Transcript Document

2 Recruitment
Aim of learning
In this unit learners are expected to :
learn the vocabulary and expressions in job
application and interviewing;
learn some basic skills in job application and
learn to write job application letter and resume;
perform interviewing in a proper manner.
Time required:
6 hours
Vocabulary study
When a company needs to recruit (招聘) or employ
new people, it may decide to advertise the job or position
(职位) in the appointments section of a newspaper.
People who are interested can then apply for(申请)
the job by sending in a letter of application (求职信)
or covering letter (US cover letter简历的附信) and a
curriculum vitae [‘vi:tai](简历) or CV (US resume)
containing details of their education and experience.
A company may also ask candidates (求职者) to
complete a standard application form(申请表).
The company‘s Human Resources department will
then select the most suitable applications and
prepare a short list (优先名单) of candidates
or applicants, who are invited to attend an
Another way for a company to hire(雇佣) is by
using the services of a recruitment agency (招
聘机构)(US search firm) who
will provide them with a list of
suitable candidates.
Key words
liked to unwind with a cocktail before dinner.
team game-团队游戏、活动
personality test-性格测试
top performers-最佳表现者;
plane tickets机票
subway tokens.地铁代币
patent 专利
movie tickets 电影票
a wealth of -a lot of 大量的
career opportunity -就职机会;工作机会
professional experience-专业工作经验
co-op programs消费合作社计划
on-campus interviews 校园面试
career expos 大型招聘会
press release 新闻稿
probation period 实习期
Reading: 1 Read the advertisement on Page 17 from
the website of the American company Cognex, and
match the information below with the corresponding
red boxes in the advertisement.
1 Cognex provides evening entertainment for its
2 There is a place for employees to play and unwind
3 Employees are given the opportunity to travel to foreign
4 Cognex likes to recognize and thank employees for their
hard work.
2. In pairs, discuss these questions.
1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of
working for Cognex?
2 Would you like to work for a company like this?
Why/Why not?
3 What do you think of this type of recruitment
4 What kind of person is Cognex hoping to recruit?
5 What other ways can companies
use to advertise for staff?
3. Different methods may be used to recruit people. In
groups, discuss the following.
Candidates may be asked to:
• tell a joke
• take part in a team game with
employees from the company
• make a five-minute speech
• complete a probation period before being accepted
Employers may:
• offer a job to the husband or wife of a good candidate
• prefer to recruit people from the families of employees
• ask candidates to complete a personality test
• have candidates‘ handwriting analysed (graphology笔
Which methods do you think are acceptable/unacceptable?
Why? Would it be possible to
recruit like this in your country?
Reading: Read the text on page 18, and decide If
the statements on page 19 are true (T) or false (F).
Key words & expressions:
managerial classes 管理层
cunning -Marked by or given to artful subtlety and
accomplishment - -an achievement.成绩,成就:
propel them up the corporate ladder--bring them
the chances for promotion (propel—推进)
submit to a series of paper-and-pencil tests-change to written
 brainteasers-A mentally challenging problem or puzzle.脑筋急转弯:一
Simulated/simulation ---模拟的
 intangible qualities-Incapable of being perceived by the senses.
evaluate candidates-To examine and judge carefully; appraise.
 entrepreneurial-like a person who organizes, operates, and
assumes the risk for a business venture.有企业家精神的:
 coach-To train or tutor or to act as a trainer or tutor.
function under pressure-To have or perform a function; serve:
有或起作用;行使职责: e.g. functioned as ambassador.
 corporate culture-企业文化
career accomplishment-职业成就
 management style--管理风格
 interrogations--询问
 downsize-To make in a smaller size:以较小尺寸制造:
cars that were downsized during the gasoline-conscious
1970‘s; 在汽油短缺的七十年代以较小尺寸制造的小汽
a corporation that downsized its personnel in response to
a poor economy.因经济不景气而裁员的股份有限公司
 slashed layers-大量裁员的阶层
accelerate-To increase the speed of.加速,促
He decided to accelerate his advertising.他决定增加广
 shift to 改变到、转移到
 unconvinced不信服的
 anecdotal evidence-轶事一样的like a short
account of an interesting or humorous incident.
 size up executive candidates-evaluate 评估
 rationalize their choice-合理化
 hiring practice –hiring policy
 toughen –strengthen v.(使)变坚韧, (使)变顽固
 sexual harassment 性骚扰
 personality traits 个人品质、特征
3. Complete the passage on pp.20 about the role of
search firms in recruiting, using words from Vocabulary 1
and from the Key Vocabulary section. Change the form of
the words where necessary.
Key words:
 headhunter/executive search firm 猎头公司
specialize in -专业于
The shop specializes in mountain-climbing gear.专门销
costly and time-consuming -expensive
simulations -模仿、模拟
computer simulation of an in-flight emergency.计算机模拟飞行途
Compound nouns
can be formed in different ways. Decision maker
(line 71) is formed by combining two nouns and refers to
'someone who makes decisions'. The nouns in the two
boxes below can be combined in the same way.
1 Match one noun from each box to form a compound
noun. ( pp 21)
2 Check your answers in a dictionary and note if the
expression is written as two words, with a hyphen (-) or as
one word.
