Transcript Slide 1

The Common Approach to Competency for Regulators

1 Why does it matter?

2 Background 3 How RDNA works 4 GRIP 5 Practical application 6 What people say 7 Next steps 8 Any questions?


1 Why does it matter?

• Flexible and agreed approach to regulators’ Continuous Professional Development • Supports the development of skills and knowledge in a cost-effective way • Provides confidence to all the key players: regulatory professionals, local authorities, national regulators and business • Creates better outcomes for businesses and citizens

2 Background • Work led by BRDO in partnership with the Regulatory Excellence Forum • Aim is to introduce common regulatory competence standards – underpinned by a robust development process and comprehensive learning materials • Overall approach is closely linked with the relevant qualifications frameworks provided by the professional bodies

Qualifications verses development?

• Qualifications demonstrate level of attainment… • …but at a particular point in time • Competencies need to remain relevant to regulatory officers’ work as their careers progress • Development activity needs to be based on the skills and knowledge required for a current or future role

Structure of competency frameworks

The common competency framework

The common approach

Competency frameworks

Core regulatory skills, including leadership Specific technical knowledge

Regulators’ Development Needs Analysis

Interactive website providing a robust process to enable regulators to assess their development needs

Guidance for Regulators – Information Point

Portal website identifying resources to help regulators meet their development needs in a cost-effective way

Key features • Core, generic regulatory skills and leadership skills sections • Technical knowledge sections, specific to areas of regulation • The RDNA self-assessment tool • The GRIP, designed to help meet development needs identified • A development process for regulators and managers

Main benefits • Simplification of the regulatory system • Greater consistency of business regulation • Effective means of delivering Continuous Professional Development for regulators and managers • Supported by the key players in the local and national regulatory landscape, giving transparency and confidence to all

3 How RDNA works: Registration

Create your assessment

Create your assessment

Using the dashboard

Skills module statements

Indicators of competency

Answer options to individual statements • I’m not confident – development need • I’m confident – no development need • I’m confident – development need • I’m confident – and already exceed • This is not applicable to my role

Work through the skills modules…

…then the relevant knowledge modules

Knowledge module statements

Report generation • Once all the modules are complete an assessment report is created, which should be saved to your PC and provided to your manager • It forms the basis for the development review • It highlights areas where a development need has been identified, and gives a structure for discussions

4 GRIP: Development solutions • GRIP identifies resources to help regulators meet their development needs • It mirrors the RDNA skills and knowledge sections • It provides links to 12 types of learning material • CPD points can be gained through its use in respect of activities undertaken to address identified development needs where a personal development plan is produced

Home page

Section page

Module page

Categories of material • • • • •


: A brief description of what a competent practitioner should be able to do

Core Learning Resources

: Essential required by regulators for competency

Training Courses


Further Reading

: Useful information for those wishing to extend their knowledge or specialise

Other Information

: Useful wanting a broader context information for those

Icon set Article / Information Case Study E-learning Guide Online Resource Operational Guidance Presentation Report / Publication Statute Tool Training Course Video

5 Practical application: Sample process • Appraise your skills and knowledge using the RDNA self-assessment tool • Consider the report with your line manager • Use GRIP to help you discover what learning resources are available to achieve your development objectives • Agree the development plan with your line manager • Undertake the activities specified, drawing on the learning resources in GRIP where appropriate • Capture your thoughts in a learning log

The manager’s role There are three ways to validate an assessment report: Use the RDNA tool produce the report


with the member of staff to Use the RDNA tool

in parallel

with the member of staff and compare your report with his or hers during the review Consider the report created by the member of staff prior to the review and note any areas to challenge, support or discuss

6 What they say: Local regulators “It is a more efficient, targeted way to identify development needs. Officers have found it straightforward and clear.

Tim Nicholls, Head of Environmental Health, Brighton and Hove Council, 2011

“It is a key tool to support culture change and a more structured and consistent professional development.

” approach to continuous

Allan Hampshire, Head of Regulatory Services, Cornwall Council, 2011

Professional bodies “It will be invaluable in supporting the professional qualification base of those working in the regulatory field, providing clarity on the competence standards required to be demonstrated which will benefit all regulators, their employing authorities and agencies, business and above all the consumers whom we serve.

Graham Jukes, Chief Executive, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, 2011

Professional bodies “It provides a clear, shared view of core regulatory skills and the specific knowledge underpinning the specific roles of regulatory officers. It is unique as the only resource which sets out a widely agreed set of core regulatory competences as well as learning resources to support continuous professional development.

Ron Gainsford, Chief Executive, Trading Standards Institute, 2011

7 Next steps • RDNA: over 3000 registered users at 330 local authorities (up to the end of 2013) • GRIP: 4560 site visits and 17,400 page views during 2013 • Approach will continue to be extended to other areas • Continues to be a collaborative project involving all the key players

8 Any questions?

Further information: [email protected]

0121 345 1200 [email protected]

0121 345 1200 Competency home page: professional-development-and-culture-change-resources