Guided Reading Activity 14-2

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Guided Reading
Activity 14-2
Recalling the Facts
1. Each state would be allowed to decide whether to
allow slavery
2. Benjamin Lundy
3. to resettle African Americans in Africa or the
4. Liberia
5. to work for the country’s leading antislavery paper in
6. 1831
7. The Liberator
8. immediate and complete emancipation of enslaved
9. sisters from South Carolina who moved to the North to
lecture and write against slavery
10. They asked for several of the family’s enslaved workers, then
freed them.
11. 1830
12. Frederick Douglass
13. Sojourner Truth
14. a network of escape routes for enslaved
people fleeing from the South
15. Harriet Tubman
16. The South’s way of life depended on
enslaved labor
17. Northerners feared that formerly enslaved
African Americans would take their jobs by
agreeing to work for less money
18. They made arguments for having slavery