Transcript Document

Embedding the
Leadership Challenge
Louise Ashley
Hubert Sakkariyas
Sulekha Ali
Our Vision:
To lead out-of-hospital community healthcare
Why Compassionate
A new field of research is suggesting that when
organisations promote an ethic of compassion
rather than a culture of stress, they may not only
see a happier workplace but also an improved
bottom line.”
(E. M. Seppala, 2013)
Benefits of Leading with
When leaders were fair and self-sacrificing, their employees would experience
elevation. As a consequence, they felt more loyal and committed and were more
likely to act in a helpful and friendly way with other employees for no particular
reason. In other words, if a manager is service-oriented and ethical, s/he is more
likely to make her/his employees follow suit and to increase their commitment to
him or her.
I ( JH) have defined elevation as a warm, uplifting feeling that people experience
when they see unexpected acts of human goodness, kindness, courage, or
compassion. It makes a person want to help others and to become a better person
himself or herself.
Jonathan Haidt, NYU published Psychology Today April 2013
Is Compassionate
Leadership Weak?!!
The Reality
Successful leader
Role Model
intelligent and
honest and
Role Model
Led by the
heart, with a
little nudge
from the head
Able to admit
when wrong
Able to make
decisions, fairly
policies and
Clear values
from Board to
front line
Key campaigns
and projects
Compassion in
and education
and reward
Methods of
listening to
CLCH Compassion in Care
• Promote compassionate care with frontline care staff across
different clinical contexts; adult rehabilitation, prison,
hospice care & community services
• Actively engage with front line staff (using an appreciative
inquiry approach) to initiate and evaluate evidence based,
relationship-centred initiatives to promote sustainable
workplace cultures
• Create, produce and test Compassion in Care
implementation tools for wide dissemination (e.g.
compassion dashboard, indicators of success) linked to the
6 C’s
Compassion in Care (2)
• Supported with funding from HENWL
• Head of Compassion in Care (8D)
• Now 50 projects underway led by 50
committed Compassion Champions
• Working with Frameworks 4 Change on a
Compassionate Leadership module
• New Leadership Strategy
• Annual Compassion in care conference
CLCH Model of
What people want
How we enable
Organisational factors
Bridges et al, 2010
NCHRD, 2007
Dewar, 2012
Leading people to provide a positive experience of care
Hubert Sakkariyas
Clinical Lead for Inpatient Rehab and Clinical Specialist
Occupational Therapist
About Me
Qualified as an Occupational Therapist in 1999 Registered with
the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)
Clinical Lead for Inpatient Rehab and Clinical Specialist
Occupational Therapist - Inpatient Rehabilitation Services.
We aim to work with patients and their carers, to provide a safe,
dignified programme of care that maximises independent
function and enable a rapid discharge, achieved within a safe,
caring and supportive environment.
Me as ‘the Compassionate Role Model’
• To give 100% of my attention and put patient
at the heart of everything.
• It isn’t about the care we give, but the way we
give it. It’s about how we listen, what we say,
what we do and more importantly, how we do
The NHS touches our lives at times of basic human need, when care
and compassion are what matters most. (Department of Health, 2009)
Me as ‘the
Compassionate Activist’
• Caring for patients and staff but also being tough,
relentless and brave.
• I want to be curious about how to improve my
service and share that purpose with my team.
• Value based inclusive leadership.
• To be able to transform patient and staff experience
through the work that we do.
• And if this is not happening, bring a change to the
culture of working
• Putting staff in-charge of change
Me as a ‘Compassionate
It is more than being nice to staff, compassionate
leadership is all about creating a sustainable change and
improvement and helping staff do it themselves and it
To improve the quality of service in collaboration with
patients and staff- to be able to explore themes from
the feedback around compassionate personalised care
and the service users involvement in care planning
Making the 6 C’s as part of everything we do
Me as a ‘Compassionate
Leader (2)’
Jade ward before start of project- general lack of direction among
staff, high reporting of serious incidents, high rates of sickness
among staff, general lack of motivation among staff.
