Magic Mirrors -

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Magic Mirrors
The College Of Metaphysical Studies
Online School
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Mirror Messages
Mirrors that are fogged up –
such as your bathroom mirror
after you shower – can leave
messages “impressions” from
spirit on the other side.
Many mirrors are actually
“windows” to other realities.
A mirror message manifests
all at once – not slowly as if
drawn by an artist. For
example – if a face was to
appear – the entire face would
materialize at one time.
We all have portals in our homes
that open and close. This does
hauntings or projections.
We suggest you place one or
more mirrors over your bathroom
vanity – when become fogged up
– it may leave messages for you.
The messages are usually clearly
visible – and in picture form
rather than numerical or in written
These mirrors link to a “window'”
messages are “sent through” by
spirit after you come out of the
shower or a hot bath.
You will receive a “thought” to
pay attention to one or more of
the mirrors. It's all done with
Try this experiment … Go into the bathroom and shut the
door and window – so the hot air will be trapped in the room.
Clean your mirror with a paper/regular towel.
You can use the water from the sink or the shower.
Allow only hot water to run.
Wait until your mirror fogs up before you shut the window.
When it is fully fogged up – shut the water and allow the
mirror to project its images.
They may come through slowly or quickly.
One mirror can create an entire picture.
Observe the mirror from various angles.
You may be surprised at what you see!
It may take several attempts to correctly perceive the
images – which can vary in size.
Magic Mirrors
Magic Mirrors were used in olden days
to enable one to see the present, the
past and the future. They are of great
variety, and of great antiquity. They
seem to be of Persian origin, the Magi
having used them for a method of
divination called Catoptromancy.
The persons who, in Rome, read these
mirrors were called Specularii.
The Chinese and the Hindus made
theirs of metal, concave or convex. In
the East these instruments were
called Stellar Mirrors.
It was believed that they were accurate
provided they were made under a
favorable constellation, and that they
should only be consulted when one
felt comfortably warm, for the cold
harms the lucidity of their oracle.
Reinaud speaks of them in his
Description of the Blacas Cabinet. The
operators perfume them, fast for seven
days before using them, and recite
sacramental prayers at the moment of
consulting them.
Some bore the name of their inventor
(Cagliostro, Swedenborg, etc.) More
recently they have been used to fix the
eye of clairvoyants or mediums so as
to put them into a state of hypnosis.
(see Mirror Scrying slide). Cahagnet, in
his Magnetic Magic, quotes the
principal mirrors as follows:
The Theurgic Mirror: a bottle of clear water looked at by a child & in which the
Archangel Gabriel replies by pictures to his questions.
The Mirror of the Sorcerers: any kind of mirror or pail of water. The sorcerer,
standing near the consultant, recites a spell & shows him the reflection of the
picture wanted.
The Mirror of Cagliostro: the bottle of clear water is on a piece of furniture, &
before it a child, on whose head the operator places one hand & tells him the
questions to ask, to which replies are given in allegorical pictures.
The Mirror of du Polet: a piece of cardboard having pasted on one side a sheet
of tin & on the other a piece of black cloth. The operator magnetizes it strongly &
places it a foot away from the eye of the consultant who, having fixed his eyes on
it, soon sees in it the desired object.
The Swedenborgian Mirror: a paste of graphite mixed with olive oil is poured on
an ordinary mirror & allowed to dry for a few days. The consultant, whose image
must not be reflected (he stands at a distance for this reason) looks into it, while
the operator stares magnetically at the back of his head, & vision takes place.
The Magnetic Mirror: a round crystal globe filled with magnetized water at which
the consultant looks carefully until the desired vision appears.
The Narcotic Mirror: similar globe but a narcotic powder made of belladonna,
henbane, mandragora, hemp, poppy, etc., is dissolved in the water.
The Galvanic Mirror: Made of two discs, one of copper & concave, the other of
zinc & convex, both magnetized 9-times in 9-days. The center of the concave is
looked at.
Mirror Scrying
Mirror scrying is an ancient Celtic tool, but it's been used in all shamanic
traditions at one time or another. The Celts just did more crazy things
with it. Originally, its purpose was related to the military, as in looking
into a pool of water to see an enemy's actions and/or shape shifting to a
strategic location. Using a mirror to scry instead of water accomplishes
the same thing. You're using the silver as 'water' in the mirror and also
what has 'set' into the liquid silver. Mirror scrying can be seen as a water
exercise and has those elements and characteristics.
The Mirror Itself: The type of mirror you use is important. The older it is,
the better. Newer mirrors don't use silver for one thing. You can find
older ones at estate sales or sometimes antique stores will have some
scraps in the back. If you do find a scrap, put a wood frame and back on
it. It also should be a bathroom or daily-use mirror as opposed to a
decorative or ornamental one. This means that a lot of people's energy
will be in there (it gets set into the liquid/silver), making it much more
powerful and pliable. At first, it's easier to connect with people's energy
in the mirror and see what they saw and who they are/were (hint: this is
an exercise in itself).
Cleansing The Mirror: When you first obtain the
mirror, it must be 'cleansed' with Intent by the user.
