise • access • familiarity • inclination

the right curriculum

• objectives • activities • assessments • alignment with assessment

start small

• reuse • share • copy • recycle

learning and teaching elements

learning tasks

• engage learners • context •

learning materials

• content • information •

learning supports

• teacher • peers

learning tasks

task description details deliverables

task resources

case examples case studies simulations virtual settings

task supports

guidelines templates models

learning materials

course content books online resources primary sources

resource supports

tutorials instructional materials quizzes learning objects

learning supports

teacher support discussion boards feedback monitoring

how better to engage learners?

• authentic tasks • meaningful activities • complex tasks • collaborative processes • reflective elements • multiple perspectives • diversity of outcome • product-oriented • interdisciplinary • AECT Outstanding Book Award 2010

reusable learning designs

• technology-supported learning • accessible database • descriptions • • evaluations moderated

researching practice

• • • • • research in authentic and natural educational contexts applied research planned to have a practical impact characterised by theory-guided educational interventions involving mixed methods with qualitative and quantitative techniques used in combination iterative design and evaluation cycle

indicators of successful ICT applications

• • • • • • • • • engaged learners deep learning motivated learners learner satisfaction heightened participation collaboration learner conversations application enhanced learning

designing for learning with technology

Ron Oliver Edith Cowan University Perth, Western Australia [email protected],au

334 Symposium on Project 4Y Lingnan University March 2011