Transcript Slide 1

“Right People, Right Place, Right Time
… Real Easy”
What is PPL® Software?
PPL® is a new paradigm in the way you run your
business. It’s a robust relational database built by
and for event specialists. Create detailed event
records within the system and track and manage
every aspect of your event from clients to venue
contacts to personnel and vendors or volunteers.
PPL® has everything you need to manage your events
easily and completely. It can be installed locally for
PCs or used over the internet with PCs and Macs in a
cloud application.
Benefits of PPL®
1) Pays for itself quickly through increased productivity.
2) Intuitive and logical set-up. Easy to use.
3) Reduces frustration. Keep all your information in one
location. PPL® becomes your master software. The
information is entered once, and then appropriate items flow
to the right people. Each person receives only what he or she
needs to know.
4) Integrates with Outlook, Word and QuickBooks.
PPL® helps manage the most important aspects of your event:
Sales. Once you’ve made contact with a buyer, PPL® helps you track the sales
process from start to finish. CRM, Customer Relations Management.
Quality Control. Who is the best person or vendor for the job? You create a skill list
for Personnel and Vendors and priority list for each skill if you wish.
Communication. Use customizable e-mail templates to automate communication
with the important four: Buyer, Event Contact, Venue Contact and Personnel and
Vendors. Use the Merge to Document feature to create custom contracts,
proposals and other documents and merge info from PPL® records to them.
Simple Bookkeeping. Track what you’ve charged the buyer, the percentage of
profit, and the amount to pay each person or vendor. Create an export file to
QuickBooks for check printing. PPL® feeds information to QuickBooks so you don’t
waste time with double entry. Use Sales Reports to find simple financial
information within a date range.
Babysitting can be the most time-consuming and frustrating thing that you have to
do. Many times, it’s not just babysitting the personnel/vendors, it’s also checking in
with the Buyers, Event Contacts and Venue Contacts. Use the built-in reminder
system to send confirmations to everyone involved a few days before the job.
PPL® Basic Features
Track all needed event data for:
Event Contacts (from the same or different company than the buyer)
Venue Location and Contacts
Personnel and Vendors with Availability Status including:
Pay and Workers Comp Codes
Track these Critical Processes:
Create Segments/Timelines
PPL® Advanced Features
Multiple Segments/Sub-segments under one contract
List Wizard for Personnel and Vendors (P/V)
Choose by skill
Choose by distance from home zip to venue zip
E-mail Templates/Merge to Outlook (Gmail coming soon)
E-mail Funnel
Send Availability Checks, Hold Requests and Hire Notices and Changes
Receive P/V replies and automatically update P/V status in each segment
Send Text Message Alerts
Send i-Cal automated calendar events
Merge Data to RTF Documents in Word (Contracts, Proposals etc.)
Create Checks/Export to QuickBooks for check printing
Export to Outlook Calendar (Gmail Calendar coming soon)
Sync to PDA, iPhone, Blackberry, etc.
Bookmarks to return easily to a job you were working on
Send Event Reminders
Sales Reports
Network Multiple User Logins and Tracking
Main Event Page and Segments
Add as many segments as needed for an event.
(Each event must have at least one segment.)
Main Event Page
Seg 1
Seg 2
Seg 3
PPL® Map
Screen Shots: The Mini-List
(brief overview of events)
The Event Main Page
The Segment
The Sales Report
Personnel and Vendor
Assignment Wizard
E-mail P/V Hires and Changes
Create Checks
(Screen 1)
Create Checks
(Screen 2)
Send E-mail Reminders
Search Page
PPL® Server and Workstation Minimum Requirements For Local Install:
Processor: 1GHz
Memory: 512MB
Hard Disk: 500MB of free space
Compatible Operating Systems with minimum Service Pack
•Vista Home Basic and above
•Windows XP SP2
•Windows 2000 Pro SP4
•Windows 2000 Server SP4
•Windows Server 2003 SP1 Standard, Enterprise, or Datacenter editions
•Windows Small Business Server 2003 SP1
Other Requirements:
An internet connection and POP3-enabled e-mail address is required to send and receive e-mail
hire notifications. Requires Microsoft Outlook to send other e-mails from PPL and for calendar
exports. Microsoft Word is required to read merged documents.
Coming soon: E-mail export to Gmail and calendar export to Google Calendars.
PPL® Cloud version: Requires Remote Desktop Connection (included in Windows, available for
Mac as a free download).
Some well known industry leaders are using PPL®.
Here is what they are saying…
Paul Creighton, Executive Vice-President,
T. Skorman, Orlando, FL
“… I'm convinced that PPL has the potential to
revolutionize the entertainment agency
business. It is intuitive, comprehensive, and
has the ability to fold in legacy contracts and
reports. And best of all, the efficiencies gained
from PPL more than cover the costs."
Maria Battaglia, Owner,
Always Entertaining, Las Vegas, NV
“PPL has moved our company forward by making us
technologically advanced. With its automated text
messaging that lets talent know there is a job waiting for
them and its contract writing ease, PPL has made booking
talent and communications with clients more efficient. It not
only saves time, but keeps all information managed in one
place, or job file. With talent headed in many directions at
all hours of the day, PPL is great at keeping everybody
current with the latest gig info. Integrating with QuickBooks
is the next step for us. All in all, PPL is your one-stop shop
‘information download’ and has been a great addition to our
company culture.”
Dennis Smith, Band Leader,
Party on the Moon, Atlanta, GA
“One of the many benefits of using PPL is my
increased ability to develop more and better
relationships with my clients, and we know that
those relationships are the key to success.”
Van Vinikow, Leader,
The String Beings String Quartet, Reno, NV
“PPL allows me to hire string players quickly and
efficiently. With PPL I have reduced the time spent
hiring multiple string quartets by 50%! It was easy to
learn, and now I can keep track of my personnel and
gigs with a simple glance at my screen. PPL has freed
me from hours upon hours on the phone and endless emailing. The simplicity and design is near genius. I
am amazed at the amount of time I’ve saved and how
my business runs smoother and more professionally.
Bravo Jeffrey! And Bravo PPL!”
Thank you for taking this quick tour of
PPL® Software. There are many other features not
touched on in this presentation. I designed this
software, which I use everyday in my own business,
Leep Entertainment, to be the easiest and most
complete system possible. Join us now.
Here’s to organization and efficiency,
Jeffrey Leep
[email protected]
(888) 637-6376