The Jefferson Era

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The Jefferson Era
Chapter 9
Sections 1-5
Thomas Jefferson
New Democracy
• Jefferson’s plan as president included a focus on
rights of the people being equal.
• Jefferson purposefully created an informal
presidency. He believed that he was a citizen
first and therefore should not be placed above
• Laissez-Faire – “let alone” Jefferson believed
that the federal government had gotten too big
• This was directly against the ideas of the
Federalists and Alexander Hamilton
Smaller is Better
• Jefferson believed that the power of this
nation lied in the states, not the federal
• Reduced the size of the army, navy, and
lowered taxes.
• Kept some policies like the bank and the
debt repayment plan.
The Supreme Court
• John Adams had appointed several judges to
the federal court shortly before his departure.
Called “Midnight Judges”
• William Marbury was one of these judges and
when Jefferson became president he refused to
accept the appointment.
Marbury V. Madison
• John Marshall decided that the Supreme
Court does not have the right to decide
this case because the Constitution does
not allow it.
• Judicial Review- Established by John
Marshall. Allows the Supreme Court to
determine the constitutionality of laws and
actions by the executive and legislative
N. Orleans and the MS. River
• The Ms. River was many farmers only
reliable mode of transportation.
• Roads are few and unreliable.
• The farmers used the Ms. River to get to
New Orleans and then to Europe via the
Atlantic Ocean.
• Spain controlled New Orleans and was
threatening to close the port. This would
have been devastating to the USA
Pinckney Treaty
• Spain agrees to allow the US to use N.
Orleans. As a port and storage city.
• Shortly after this Spain gives N. Orleans to
France to avoid war.
• Napoleon was conquering Europe and had
eyes towards N. America.
• Jefferson is concerned
Revolt in Haiti
• Toussaint L’Ouverture led a slave revolt
that cost the French resources and lives.
• Napoleon’s plans were put on hold.
• Timing is everything…
The Louisiana Purchase
The Louisiana Purchase
• Jefferson gets permission from congress
to pay up to 10 million for N.O. and West
• Talleyrand and Napoleon offer all of the
Louisiana territory for 15 Million.
• Robert Livingston and James Monroe had
to make a decision.
• They say yes.
• Was this Constitutional?
Lewis and Clark
Jefferson’s Popularity
• After his 1st term in office Jefferson was
very popular. The Nation was
experiencing a period of success.
• The Louisiana Purchase was a great
occurrence and all seemed well.
• Jefferson;s second term could not differ
more from his 1st.
America Struggles with
• George Washington’s policy of neutrality
left America with few allies.
• American trade depended on the abilities
of merchants to sell their goods in far off
• The ocean was a dangerous place for a
merchant ship.
• Pirates from North Africa had attacked
merchant ships for years and now focused
on the US merchants.
Barbary Pirates
• In the early 1800’s Tripoli a member of the
Barbary states in North Africa demanded
protection money from the US to allow our
ships to pass.
• Jefferson refuses and Tripoli declares war.
• We respond by blockading Tripoli.
• Tripoli captures the Philadelphia after it
runs aground.
• A band of marines sail into the harbor at Tripoli late one
night and burn the Philadelphia. Why?
• Shortly after a band of Marines land and force Tripoli to
sign a peace treaty with the US.
More Troubles at Sea
• England and France went to war again in
• This is good for American businesses until
the French begin stealing our ships.
• Impressment - captured sailors are forced
to fight for other countries. This is a
favorite practice of the British.
A Bad Idea Gone Bad
• Jefferson decides to cut all ties with
France and Britain.
• Embargo Act - Imports and exports are
illegal. Jefferson figures that Britain and
France. Will need American goods and
give Jefferson what he wants.
• Wrong this kills the American economy.
Jefferson as an Unpopular
• Jefferson had misjudged the potential of
the Embargo Act, and it ended in 1809.
• They Replaced it with the Nonintercourse
Act - This allowed trade with any nation
except Britain and France.
• Jefferson leaves office tired and disliked.
• James Madison the Secretary of State is
elected President.
Madison and the War Hawks
• Britain and France continue to seize
American ships.
• Madison offers America as an ally to the
1st nation who promises to stop stealing
from us.
• France quickly offers to respect US
• New England wants trade to resume the
South and West want war.
Election of 1810
• Mid term election produces a pro war
• War Hawks - Group of congressmen
elected who supported nationalism and
• Nationalism - Pride in one’s nation over
all others.
• Led by Henry Clay (KY) they call for war
with Britain.
War out West.
• Indians and settlers continued to battle out
west over lands.
• Two Shawnee Indian brothers Tecumseh
and Prophet tried to unite the Native
• A showdown at Tippacanoe Creek in
Indiana pitted the Gen. William Henry
Harrison and his men vs. Prophet
Tecumseh and the Natives.
Interesting Outcome.
• The battle at Tippacanoe was not a major
victory for either side, but one the Us
claimed victory.
• Interesting events…
• America soldiers found the Natives using
British guns.
• We declare war on Britain June 1812
War of 1812
• Our Navy is 16 ships none able to deal
with the British
• Our Army is smaller and in the same
condition as it was when the Revolutionary
War ended.
• Congress approves a new bill that will pay
124 dollars and 360 acres, many new
soldiers joined, few stayed
Naval battles
• Even though the British Navy was divided,
fighting the French and the USA, they had
enough power to blockade our ports.
• Some of our ships were able to score
impressive wins against individual ships,
but we were largely ineffective against the
whole navy.
War in the West
• The War Hawk congress wanted very
much to conquer Canada.
• 1813 we invade Canada led by Gen.
William Hull
• He is tricked by the British into thinking
that their army is much larger and that
they have 5000 Indian allies.
• Hull Retreats. Nicely Done...
Native American Soldiers
• Battle of the Thames
• Gen. W.H. Harrison (Tippacanoe) invades
Canada looking for Tecumseh and the
British Harrison defeats both at the battle
of the Thames.
• Battle of Horseshoe Bend
• Gen. Andrew Jackson leads his soldiers to
Mississippi to defeat the Creek Indians.
Washington gets HOT!!
• 1814 Britain defeats France and focuses
fully on the USA.
• The British sail up the Chesapeake Bay
and defeat the Americans at Bladensburg,
MD, they move on to DC and burn the
Capital and the President’s Mansion.
• The British move on to Baltimore, MD
Oh Say Can You See...
• Baltimore is well defended and Ft.
McHenry is well stocked.
• The British bombard the fort and the city.
Both stood strong and the British give up.
• Francis Scott Key wrote a poem about the
morning after the attack how our flag stood
with broad stripes and bright stars.
Hartford and Peace
• Republicans from New England meet in
Hartford to talk about leaving the USA.
• They cannot trade and dislike to current
• Meanwhile we have negotiate a peace
with England.
• Treaty of Ghent - Agree to return to the
situation that existed before. Nothing
Battle of New Orleans
• The War is over, but because there is no
Internet or texting no one knows.
• January 8th, 1815 the British attack New
Orleans and Andrew Jackson.
• The Americans dug into an elevated
position and when the British attacked
2000 died 7 Americans died.