This can be done a number of ways: by using Reiki,
your hand, a significant feather, salt/breath or just
your breath are all effective techniques … Once the
mirror is initially cleansed, it should be fine.
Remember, though, that these are basic suggested
cleansing techniques, uncomplicated, and using
Intent is the key element. Keeping it simple is
always best.
 Use the Reiki Power symbol on it by simply
drawing it above the mirror, then move it into the
surface and through the mirror with your hand. The
power symbol gets it clean and keeps it that way.
 You can also sweep the mirror using your hand
or breath. Go from left to right (palm down) and
move it across and off the mirror. Once is enough.
 Put some sea salt on the surface of the mirror
and then use your breath in the same way and
motion as if you were using your hand.
 Run a feather (one used in shamanic work)
across the surface from left to right.
Setting Up For The Exercise: The physical set up for using the mirror is
simple also. You can put it on a table and pull up a chair or sit on the
floor with the mirror in your lap. Either way, make sure that you're
comfortable and cannot see your own reflection in it. Use a dark room
and a couple of candles positioned in the following way:
Candle ______ Candle
 You can see by the amazing artwork above where each element is
placed in the exercise. With the candles, you are setting up a field or
space in which to work and with things being positioned this way it
places you visually inside that space. You are essentially connecting two
triangles; one formed by you, the mirror and the candles, and the other
created in non-linear space and time by the reflection of the two candles
in the mirror itself. This will compress your energy similar to the way it's
done in the Recapitulation. When everything is chugging along like it
should, you will find yourself feeling as though the two candles are
actually behind you as you move into alignment. Another purpose for the
candles is to create the proper smoky quality to lay across the surface of
the mirror.
The Exercise: Once you've got the space, mirror,
candles, and you set up – get physically
comfortable, take a deep breath and let it out.
Clear your mind and focus on what you are
about to do. Create an Intent or ask a question
using Intent. You can say it out loud, that helps.
Also visualize it, feel it in every part of your
being, 'your bones', and then push it out with
your will. Let it go, detach from it as you move it.
Your Intent can be anything, but it should be
crystal clear. Okay, begin by looking at the
surface of the mirror (remember that you are not
seeing any reflection). At one point, it may go
black or silvery and you will feel a shift. You're
on the way!
 The feeling you will find is that the mirror
surface itself becomes much like water. Allow it
to move and change, then ask your question or
state your Intent again. Intent is very important
going in but it is also important once you realize
you have moved that you restate the obvious so
to speak. Don't do it verbally though, having set
the Intent you know the feeling, so simply
express it in those terms. This allows your
energy to flow through much better.
Some Things You'll Notice: It's hard to say
exactly what will happen. It depends on you,
how you move, and what your manifested
Intent will bring. As a first step, you can work
with scrying on the surface of the mirror to
look at things. A second step (once a certain
expertise is acquired and verified) is to move
through the mirror. And, of course, then
there's shape shifting and disappearing from
this attention. At least, that's how I see a
natural progression as one works with this.
 Remain open and fluid. If you have
problems with getting much from the mirror,
you can add smoke to the mixture by placing
incense at the bottom of your mirror and using
the smoke that rises across it's face as a sort
of liquid energy to change the reflection of it.
The surface may not change much. You may
just dive straight in. The nice thing about this
method is that it is relatively harmless; you
don't have to worry about going off the deep
end. If you start seeing things you don't want
to, just don't look. Other methods are more
transportive and can cause you to have to
deal with things whether you want to or not.
With practice it is a powerful tool that
was used extensively by all sorts of
people in the past. Its uses are truly
limitless, and you should approach it
this way. Once you learn to trap your
attention, you can learn to journey
with it, seek visions or answers to
questions, affect outcomes, moving
through time (seeing into the future
and past), move to different places in
this time, memory retrieval, finding
something or someone, stalking
shamans, and retrieving information.
It throws you pretty convincingly up
the ladders of energy.
In the process, you learn about Intent
and energy, how to use it, what it
looks like and all sorts of things.
Remember that it still remains a tool
and merely the means to accomplish
an Intent. Intent is about movement
and mirror scrying can be a vehicle
for this.
We hope you have enjoyed this presentation. Should you desire
additional information on this subject we suggest you consider
ordering our course:
PP-104 A Practical Approach to World of Divination and Magik
You can find a complete listing of our courses on our website at
The College of Metaphysical Studies (CMS), located in Clearwater,
Florida, has been a leader in metaphysical and spiritual education
since 1986. CMS was formed after extensive evaluation of the
educational needs of the Metaphysical, New Age, New Thought,
Neo-Pagan and modern spiritual communities.
We are authorized by the Commission for Independent Education,
Independent Colleges and Universities, Florida Department of
Education to operate as a private, non-secular college and to issue
Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Degrees in metaphysics,
religion, spiritual awareness, spiritual and holistic healing, esoteric
studies, parapsychology, and the entire allied metaphysical field.
CMS trains and certifies ministers, spiritual and holistic healers,
teachers, pastoral counselors, mediums, intuitive practitioners,
past-life regression facilitators and administrators. Certification is
by the New Awareness Ministries, International (NAMI).
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