Transcript Teams?

Science Teams
Scientific Coordination
• Objectives
• Lessons from GONG
• An LWS/HMI Case in Point
• Impact instrument & operations
development, and initial scientific &
operational capability [ 60 months]
• Enable efforts larger in scale than an
individual, or individual group, could
• Focus
• Unlock the resources to do the work
GONG Teams
• Membership
– Privileged access to data
– Contribution to team objectives
– Publication of program
• Original Teams
Low Frequency
Data Reduction and Analysis
Nearly Steady Flows and Magnetic Fields
Magnetic Effects
Mode Physics
• Teams
– Some were important in formulation and then withered away
– Some were extremely vital and played a major role in advancing the
overall science
– Darwin…
Local Helioseismology Comparison
• Validate local-helioseismology
methodologies & results pre-launch to
achieve LWS/SDO objectives
• Some participants: H. Antia, C. Barban, S. Basu, R. Bogart, D.
Braun, D-Y. Chou, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, T. Corbard, T.
Duvall, L. Gizon, I. Gonzalez Hernandez, D. Haber, J.
Harvey, C. Henney, F. Hill, B. Hindman, R. Howe, S. Hughes,
J M Jensen, R. Komm, S. Korzennik, A. Kosovichev, J.
Leibacher, C. Lindsey, P. Rajaguru, E. Rhodes, P. Rose, P.
Scherrer, J. Schou, S. Kholikov, M-T. Sun, M. Thompson, C.
Toner, J. Toomre, M. Woodard, J. Zhao, and anybody else
who would like to join the party
• Umbrella/glue/support structure a la
GONG Teams
Targeted Research & Technology
Targeting is a two-way street
Excellent science
Necessary for success of HMI
Necessary for success of SDO
Necessary for success of ILWS
A Possible Approach to TR&T
• Each participant has own proposal
– Collective science words and identification with
team ‘stapled’ to front of each individual’s proposal
– Commit to support science activities of team
– Synergistic value is beneficial to individual
• + Umbrella
– Science coordination
– Meeting support
– Joint publication costs
Central Committee vs Federation
Umbrella/Science Support
How “LWS”y for technical efforts
Real value added