American Government

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American Government
Which is an example of a right of citizens?
A) serving on a jury
B) freedom of the press
C) participating in surveys
D) following the country’s laws
Explanation: The citizens in our country have both rights and
responsibilities. One right citizens have is freedom of the
press. This freedom ensures that citizens can run media and
determine what gets printed or said in them. Jury duty and
following laws are basic civic responsibilities.
The Declaration of Independence and the "Social Contract
Theory" both arose from which philosophical movement?
A) Realism
B) Humanism
C) Enlightenment
D) Existentialism
Explanation: The Declaration of Independence and the "Social
Contract Theory" both arose from the Enlightenment. The
"Social Contract" theory was popularized by the philosophers
Thomas Hobbes, John Lock, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau and
incorporated into the Declaration by Thomas Jefferson.
Article I, Section 8, U.S. Constitution
Clause 18: To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for
carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers
vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or
in any Department or Officer thereof.
This Constitutional clause concerns the
A) source of increased Presidential power.
B) constitutional principle of popular sovereignty.
C) elastic clause’ pertaining to Congressional power.
D) ‘clear and present danger’ clause of civil liberties.
 Explanation:
The ‘elastic clause’ has been used to provide Congress with
powers not explicitly listed in the Constitution.
‘Clear and Present Danger’ is a phrase associated with issues
pertaining to the limits of free speech.
The number of electoral votes a state gets
depends on
A) the number of registered voters in the state.
B) the number of votes cast in previous elections.
C) the number of members in both houses of the state
D) the number of Senators and representatives the state
has in Congress.
Explanation: The number of electoral votes a state gets depends on
the number of Senators and representatives the state has in
Congress. This is one of the reasons why the Census is so
important: fluctuations in a state's population affects their role in the
electoral process.
The Congress may pass laws and they go into effect if the President signs
the law. However the Supreme Court can declare a law unconstitutional.
This is an example of
A) supremacy
B) veto power
C) federalism
D) checks and balances
Explanation: Congress may pass laws and they go
into effect if the President signs the law. However the
Supreme Court can declare a law unconstitutional.
This is an example of checks and balances.
From the results of the 2000 Presidential election,
which of the following is true?
A) More individual voters cast their vote for Bush.
B) More individual voters cast their vote for Gore.
C) More individual voters cast their vote for Nader.
D) More individual voters cast their vote for minor
Explanation: More voters cast their vote for Gore in the 2000
presidential election. This is determined by looking at the "%
of Popular Votes" graphic.
Which powers are shared by state and federal
A) concurrent
B) delegated
C) enumerated
D) reserved
Explanation: Concurrent powers are powers shared by state and
federal governments. Concurrent powers, such as collecting
taxes and enforcing the law, can be exercised by both levels of
Which of these statements MOST ACCURATELY describes the view of
humankind held by the Founding Fathers who wrote the United States'
A) People will never be able to govern themselves and therefore voting
rights should be severely restricted.
B) People are not capable of governing themselves and should be ruled
by the most capable who have risen in society.
C) People need a government that will keep the various factions in
balance while giving ultimate authority to the people.
D) People are basically good and can be trusted to treat their fellow
humans fairly and therefore need little government at all.
Explanation: "People need a government that will keep the various factions in
balance while giving ultimate authority to the people" is the correct answer.
They believed checks and balances would enable the people to govern but would
keep factions from being too powerful.
Which liberty is guaranteed by the First
A) freedom of speech
B) the right to vote
C) the right to bear arms
D) protection from unreasonable search and seizure
Explanation: Freedom of speech is guaranteed by the First
Amendment. The First Amendment also protects freedom of
religion, press, assembly, and petition.
Every month Mr. Thompson attends the school board
meeting for his district. This school board is MOST likely
organized at what level of government?
A) state
B) county
C) Federal
D) Congressional
Explanation: Depending on the district, school boards are either
controlled at the city or county level. States may control the
curriculum and help with funding, and the Federal government
may encourage standards and enforce those with funding, too,
but schools continue to be controlled on a smaller scale.
The President’s vetoing of a bill that the Congress
approves is an example of
A) representative government.
B) separation of powers.
C) checks and balances.
D) judicial review.
Explanation: The president’s veto is an example of checks and
balances because it balances the power of the Legislative
branch with the power of the President, or Executive branch.
This is action exemplifies the President's role as "Chief
What is the responsibility of a Supreme Court justice who
disagrees with the majority decision?
A) to write a dissenting opinion
B) to write a concurring opinion
C) to appeal to the U.S. president
D) to peacefully resign from office
Explanation: A Supreme Court justice who disagrees with the
majority decision has the responsibility of writing a dissenting
opinion. The justice presents his or her opinion.
One of the major philosophical principles in the
Declaration of Independence was that of
A) natural rights.
B) freedom of speech.
C) abolition of slavery.
D) separation of powers.
Explanation: Natural rights were first discussed by Locke &
Montesquieu. The central rights Jefferson mentions are the
rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
When Queen Elizabeth II of Britain hosts a dinner for the President of
France, she is playing a role MOST similar to the role played by the
President of the United States as
A) Head of State.
B) Chief Executive.
C) Chief Legislator.
D) Commander-in-Chief.
Explanation: Head of State is a largely ceremonial role. It
consists of formal affairs- such as state dinners and hosting
visiting dignitaries- and mostly well-orchestrated public events.
How does the U.S. Constitution guarantee
popular sovereignty?
A) Each branch of the government is given special rights.
B) Persons accused of crimes have the right to due process.
C) The president has the right to appoint Supreme Court
D) Citizens are granted the right to vote in government
Explanation: The U.S. Constitution guarantees popular sovereignty by
granting citizens the right to vote in government elections.
Citizens elect members of Congress and choose the president and
vice-president through the Electoral College.
The concept of separation and balance of powers
in the Constitution refers to
A) a separation of powers between various executive
B) a separation of powers between the national and state
C) a separation of powers between separate and coequal
branches of government.
D) a separation of individual rights from the rights that are
granted to state governments.
Explanation: The correct answer is "a separation of powers between
separate and coequal branches of government.". The US
Constitution defines each of the three branches of government so
that no one branch should be able to dominate or eliminate the other.
The Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution
was ratified following which war?
A) Civil War
B) Vietnam War
C) World War II
D) American Revolution
Explanation: The states in the Southern United States did not
vote to ratify the amendment because it provided equal
protection for all citizens of the United States—including those
who were former slaves. The Fourteenth Amendment was
ratified right after the Civil War.
The right of the people to express their political
views is protected in our government by
A) 1st Amendment.
B) 5th Amendment.
C) 6th Amendment.
D) 10th Amendment.
Explanation: The right of the people to express their political
views is protected in our government by the 1st Amendment. It
is often referred to at the "Five Freedoms," though the relevant
freedoms here are speech, press, and petition (and possibly
Which type of group would be most likely to lobby Congress
to pass a law tightening penalties to businesses that pollute
streams and rivers?
A) a labor union
B) a professional group
C) a public-interest group
D) a religious organization
Explanation: A public interest group is a type of lobbying
organization in which its members address issues which affect
the public at large. A labor union would be unlikely to address
issues of pollution because the well-being of its members is its
main concern.
The President of the United States is being formally investigated for being
suspected of engaging in illegal activities in the carrying out of his duties.
Who would officially handle this investigation?
A) Supreme Court
B) a federal judge
C) a federal grand jury
D) House of Representatives
Explanation: The Constitution gives the House of
Representatives the power to begin impeachment proceedings
against the President or any federal official.