Transcript Slide 1

Occam’s Razor as often misstated:
The simplest explanation is the best
Full statement of Occam’s Razor:
The simplest explanation that
accounts for all the data is the best
“Simplicity” is a pagan aesthetic ideal.
As Alfred North Whitehead said,
“Seek simplicity, and distrust it.”
What we may be facing…
“There is no adequate defense,
except stupidity,
against the impact of a new idea.”
-- Percy Bridgman
Paracelsus* vs. Aristotle
Paracelsus tore up his students’ work
that were based on Aristotle, insisting
they do actual experiments instead of
merely regurgitating Aristotle.
*Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombastus von Hohenheim (1493-1541)
Who are the new Aristotles?
Albert Einstein
Neils Bohr
Wolfgang Pauli
John von Neumann
et al.
Have any of these new
Aristotles retarded the advance
of scientific knowledge?
Albert Einstein
Neils Bohr
Wolfgang Pauli
John von Neumann
Have any of these new
Aristotles retarded the advance
of scientific knowledge?
Albert Einstein
Neils Bohr
Wolfgang Pauli
John von Neumann
Louis de Broglie set aside his
pilot-wave theory because
Wolfgang Pauli supposedly
blew holes in it, while von
Neumann’s “proof” that
quantum mechanics cannot
accommodate hidden variables
was revered for decades.
Had no one questioned the
authority of Pauli and von
Neumann, we would never
know today that their
objections were unsound,
being sustained solely by the
researchers’ well-respected
Earth’s annual orbital motion
around sun in heliocentric model:
30,000 meters/second
Corresponding acceleration:
0.006 meters per second per
Earth’s daily rotation at equator
heliocentric model:
463 meters/second
Corresponding acceleration:
0.03365 meters per second per
Annual orbit
around Sun
30,000 m/s
0.006 m/s2
Daily rotation
on axis
463 m/s
0.03365 m/s2
Ratio of annual
to daily value
The $64,000 question:
What is
Aether Entrainment?
Aether entrainment proposes
that the aether is not
detectable at the Earth’s
surface because it is
dragged (entrained) with the
Aether theorists (those that
believe in most forms of
aether) who are NOT
geocentrists HAVE to have
an entrainment model to
account for the data!
Let’s look at that chart again
and predict where aether
entrainment has to occur for
aether models to match the
observational data…
Annual orbit
around Sun
30,000 m/s
0.006 m/s2
Daily rotation
on axis
463 m/s
0.03365 m/s2
Ratio of annual
to daily value
Annual orbit
around Sun
30,000 m/s
0.006 m/s2
Daily rotation
on axis
463 m/s
0.03365 m/s2
Ratio of annual
to daily value
Annual orbit
around Sun
30,000 m/s
0.006 m/s2
Daily rotation
on axis
463 m/s
0.03365 m/s2
Ratio of annual
to daily value
The aether guys,
like Lucy,
have got an awful
lot of splainin’ to do.
The disproportions
don’t add up.
Classical aether theorists
could become the closest
compatriots of geocentrists.
The barrier to this union is
their commitment to
unfounded, unobserved
aether entrainment.
There should be a gradient!
There should be a gradient!
But where is it?
Without a gradient, aether entrainment
ends up with superluminal
Without a gradient, aether entrainment
entails superluminal
Entrainment: the 800-lb
Gorilla in the living room
If aether theorists cannot
(1) Account for disproportion
(2) Measure a gradient
…they must either abandon
such an aether OR
Coulson notes that the story of physics is simply
full of changed models for space. “At one period
space is a plenum, full of vortices or their
equivalent: at a later time it is empty: then it is the
seat of electric and magnetic forces: next it is an
aether: under Einstein’s influence it becomes
curved; the quantum theoreticians now load it full
with zero-point vibrations and oscillators.” [sic]
Edgar Horsfield. “Aspects of scientific method in the
natural sciences – physics.” Am. J. Phys. 52:9, 1984:
804-814, p. 811.
Physics is groping for a defensible
model of space. As the previous quote
shows, space has been theoretically
imbued with a litany of attributes.
Geocentrists need to get their
model of space into the
marketplace of ideas!
Selbrede model of the
LeSage with a twist
LeSage’s ultramundane
corpuscules are treated as
analogous to particles in an
ideal gas.
Mean free path l is much larger than corpuscles.
In Selbrede model, mean free path l is less than the
radius of the individual corpuscles.
Density of this firmament is the Planck Density.
Temperature is the Planck Temperature.
So what’s wrong with Wheeler’s spacetime foam?
“On Planck-length scales spacetime fluctuates
mechanically so randomly and violently that it develops
all kinds of microscopic topological structures, such as
wormholes…. Spherically symmetric Minkowski
wormholes provide a very simple model of a mode of
topological fluctuation in Lorentzian spacetime foam,
and suggest a mode unstable against growth to
macroscopic size. …the whole…has no stable bound
quantum states, and will eventually grow to large size
by quantum diffusion.” -- Ian Redmount & Wai-mo Suen.
“Is quantum spacetime foam unstable?” Physical
Review D 47:6, 1993: R2163-R2167.
So what’s wrong with Wheeler’s spacetime foam?
The virtual particle model is unstable against decay into
an enormous menagerie of topological monstrosities
that would long ago have been detected.
REAL particles, NOT virtual particles, are at the heart of
the medium wrongly labeled “spacetime foam.”
This is the maximon fluid of M. Markov that functions as
a “quasi-isotropic space” reported in The Very Early
Universe, edited by Hawking, Gibbon & Syklos (1983).
The advantages of ultradense aethers…
They confound the barycentric objection to geocentricity.
Such models enable superluminal rotation.
Such models undergird superluminal interactions and socalled quantum nonlocality results (serving as a
deterministic physical basis for the subquantum domain)
Such models have important implications for gravitation
and electrodynamics research.
Current state interpretation of the Planck Density.
Where geocentrists find themselves….
At the cross-currents of contemporary quantum and
subquantum physics.
Solutions to gravitational anomalies (via LeSage model)
Taking seriously the divine creation of the firmament,
versus paying the doctrine mere lip service.
Thinking God’s thoughts after Him*
*But better than Kepler did, to whom the quote is attributed.