active political leadership 2007

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Transcript active political leadership 2007

Hamira Sultan
University of Birmingham
West Midlands Public Health Practitioner Development Scheme
September, 2012
Your experience of presentations
What would you like to get out of this session
Ground rules
Why do presentations
Strengths and weaknesses
Things to consider
Difficult audience members
Your thoughts on next weeks presentation
“ The human brain starts working the moment we are born, and
stops the moment we stand to speak in public”
Sir George Jessel
Benefits of Presenting Information
Interactive and exciting
Gives lots of information very quickly
Combines learning preferences
Presenter can adapt content to the needs of the group
and personalise session
Presenter can adjust the pace of the session to the group
Good presenter will measure the understanding of the
group by asking questions.
Fun - there is the personal touch
Think of the strengths and weaknesses of a
presentation you’ve seen in terms of …
Group 1
 The presenter (their appearance,
behaviour etc..
 Their communication with the
audience (e.g. confidence, body
language etc..)
Group 2
 The content of the presentation
 The materials that they used to
deliver it terms of the trainer
make sure that they were fully prepared with materials and
personal appearance and presentation
clarity of delivery
keeping to the point
Introduction terms of communication with audience
they found out what group knew already (best to start by
assuming nothing)
stopped for questions regularly
didn’t use jargon and technical terminology
involved the group actively (ideas stormed ideas, asked
questions etc.)
looked for feedback to check that the group were paying
Strengths and weaknesses of a presentation
in terms of content
familiarity with content
presented it in easy to digest "chunks"
checked that audience understood before presenting
more information terms of materials
Slides aren’t necessary!
focused and positioned the OHP well
limited text on Slides
large font - easy to read
knew how to use resources correctly
arranged the room to suit the audience - ensured plenty of
light and air and space
Preparation vs Delivery
Which is more important?
Things to consider when presenting
Posture and Body Language
Eye Contact
Asking and Answering Questions
The Right Attitude
Open & Closed Questions
What is an open question?
What is a closed question?
Ones to avoid…
Dealing with difficult people
By the end of this session participants will:
Identify different types of distinctive behaviour
Identify techniques for better managing your group
Volunteer please!
Role play
Top tips to deal with difficult people
1. Set ground rules at the start
2. Smile (naturally) & use eye contact
3. Room set-up - ensure that the room is set up well, with plenty
of light and space
4. Redirect audience’s attention regularly - to yourself/flip
chart/exercise/other members
5. Involve everyone physically - e.g. Put up a flip chart on the
wall, give out handouts/resources, using good icebreakers, move
people around in small groups regularly
Top tips cont …
6. Engage your audience - use humour to counter any
resistance to learning; exaggerate bad examples when
explaining how NOT to do some-thing, emphasise the unusual
7. Check the audiences understanding regularly
8. Be physically near to the audience- they will pay more
attention when they feel your presence, & you become part of
the group more quickly
9. Use practical examples of how to apply the theory & skills
This afternoon’s presentations……….
Overview of session
Deliver presentations
‘Information sandwich’
What we have covered
Why do presentations
Strengths and weaknesses
Things to consider
Difficult audience members
THANK YOU for coming to today’s session.
I hope that you have found it useful and can apply
what you have learnt to future presentations.
Good luck!
Acknowledgment – Rebecca Buswell (Student Development, Guild of Students,
University of B’ham)