3.Can you think of four more expressions like this?
On page 158 you will find four examples of
questions from a personality test of the type
mentioned in the text.
1. Follow the instructions and answer each
2. In pairs, discuss your answers to the questions.
What do you think the answers would tell an
employer about your personality?
3. What do you think of this type of testing?
Language Focus
Match the sentences in the group numbered with
numbers with the group numbered with letters.
Suggested answers:
1/f 2/c 3/a 4/d 5/g 6/b 7/e
This is part of a report that a personnel manager
wrote after interviewing a candidate for the
position of Director of Software Development. Put
the verbs in brackets into the present simple or
present continuous tense. (pp22)
Words & Expressions:
 articulate -eloquent发音清楚的;善于表达的
 well presented-well stated or explained陈述恰
 soft engineering -软件工程
 challenging position-有挑战性的职位
 field of specialization 专业领域
 stimulating environment- challenging situation
 field of specialization—专业领域
 contribute to that growth-贡献于;
 perfect his German—improve 完善、提高
 trade fair 贸易博览会/展销会
Skills Focus
Look at the job advertisement on pp22. You will hear a
conversation in which Fiona Scott is telling a friend about
the advertisement. Listen to the conversation and
complete the missing information.
W & E:
 substantial丰富的;大量的;真实的
 proficiency -with sufficient skills熟练
 outdoor experience户外经验
 environmental background
 plus –additional condition附加条件
 glamour—疑惑/
 gritty 坚忍不拔
 functional—with many function
The curriculum vitae
Fiona Scott decide to apply for the job at Patagonia.
Study her CV carefully to see how she has
presented the information about herself. Where do
you think each of the following headings should
be placed?
References (证明人) Activities 社会活动
Personal details个人信息 Education教育
Skills 技能 Professional Experience工作经验
 trust-The confidence reposed in a trustee when giving the trustee
legal title to property to administer for another, together with the
trustee's obligation regarding that property and the beneficiary.
on all aspects of 在各个方面
 distribution 派送
 monthly journal 月刊杂志
 promotional material 宣传材料
 brochures 小册子
 co-ordination 协作
 media coverage 媒体的覆盖、发行
 tribune 论坛;讲台
 conduct interviews---carry out interviews
 local community sport events 地方社区体育活动
 ski instructor 滑雪教练
2 The letter of application
The letter of application can be as important as the CV in
that it often provides the first direct contact between a
candidate and an employer. If this letter is not well written
and presented, it will make a poor impression.
The letter of application normally contains four
paragraphs in which you should:
• confirm that you wish to apply and say where you
learned about the job
• say why you are interested in the position and relate
your interests to those of the company
• show that you can contribute to the job by
highlighting your most relevant skills and
• indicate your willingness to attend an interview
(and possibly say when you would be free to attend)
On page 23 you will find details from Fiona Scott's letter
of application. Look at the outline of the letter on the left
and indicate where the information below should go.
Key words and expressions:
 non-profit making organization-非营利组织
 welcome the chance to do sth
 suit both my personal and professional interests- familiarize me with sth. ---使 某人对….熟悉
 nature enthusiast-天生的热情
 defender –保护者
 environmental cause 环保事业
Clarke Hooper is advertising for graduates.
Read the advertisement (pp25) carefully, then
prepare the CV and letter of application that you
would send to Michelle Hocking. You may invent
as many details as you wish, but note that the
person who you present in your CV will not
graduate until the end of this year.
 sales promotion
 grab people’s attention
 account handler –财务管理人员
You will hear David Smyth, the Personnel Manager of a
major European insurance company, answering questions
about the way he interviews and selects candidates.
1 . In the first extract he talks about the four points listed
below. Listen and number them in the order in which he
mentions them.
a the mistakes a candidate can make in an interview
b the qualities a candidate must have
c his advice to interviewees
d the kinds of things a candidate is expected to know
Listen again and make notes on each point.
Listening Keys:
Qualities: an ability to react quickly, be intelligent , be
suitable for the position. The person should be well
presented, pleasant and tidy.
Things he/she is expected to know: He/she should have
fairly good knowledge of what the company does, what
he/she is expected to do, who he/she is going to report to.
The mistakes a candidate can make in an interview: to
say “yes” and agree with everything the interviewer says.
Advice to a interviewee: listen, ask the right questions,
create a good relationship with the interviewer.
2. In the second extract, David Smyth talks about
the stages of an interview. Listen to what he says
and complete the following chart. (pp26)
Keys: 2) The interviewer greets the candidates and
brings him into the office.
4)The interviewer reviews the CV.
6) the candidate asks questions for about 5 to 10 minutes.
7) The interviewer ask more general questions about the
candidate’s life, and adds one or two trick questions at the
end of the interview.
3. Look at the questions that David Smythe uses
during an interview. In which section of the
interview would each question appear? (pp26)
In pairs, look back at the job advertisement on
page 25. You are going to interview a candidate for
a place on the graduate recruitment programme.
Swap your CVs and letters of application with
another pair and prepare questions you would like
to ask each of them.
When you have prepared the questions, interview
one of the students whose CV you have read. After
the interview, discuss the candidate with your
partner. Would you employ him/her? Why? Why