Launched in October. Really well attended by staff, asked about
compassion and what it meant to each staff, it was decided that
the team will do the vision and values of care for the ward
Based on the vision and values we set out agreeing on projects to
achieve the objectives for the ward
Compassion champions were identified to own and facilitate the
Learning and Outcomes
Signage project
Activities project
•Great story about a lady who painted a plane
Afternoon tea - success as staff want it again
Patient information leaflet project
What matters to me board….
Vision & Values
Ward signage and Staff
Activities Project
Activities Project
Outcomes: Staff and
Huge buy in from staff - lots of staff involved
There were a number of projects which were proposed and led
by staff members.
Patient feedback instrumental in the ongoing service provision
and structure of ward- further changes to the ward signage
planned and recently started ‘Sunday movie afternoon’
Patient feedback has been consistently reported above 93% on
the Family and friends test.
Staff sickness absence has reduced from 6% at start of project to
50% reduction in incidents involving any form of harm to patient.
We are working with Frameworks for Care team to work on
‘Knowing you matter’ to appreciate and allow the team to reflect
on what matters to them and continue on the work done so far.
Outcomes: Patient
Establishing the 6Cs
Sulekha Ali
District Nurse Team Lead
Leadership Quotes
• A process whereby an individual influences a group of
individuals to achieve a common goal with elements of
creating a vision, coping, influencing and adapting to
change as well as having followers (Northhouse, 2013).
• It is a terrible thing to look over your shoulder when you are
trying to lead — and find no one there. Franklin Roosevelt
• In my country we go to prison first and then become
President. Nelson Mandela
• Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people
you are, you aren’t! Margaret Thatcher
About Me
• Qualified as an adult nurse since 2003, District nurse
qualification 2009, NMC Teacher qualification 2014
• Lead and manage a district nursing team to provide holistic
and compassionate care for housebound patients in the
• Partnership working with key stakeholders to ensure high
quality, integrated and seamless care for patients.
• We offer a range of clinical interventions to enable patients
with complex co-morbidities to receive care at home and
residential homes.
• Teach and support patients, family and carers.
• Avoid unnecessary hospital admissions and re-admissions.
Me as ‘the
Compassionate Role
• Putting the patient first, going back to why I wanted to
become a nurse in the first place.
• Appreciative enquiry- celebrate things that we do well and
remedy things that need to be improved
• Setting a culture to get the best out of people using
adaptive leadership.
• Get the right people and avoid demotivating them
• Create an environment where people work best
• Authentic- act with conviction as well as skill
• Resilience and emotional intelligence- how well we cope
• Business processes- intuitive without too many steps to
avoid frustrations
Why is this Important?
• Understanding myself, understand my team how I interact
with them, how they interact with me, how it affects me and
them is important to have a happier, motivated and
compassionate team.
• Staff feel part of decision making processes as well as
coming up with solutions
• Have common values, can do attitude, genuine, competent,
reliable, reflective, optimistic staff.
• A happier workforce will increase compassionate care and
positive patient experiences
Me as ‘the Compassion Activist’ - Compassion
in Care Module
• 20 credit module at
masters level
• Aimed at all health
care professionals
• Promote collaborative
• Compassionate care
at the heart of
everything we do.
Why is it Important?
• Provides a comprehensive understanding of
current leadership theories in establishing
compassionate care .
• Incorporates Change management, Resilience,
Mindfulness, Self-compassion and Emotional
• Gives a focus on service user involvement in
planning, maintaining and evaluating positive
relationship and care delivery
• Enable critical thinking and reflection on leadership
through inter-professional working.
How will it Influence and Develop
Future Leaders?
Anchoring Compassion care in practice by
creating compassion in care champions to
prepare the next generation of the work force.
Will it Make any
• Create a platform which reconnects people to compassion care values
and improve patient experiences.
• Allow staff to understand themselves and develop their leadership styles
that contribute and promote a motivating and happier working
• Encourages open and honest culture
• Establish the delivery of compassion care projects in practice
• Improve Adaptive and distributional leadership (Kings Fund 2011,
Francis report 2013, Leadership academy 2013).
• Improve self awareness, resilience, mindfulness and emotional
intelligence (west 2013, Goleman, 2006,Senge et al., 2005, Johnson et
al., 2014)
• Achieve CLCH Quality campaign of Positive patient experience, Safe
and effective Care & smart effective care