Drawing Conclusions

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Transcript Drawing Conclusions

Drawing Conclusions LT10 and IT20

The closing or last part; the end or

finish, the “wrap up”

The result or outcome of an act or



judgment or decision reached after deliberation

A final arrangement or settlement,

as of a treaty

To draw a conclusion is to take all the evidence from a text or situation combine that with your background knowledge and then make an overall statement or judgment about that text or situation

What do you need to be able to draw conclusions?

You need to be able


You need to be able

to make a to make judgment something using information from the reading or situation and things already known (background judgments about based on facts and develop your reasoning skills.

You need to be able

or not.

to draw conclusions so you can test them out and see whether they are valid

What will help you draw conclusions?

A strategy and a graphic organizer!!!

The strategy is to ask this key question What is a statement (phrase or sentence) that “wraps up”/judges the situation/event or person?

The graphic organizer is on the following slide…

Valid Conclusion: (Teacher puts conclusion here)

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know. Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know. Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

Valid Conclusion: (Student puts conclusion here)

So really to draw a conclusion you need to… 1. Combine your background knowledge with what the text says 2. Take that information and create a statement (it may be a word, phrase, or sentence) that “wraps up”/judges what the author is really trying to say about the topic, situation, event, or person.

Everyone of us draws conclusion every day. What conclusion can you draw from this picture?

The little girl is hugging her dog.

The puppy is licking the ice cream.

It is a hot day.

The ice-cream is melting.

My background knowledge tells me that letting a dog lick your ice cream and then eating it afterwards could ruin the taste, dog mouths are pretty slobbery and stinky!

My background knowledge tells me that ice cream is a special food for hot days.

Conclusion: their dogs will do anything for them.

People who love My background knowledge tells me that the dog is well groomed.

How We Draw Conclusions

We combine: What we already know (background knowledge)

Ice cream is a special food.Ice cream melts when it is hot.Well groomed dogs have smooth combed coatsLetting a dog lick your ice cream and then eating it

afterwards could ruin the taste, dog mouths are pretty slobbery and stinky!

Facts and evidence

The puppy is licking the ice cream.The ice cream is melting.The little girl is hugging her dog.

Conclusion I can draw: People who love their dogs will do anything for them.

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know.

Ice cream is a special food for hot daysIce cream melts when it is hot.Well groomed dogs have smooth combed coatsLetting a dog lick your ice cream and then eating it afterwards could ruin

the taste, dog mouths are pretty slobbery and stinky!

Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

The puppy is licking the ice cream.The ice cream is melting.The little girl is hugging her dog.

Valid conclusion: People who love their dogs will do anything for them.

Directions: Now read the following selection and use the graphic organizer to draw a conclusion.

Summer With My Puppy I remember when I was just a child and the summer days made me sleepy and lethargic. Amid the waves of hot air, my dad dished out not one but two scoops of chocolate chip ice cream just for me! Mom usually only gave me one scoop and I knew dad gave me more because he wanted me to be happy. What joy I felt as the cool ice cream dripped down my hands and cooled my legs. Suddenly, I felt a hot breath touch my arm. Right next to me, I heard my puppy panting in the heat. The puppy looked at the cool chocolate chip ice cream and his soft brown eyes stared lovingly at me. I immediately offered him the whole cone and he licked it in delight. My puppy was so happy that he started to gulp down all of the ice cream until there wasn't a drop left. My dad glanced over from his barbequing and yelled for my mom. My puppy started throwing up and looked really sick. My mom grabbed the puppy and my dad grabbed me and off we went to the nearby animal hospital.

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know.

Ice cream is a specialty food associated with good times, celebrationsChocolate is toxic to dogsIf dogs need to go to an animal hospital, that means they are sick or hurt Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

The child has a double scoop of ice creamThe child shares her ice cream with her puppyThe puppy eats all of the chocolate chip ice creamThe dog started throwing upThe dog has to go to the animal hospital

Valid Conclusion: Loving dog owners sometimes unknowingly harm their animals

Drawing Simple Conclusions Imagine I just turned on the TV to catch the end of a football game. The cameraman scans the stands and shows the hometown crowd going wild. Everyone is cheering and clapping. Banners are waving, and people of all ages are hugging one another.

Valid Conclusion: The team won the game

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know.

At a sports event people go wild and cheer when their team does

something well

Fans wave banners in support of their teamFans hug each other when their team is winning or did something


Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

Hometown crowd going wildEveryone is cheering and clappingBanners are wavingPeople are hugging each other

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know.

