Transcript Document


Our Foundation

What comes to mind when you think of LCIF?

    Founded in 1968 - official foundation of Lions Clubs International, giving support to clubs Provides grant funding for large-scale projects Relies on donations More than US$870 million in grants awarded to date

Four Areas of Service  Save Sight  Provide Disaster Relief  Support Youth  Meet Humanitarian Needs We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.

One Shot, One Life: Lions Measles Initiative

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330 people still die every day from measles

Lions provide physical support through social mobilization and advocacy Partnership with the GAVI Alliance will raise US$30 million for measles vaccinations by 2017


How Does LCIF Help Lions?  Helps Lions respond collectively to humanitarian concerns around the world  Enables Lions to help Lions  Funds projects too big for districts/clubs  Develops grant-making initiatives to help Lions better serve communities

Types of Grants Standard SightFirst Major Catastrophe Core 4 Types of LCIF Grants Intl. Assistance Emergency We Care. We Serve. We Accomplish.

Why Should Lions Support LCIF?

 LCIF is our Foundation  Supports Lions’ humanitarian projects locally and throughout the world  Help Lions’ carryout large-scale projects or initiatives  Play a unique role

Enriching Lives WE ARE COMPASSIONATE AND CARING enriching lives in communities all over the world!

Question and Answer Session