Transcript Lysbilde 1

Oslo kommune
Sammen lager vi utelivet tryggere
(Together we’ll make city nightlife safer)
The project group:
• A taskforce was established to prepare the way
for the project. It was disbanded Sep. 15th 2011.
• The project group has been operational since
Nov. 1st 2011. The group is headed by the
Department of Culture and Business
Development. The project group reports to a
directing group.
The project group consists of:
Johnny Brenna, project manager
Lisbeth Solstad Ramstad, project secretary
Espen Holm, TGIF, representative for the
hospitality industry
Gjermund Strømve, City-centre police station.
Yvonne Larsen, City of Oslo, Welfare Agency
Anders Aurmo, City of Oslo, Agency for Business
Development Services
• ”Through a proactive approach towards a
selected group of establishments to reduce and
prevent: service of alcohol to clearly intoxicated
individuals, service of alcohol to minors, violence
and public nuisances in Oslo.”
Political guidelines:
• Vice Mayor Røslands City Government
declaration, dated Oct. 24th 2011
• City Government proposition 223/11- Political
strategies from the City of Oslo regarding
• City Government budget proposition, case 1.
• National budget for 2012.
The project area:
An Oslo in miniature.
Included streets: Rosenzkrantzgate,
Tordenskiolds gate, Fridtjof Nansens Plass,
Stortingsgata, Olav Vs gate og Klingenberggata.
• Modeled after the STAD-project. A structured and
long-term undertaking, consisting of:
– Cooperation and dialogue between the industry and the
– Education and raising competence levels.
– An increased amount of inspections, and an increased
level of supervision.
Specific actions within the project area
• Educating the industry through two-day classes.
• Educating police and our inspectors.
• More visible police on the streets, and also
visiting locations within the project area.
• Increasing dialogue between the industry and the
• Inspections and supervision.
Key performance indicators for
SALUTT 2011-2013
• Observational studies by the Agency for
Business Development Services
• Observational studies by the City centre police
• Public surveys.
• Breathalyzer testing.
• Results from SIRUS’s actor-inspections.
STAD in Stockholm have experienced:
• A decrease in over-serving and in overall intoxication
• Fewer cases of public disorder.
• A more pleasant city to move in.
• More adults, and thereby also more affluent
individuals, participating in the city’s nightlife.
• An increase in revenue for the industry.
• Fire away!