At a sports event people go wild and cheer when their team does

something well

Fans wave banners in support of their teamFans hug each other when their team is winning or did something


Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

Hometown crowd going wild.Everyone is cheering and clapping.Banners are waving.People are hugging each other.

Valid Conclusion: The team won the game

Crowds come to see the Dahlia Lama It was a Seattle lovefest Friday for the Nobel Peace Prize winning Dalai Lama. Nearly 22,000 people attended his first three public appearances. The Dalai Lama spent five days in Seattle for a series of events designed to nurture compassion. Whenever he spoke, the crowds gave the Dalai Lama standing ovations as he walked onto and left the stages. They laughed as he punctuated his sometimes long and complicated answers with playful comments. For example, in one of the Dalai Lama’s later events at Qwest Field the crowd heard him speak Saturday on compassion. The Buddhist monk delivered a 28-minute speech that was preceded and followed by standing ovations from the announced crowd of 50,817. "He inspired me," said 11-year-old Adam Westerman of West Seattle. "He was right that compassion comes back to you.“ When someone wants to fight,” he said, "you can just let it go. Even though they have their opinions and you have your opinions, you can stop it.” Patti Doumany, 53, flew to Seattle from her home in Dallas to attend Saturday's gathering and other parts of the conference. "The children are our future," said Doumany, a child therapist who is staying with friends. "I would have slept under a bridge to be here."

Valid Conclusion: The Dalai Lama is a well respected person.

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know.

I know when people give standing ovations and laugh at funny comments it

is because they like the person, showing appreciation

I know when large numbers of people go to an event it is because whatever is

happening is exciting

I know sleeping under a bridge isn’t pleasant, I have seen bums sleep under

bridges and I imagine it is cold and the ground is hard to sleep on

Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

Nobel Peace Prize winnerHe is trying to “nurture compassion”22,000 and 50,817 attended eventsLaughed at playful commentsStanding ovationsHe inspired peopleLady would sleep under a bridge in order to hear him speak

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know.

I know when people give standing ovations and laugh at funny comments it is

because they like the person, showing appreciation

I know when large numbers of people go to an event it is because whatever is

happening is exciting

I know sleeping under a bridge isn’t pleasant, I have seen bums sleep under

bridges and I imagine it is cold and the ground is hard to sleep on

Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

Nobel Peace Prize winnerHe is trying to “nurture compassion”22,000 and 50,817 attended eventsLaughed at playful commentsStanding ovationsHe inspired peopleLady would sleep under a bridge in order to hear him

speak Valid Conclusion: The Dalai Lama is a well-respected person.

Look at these pictures of African children.

What do you see in the pictures?How do you feel when you look at the pictures?Why did the photographer take the picture of these children


What inferences can you make about these children?

Now, read and code the article “Education is Our Hope” and code the text making sure to note the important facts and fill out the drawing conclusions graphic organizer.

Valid Conclusion: Education is often the best way to move out of poverty and build self worth.

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know.

Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

Valid Conclusion: Education is often the best way to move out of poverty and build self worth.

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know.

Africa has many children without food and living in povertyAIDS is killing many African parents and so kids can’t afford to go to school Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

More than 130 million African children between the ages of 6 and 11 are not

in school.

Children are kept at home to do chores, therefore, more girls do not get to go

to school.

AIDS makes it hard for many children to afford school.African governments are short on money to pay for their children’s


Girls who become educated have smaller families and better educated


One conclusion that a reader can draw from this selection is that education is often the best way to move out of poverty and build self worth. Provide two details from the selection to support this conclusion.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

Child Labor Let’s ask ourselves some questions to activate our prior knowledge:

What do you see when you look at these pictures?What do you feel as you look at these pictures?Why do you think the photographer took these pictures?Why would someone post these pictures on the internet?

Now, read and code the article entitled- “What is Child Labor?”

Valid Conclusion: Many children worldwide are involved in child labor and suffer cruel human rights violations

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know.

Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

One conclusion that a reader can draw from this selection is many children worldwide are involved in child labor and suffer cruel human rights violations. Provide two details from the selection to support this conclusion.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

One conclusion that a reader can draw from this selection is many children worldwide are involved in child labor and suffer cruel human rights violations. Provide two details from the selection to support this conclusion.

A 2-point response provides

two text-based details

that support the conclusion.

A 1-point response provides

one text-based detail

that supports the conclusion.

Valid Conclusion: Many children worldwide are involved in child labor and suffer cruel human rights violations.

