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Chapter 22
Respiratory Tract Infections,
Neoplasms, and
Childhood Disorders
Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Upper Respiratory Viruses in Adults
• Common cold
• Rhinosinusitis
• Influenza
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The Common Cold
• Rhinoviruses
– Occur in early fall and late spring in
persons between ages 5 and 40
• Parainfluenza viruses
– Occur in children younger than 3
• Respiratory syncytial virus
– Occur in winter and spring in children
younger than 3
• Coronaviruses and adenoviruses
– Occur in winter and spring
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Rhinosinusitis (Sinusitis)
• Infection or allergy obstructs
sinus drainage
• Acute: facial pain, headache,
purulent nasal discharge,
decreased sense of smell,
• Chronic: nasal obstruction,
fullness in the ears,
postnasal drip, hoarseness,
chronic cough, loss of taste
and smell, unpleasant
breath, headache
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• In the United States, approximately 36,000 persons
die each year of influenza-related illness
• Transmission is by aerosol (3 or more particles) or
direct contact
• Upper respiratory infection (rhinotracheitis)
– Like a common cold with profound malaise
• Viral pneumonia
– Fever, tachypnea, tachycardia, cyanosis,
• Respiratory viral infection followed by a bacterial
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For which viruses is a 2-year-old most at risk?
a. Rhinoviruses
b. Parainfluenza viruses
c. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
d. All of the above
e. a and b
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d. a and b
Slightly older children (≥5 years of age) are at risk for
rhinoviral infections. Children under the age of 3 are at
risk of infection from both parainfluenza viruses and
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Pneumonia—Inflammation of Alveoli and
• Typical: bacteria in the alveoli
– Lobar: affect an entire lobe of the lung
– Bronchopneumonia: patchy distribution over
more than one lobe
• Atypical
– Viral and mycoplasma infections of alveolar
septum or interstitium
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Typical Pneumonia inhaled and
cultured particles in the alveoli
Atypical when virons invade and
colonize in the alveolar septum
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Onset of Pneumonia
• Signs of systemic
– Malaise
Serous exudate
– Chills and fever
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serous exudate
fibrous exudate:
• Blood-tinged sputum
• Pleuritic pain
WBCs denature
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If WBCs Overcome the Infection
WBCs denature
WBCs destroy fibrous
proteins and liquefy
exudate: it is reabsorbed
into the circulation
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Tell whether the following statement is true or false:
In the progression of pneumonia, serous exudate develops
before fibrous exudate.
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Serous exudate develops (just after inflammation) before
fibrous exudate, and is characterized by a congested,
productive cough. If the pneumonia does not resolve at
this stage, fibrous exudate develops, and the patient will
experience pleuritic pain (worse when taking a deep
breath or coughing) and may expectorate blood-tinged
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• World’s foremost cause of death from a single
infectious agent
• Causes 26% of avoidable deaths in developing
• Drug-resistant forms
• Mycobacterium tuberculosis hominis
– Aerobic
– Protective waxy capsule
– Can stay alive in “suspended animation”
for years
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Primary Tuberculosis
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Initial TB Infection
• Macrophages begin a cellmediated immune response
• Takes 3–6 weeks to develop
positive TB test
• Results in a granulomatous
or Ghon focus containing
– Macrophages
– T cells
– Inactive TB bacteria
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Ghon complex
• Nodules in lung tissue
and lymph nodes
• Caseous necrosis inside
• Calcium may deposit in
the fatty area of
• Visible on x-rays
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Someone in your class has a positive TB test.
• What does this mean?
• Are you at risk of infection?
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Primary TB
isolated in
Ghon foci
if immune response is
inadequate, bacteria
multiply in the lungs
Progressive primary TB
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Miliary TB
• Miliary TB lesions
look like grains
of millet in the
• Meat inspection
was introduced
to keep them out
of the food
Progressive Primary TB
signs of
bacteria in
sputum and
• Pasteurization of
milk was
introduced to
keep TB out of
the milk supply
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bacteria may
erode blood
vessels and
spread through
the body
Secondary TB
• Reinfection from inhaled droplet nuclei
• Reactivation of a previously healed primary lesion
• Immediate cell-mediated response walls off
infection in airways
• Bacteria damage tissues in the airways, creating
• Signs of chronic pneumonia: gradual destruction
of lung tissue
• “Consumption”: eventually fatal if untreated
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Which type of TB may be reactivated if the patient
becomes immunocompromised?
a. Primary
b. Latent
c. Miliary
d. Secondary
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d. Secondary
Secondary TB, often referred to as reactivation or
reinfection TB, may occur if patients are re-exposed to
TB bacilli (after a primary infection) or if they become
immunocompromised (they are unable to contain the
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Cavitary Tuberculosis
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Lung Cancer
• Bronchogenic carcinoma
– Arises from epithelial cells lining the lungs
– Small cell lung cancer
– Non–small cell lung cancer
º Large cell carcinoma
º Squamous cell
º Adenocarcinoma
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Adenocarcinoma of the Lung
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Manifestations of Lung Cancer
• Changes in organ function (organ
damage, inflammation, and failure)
• Local effects of tumors (e.g., compression
of nerves or veins, gastrointestinal
• Ectopic hormones secreted by tumor cells
(paraneoplastic disorders)
• Nonspecific signs of tissue breakdown
(e.g., protein wasting, bone breakdown)
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Respiratory Distress Syndrome
• Lack of surfactant; infants
are not strong enough to
inflate their alveoli
• Protein-rich fluid leaks into
the alveoli and further blocks
oxygen uptake
• Treatment with mechanical
ventilation may cause
bronchopulmonary dysplasia
and chronic respiratory
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Tell whether the following statement is true or false:
Premature infants are at greater risk of developing
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) than term infants.
Copyright © 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
RDS occurs due to a lack of surfactant in the alveoli (the
surfactant is produced by alveolar cells, and keeps them
inflated). Surfactant is typically produced from week 28
(gestational age) through term (40–42 weeks). The
more premature the infant/neonate, the greater the
likelihood that there will be insufficient surfactant to
sustain ventilation.
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Respiratory Obstruction in Children
• Increased airway resistance
– Extrathoracic airways (upper airways)
º Prolonged inspiration; inspirational stridor
º Inspiratory retractions as ribs are moved
outward and body wall does not expand
with rib cage
– Intrathoracic airways (lower airways)
º Prolonged expiration with wheezing
º Rib cage retractions as ribs are pulled
inward, but air does not leave lungs
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Obstructive Disorders
• Upper airway
– Croup
– Epiglottitis
• Lower airway
– Acute bronchiolitis
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Tell whether the following statement is true or false:
Epiglottitis causes stridor.
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Epiglottitis affects the upper airway (inflammation causes
the lumen of the upper airway to become more narrow).
When the child inspires, it is difficult to pass air through
the narrowed airway. This causes noisy
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