Transcript Slide 1

Mining Environmental
Management Codes of
Briefing & Review
by Colin Sparman
What is a code of practice?
It is not law but it is a set of
guidelines set by industry standards.
These guidelines should be followed
unless there is a better course of
action that accomplishes the same, if
not better standards.
These Codes of Practice were
intended to provide critical
environmental guidance to the
Mining Industry, particularly small
and medium‐scale gold operations.
The importance of the Codes of
Practice is even more enhanced by
the development of the Low Carbon
Development Strategy (LCDS).
Background – The Regulations
The Mining (Amendment) Regulations 2005
were promulgated in 2004.
Specifically, Regulation 248 of the Mining
(Amendment) Regulations 2005 stipulated
that the Guyana Geology and Mines
Commission (GGMC) prepare a Code of
Practice for Mining Environmental
Management prior to its incorporation into
the Regulations.
Background -GENCAPD
In December 2003, under the
GENCAPD project, several detailed
Codes of Practice for the small-scale
and medium-scale mining industry
were prepared.
Multi-stakeholder approach and
involvement in the preparation.
Background - Development
The GENCAPD 1 aims:
The first phase of GENCAPD (completed) was
established to respond to the need for adequate
regulation of the mining sector in Guyana.
It focused on strengthening environmental
management capacities, the improvement of
industry practices and the building of institutional
Background - Development
The GENCAPD objectives:
A documented set of information on mercury
contamination in the human population
A natural environment capable of maintaining
sustainable gold mining activities
A system capable of monitoring and enforcing
regulations for mercury use in gold mining
Population fully educated and aware of the
dangers of mercury contamination
Background - GENCAPD
• The codes covered 6 areas:
1. Code of Practice for Mercury Use
2. Code of Practice for Mine Reclamation
3. Code of Practice for Mine Effluents
4. Code of Practice for Contingency and Response
5. Code of Practice for Mine Waste Management
and Disposal
6. Code of Practice for Tailings Management
Background - Development
• The GENCAPD Codes were reviewed
• Appropriate / amenable to local
environment / conditions
• There was considerable inputs from
Mr. Sam Wright - Consultant in
preparation of the current Codes
The Codes of Practice
Ten (10) provisions of the Codes of Practice for Environmental
Management are currently indentified:
• Use of Mercury
• Tailings Management
• Contingency and Emergency Response Plans
• Mine Effluents
• Mine Reclamation and Closure Plans
• Mine Waste Management and Disposal
• Environmental Effects Monitoring Program
• Quarrying
• Sand and Loam Mining
• Use of Small Dams [ for the Control of Water/Tailings]
The Codes of Practice
Each code is presented as follows:
1. Introduction
2. Mission and Objectives
3. Scope
4. Principles and Standard Practices
5. Code Implementation
6. Monitoring and Surveillance
7. Emergency Measures
8. References
9. Appendices
Disclaimer / Reminder
These codes are not intended to
serve as a design manual nor as an
operating manual but to provide
practical guidance and advice on how
to meet the requirements for
environmental management.
Code – Use of Mercury
Mercury use in Guyana gold‐mining
operations is both an environmental and
an occupational health and safety (OH&S)
issue. Because of the hazards mercury
poses for both the environment and the
health of persons exposed to it, priority
must be given to addressing mercury and
its use in precious metals beneficiation.
Code – Tailings
Tailings management is often the most significant environmental
challenge associated with mining projects. A spate of past and
well‐publicized incidents involving tailings impoundments, such as
the Omai spill in 1995, has placed the mining industry in general
under intense scrutiny.
• The environmental, financial, and political consequences of
well‐publicized failures have made it clear to the mining industry
that safe tailings management practices are in its own best
The main public concerns regarding tailings containment are:
• 1. Structural stability of dams and the possible release of large
volumes of water and semi‐fluid tailings
• 2. Potential impact of tailings operations on the quality of life of
people living in the immediate area, and
• 3. Potential pollution of ground and surface water.
Code – Contingency and
Response Plans
The continued progressive development of the mining industry
in Guyana requires that the various stakeholders take a
greater role in its (the industry’s) management and
regulation. With respect to the issues of safety,
emergencies and community notification, the small and
medium‐scale gold and diamond mining industry in Guyana
must do more to meet public and regulatory expectations.
Mining operations with facilities that pose significant risks to
nearby communities or sensitive environments should plan
for emergencies.
Code – Mine Effluents
• The sluicing of ore produces large amounts of suspended
material that can be discharged into receiving waters.
According to estimates, over 200,000,000 m3 of tailings,
consisting of more than 80% water, are generated each
year by dredges in alluvial mines. A large percentage of this
material flows directly into the receiving environment,
causing turbidity plumes in waterways, reduced light
penetration, siltation, channel alteration and changes in
stream‐bottom characteristics along with their dramatic
impacts on riverine ecosystems. The only pollution‐control
measure practiced by the small and medium scale gold and
diamond mining industry is to reduce particulate matter in
water discharged into surface watercourses using settling
Code – Mine Reclamation
and Closure Plans
• Site disturbance before, during and after mining is the most
visible impact to the public. The mined‐out, abandoned, and
un‐reclaimed mine properties reflect environmental
degradation, socio‐economic limitation, poor management
practices and non‐compliance with existing mining
regulations. In some cases land instability and
catastrophic‐failures of structures such as tailings dams
represent a potential risk during and perhaps long after
• Mine reclamation and closure is the process of
decommissioning a mining operation with the broad
objective of leaving the area in a safe and stable condition
consistent with the surrounding physical and social
environment and projected post‐mining land use.
Code – Mine Waste
Management and Disposal
• Mining generates a disproportionally high levels of waste
compared with other industries. Because the concentration
of valuable material is so small (especially in metal and
diamond mining), most of ore rock extracted is turned into
waste that must be managed and disposed of.
• Small and medium scale gold and diamond mining
generates large amounts of tailings through the
excavation,( including by hydraulicking) and processing of
surficial alluvial, eluvial and saprolitic material that, if
unmitigated, usually end up in the watercourses, causing
turbidity plumes as well as mercury mobilization. Careful
planning before and during construction is essential to
prevent excessive erosion, while ensuring a stable and safe
landform amenable to rehabilitation/re-vegetation.
Code – Use of Small Dams for
the Control of Water / Tailings
• Small dams are used extensively in small and medium‐scale
mines to manage/contain tailings, water and effluent
discharges. They are therefore very critical in mining
environmental management. Small dams are usually not
constructed with the same rigorous technical planning and
oversight as large dams. Materials used in their
construction are generally selected from onsite sources and
constructed by existing (not specialized) machinery. Small
earthen dams are therefore much more susceptible to
structural instability and failure. Instability and failure of
small dams are often related to poor siting and
construction, uncontrolled flows, seepage and over topping.
• Inadequate Mining Techniques
• Low Recovery & Productivity
• Poor Compliance with
Regulations & Standards
• Poor Health & Safety, Negative
Environmental Impacts
• Members are advised to obtain
copies of these codes (electronic
copies can be made available)
• Study the Codes
• Seek clarifications whenever in doubt
• These documents are subject to
• Your feedback is essential
Thank You
Further information:
Mr. Lennox Tucker – GGMC
Mr. Colin Sparman - GGDMA