Transcript Document

Global Education scenario: from concept to action
Lithuania Youth Center & partners
Radisson Blu Hotel - Vilnius, 13 April 2015
Competences to engage in global citizenship
The Global Education perspective of the North-South Centre
The North-South Centre (NSC) objective as regards global education
(GE) is to develop strategies and capacity-building for global education,
targeting institutions, practitioners and learners from the formal and
non-formal educational sector.
Global Education is understood as a holistic education dealing with the
growing interconnectedness between local and global realities.
Global Education aims at enabling learners to understand world issues
while empowering them with knowledge, skills, values and attitudes
desirable for world citizens to face and deal with global problems.
Competences to engage in global citizenship
The Global Education perspective of the North-South Centre
One of the core competences of Global Education is the ability to
understand facts holistically, fostering multiperspectivity and the
deconstruction of stereotypes.
It helps learners to understand the complexity of the world, be aware
of contradictions and uncertainties and understand that there is no
one-dimensional solution for complex problems.
It helps learners to deal with cultural variety of languages and codes so
that mutual understanding can be achieved.
Competences to engage in global citizenship
The Global Education perspective of the North-South Centre
Global Education competences fosters empathy and intercultural skills
in communication while
its methodology creates a learning
environment based on dialogue, active listening, respect for others
opinion and constructive assertiveness.
Global Education promotes the principles of pluralism, nondiscrimination and social justice.
Global Education perspective brings the notion of global citizenship
aware of global realities and engaged on working for a sustainable
world, based on dialogue and cooperation, and on shared human,
social and economic rights.
Competences to engage in global citizenship
The Global Education perspective of the North-South Centre
Promoting Global Education through:
• Strategy and Policy Making
• Capacity-building
• Awareness-raising & dissemination
Global Education programme
Strategy and Policy-making:
 GE Charter (1997)
GE multistakeholder Congresses
 National and Regional GE multistakeholder
seminars (2009-15)
GE recommendation (2011)
Global Education programme
 Global Education Guidelines
(EN, FR, and Arabic, BG, GER, GK, IT, Montenegrin, PL, PT, SL, SP)
 E-learning scheme (HRE; ICD; Democratic Citizenship)
 Training for trainers
Youth & Global Citizenship / Structured participation
 Network of Universities on Youth and Global Citizenship
Global Education programme
Global Education Week (GEW) & GEW network
GE website
Newsletter, FB, Twitter
Global Education process
• By Educators for Educators;
Learners at the centre of GE, in planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
• Multistakeholder approach;
Practitioners and decision-makers involved in GE policy-making
• Partnership approach;
Partners involved in GE strategy planning and policy-making
• Continuous: building on the feedback of
practitioners and stakeholders.
Seminars recommendations and evaluation of training activities
Beyond 2015
• 3rd GE Congress, assessing the work so far and putting into
perspective priorities in the following areas:
1) national
strategy development and implementation; 2) curricular reform; 3)
continuing professional development of educators; 4) quality support and
monitoring; 5) campaigning and outreach
Within :
• CoE priorities in the field of education;
• UN & EU post 2015 agenda;
• UNESCO GCEd programme
North-South Centre institutional website
New NSC Global Education Website -
(Operational since November 2014)
National & regional seminars
Global Education Guidelines
Global Education on-line training-courses
Global Education Week 2014
Thank you!