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know. •I know that Washington has many migrant workers from Mexico in Eastern

Washington. Many of their children do not attend school or only attend part time because they are working in the fields

I know Wal-Mart gets clothing from China and China has many sweatshops that

use child laborers

Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

The ILO estimates there are 246 million children between the ages of 5 and 17 that

work as child laborers.

Child labor is defined as any work that is likely to be hazardous/interfere with

education or be harmful to a child’s health/physical and emotional development.

Child labor is found in both developed and undeveloped countries.Child labor is widespread.Highest incidence of child labor is in agriculture.Children are also forced into trafficking drugs and other illegal activity.

C e s a r C h a v e z Viva La Causa Let’s ask ourselves some questions to activate our prior knowledge: What do you see when you look at these pictures?

What do you feel as you look at these pictures?

Why do you think the photographer took these pictures?

Now, read and code the article entitled- “Viva La Causa: Chavez’s Fight for Social Justice.”

Vocabulary for Cesar Chavez article

Sit in- Demonstration in which people sit themselves in a place related to the cause and refuse to move • Union- Group of employees who join together to improve their working conditions • Activists- People of action, they promote or oppose people or ideas • Strike- Occurs when employees refuse to work due to disagreements in working conditions • Vineyards- Areas of ground planted with grapevines • Fasts- Acts of not eating food • Boycott- Expression of protest by refraining from buying or using an item

Valid Conclusion: One person can have a big effect on the well being of others.

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know.

Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

One conclusion a reader can draw from this selection is that one person can have a big effect on the well being of others. Provide two details from the selection to support this conclusion.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

One conclusion a reader can draw from this selection is that one person can have a big effect on the well being of others. Provide two details from the selection to support this conclusion.

A 2-point response provides

two text-based details

that support the conclusion.

A 1-point response provides

one text-based detail

that supports the conclusion.

Valid Conclusion: One person can have a big effect on the well being of others.

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know.

I know Martin Luther King was one person who was able to make a

positive impact on many African American’s lives.

I hear all the time that when an election is close, one person’s vote can

make a difference regarding who gets elected.

I just read about Rosa Parks and she made a choice to not move to the

back of the bus. Her one decision made a difference in how black people were treated.

My sister and her friends were being bullied at school by another group

of girls. My sister went and told the counselor. The counselor called the girls in and they got in trouble. My sister was able to stop the bullying, making her and her friend’s lives much better.

Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

-In the 1950’s, Chavez organized a union and staged sit ins forcing the farmer to stop hiring braceros -Chavez combined his union with the Filipino union to march 300 miles in protest of vineyard owners who put their workers in horrible working conditions and paid them low wages -Chavez used many methods to make a change- sit ins, strikes, marches, spoke to religious workers, fasting, boycotts

You Show- Test time!

Read “A Long, Hard March”Fill out the graphic organizer

supporting the conclusion

Then answer the question-

Is the following statement a reasonable conclusion for readers to draw from the selection? When people join together to fight against injustice they can often make a positive change. Provide two details from the selection to support your answer.

Valid Conclusion: When people join together to fight against injustice they can often make a positive change.

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know.

Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

One conclusion that a reader can draw from this selection is when people join together to fight against injustice they can often make a positive change. Provide two details from the selection to support this conclusion.

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

One conclusion a reader can draw from this selection is when people join together to fight against injustice they can often make a positive change. Provide two details from the selection to support this conclusion.

A 2-point response provides

two text-based details

that support the conclusion.

A 1-point response provides

one text-based detail

that supports the conclusion.

Valid Conclusion: When people join together to fight against injustice they can often make a positive change.

Background knowledge (What did you already know?) Stop and think about the information and write how the conclusion relates to what you already know.

I know in the 1960’s that blacks weren’t treated fairly and many

were discriminated against.

I know Martin Luther King Jr. fought for black civil rights.I know that blacks were beaten if they tried to speak out about how

they weren’t treated the same as whites.

Think about the passage that you just read.

Record facts/evidence from the text that support the conclusion.

600 people marched to Montgomery, Alabama to fight for voting


3,000 people (it grew to 25,000) marched from Selma to

Montgomery to fight for African American voting rights

Five months later Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965

Once you fill out the graphic organizer you should have no problem answering these WASL questions

Based on the information in the selection, which

conclusion can the reader draw about character/event/idea/ concept?

One conclusion that a reader can draw from this

selection is (give conclusion). Provide two details from the selection to support this conclusion.

What conclusion can the reader draw about

(character/event, etc)? Provide information from the selection to support the conclusion.

Is the following statement a reasonable conclusion for

readers to draw from the selection? Provide two details from the selection to support your answer.