Transcript Slide 1

The Halo Effects and Eight
Book Summary
• Challenges popular misconceptions about
business success, explaining how experts
mistakenly assume that money-making
companies naturally prioritize strong leadership
and clear strategies as well as high profits.
• The world of business is complicated, uncertain
and unpredictable. A company's performance
depends upon a variety of factors beyond the
actions of its managers. These include currency
shifts, competitors' actions, shifts in consumer
preferences, technological advances, etc.
The Halo Effect and 8 Delusions
Halo Effect: Tendency to look at a company's overall performance
and make attributions about its culture, leadership, values, and
Correlation and Causality: Two things may be correlated, but we
may not know which one causes which.
Single Explanations: Many studies show that a particular factor
leads to improved performance. But since many of these factors are
highly correlated, the effect of each one is usually less than
Connecting the Winning Dots: If we pick a number of successful
companies and search for what they have in common, we'll never
isolate the reasons for their success, because we have no way of
comparing them with less successful companies.
The Halo Effect and 8 Delusions
Rigorous Research: If the data aren't of good quality, the data
size and research methodology don't matter.
Lasting Success: Almost all high-performing companies regress
over time. The promise of a blueprint for lasting success is
attractive but unrealistic.
Absolute Performance: Company performance is relative, not
absolute. A company can improve and fall further behind its rivals at
the same time.
The Wrong End of the Stick: It may be true that successful
companies often pursued highly focused strategies, but highly
focused strategies do not necessarily lead to success.
Organizational Physics: Company performance doesn't obey
immutable laws of nature and can't be predicted with the accuracy
of science - despite our desire for certainty and order.
The Halo Effect - Summary
• How Little We Know
– Cases : Lego Company (‘It lost sight of its roots’), GE (Did it go beyond
its core?), WH Smith vs. Nokia
– Study of Business is not like science, but quasi-experimental and
pseudo-science, namely Story
• The Story of Cisco
– Success story : John Chambers, Acquisition, Energy of workforce
– A Fairy Tale - Reversal at Fortune - Springtime
• Up and Down with ABB
– Success story : CEO, dynamic corporate culture, org design, philosophy
– Running off the rails, ABB through the looking glass ‘narcissism’
• Halos All Around US
– Tendency to blend together to reduce cognitive dissonance using rule of
– Cases : Halos in the business world, Halos on the People and for the
People, Halos on our leaders, Halos in our Surveys
The Halo Effect - Summary
• Correlation Issues – What leads for high performance?
– Establishing a relationship
• Data quality issues vs. Research methods
– &/%! In - &/%! Out
• Stories are important in the business world
• Scientific research should be followed by good stories
• Strategies and execution are not enough to achieve the high
• Its unwise to think that a firm has foolproof strategy
• Execution can also differ from company to company one way of
execution may not work in another firm
• Good and bad results of a firm are not always from good or bad
performance of the managers there are many other factors which
influence the outcome
• Examples of Intel, Logitech
Question 1.
Do Rosenzweig’s arguments change
our views?
• Yes, it challenges the mainstream business
strategy by questioning
– How firm’s performance is attributed to strategy or
– How non-quantitative factors can contribute towards
– How data supporting the success can be mis-leading
• Only 74 stocks from the 1957 S&P500 were still
even listed in 1997. Of those 74, only 12
outperformed the S&P500 that year.
Recent Mainstream in Business Strategy
Wichan Kim
In Search of Excellence
Soft sides, 7S
Competitive Strategy
Industry, competitors
Competing for the future
Intangible assets, cults
Built to Last
Philosophy, BHAGs
Knowledge-Creating Company
Knowledge, comm.
Competitive Advantage Thru
Blue Ocean Strategy
New business model
Evolution of business research
Main Interest
Manager, organization
structure, mgt process,
boundless competition,
environmental responsiveness
core competence, brand,
knowledge, innovation
system, people
Humans and Organizations which business deals
with are ignorable and non-experimental
The Limitation of Human Nature
Humans are Not rational. Many times emotional
pursuing self-satisfaction based on political behaviours
Lack of Understanding on the Black box,
H. Simon’s decision making process
Power and politics inside the organization
So we developed frame such as Rational DecisionMaking, Contingency Perspectives, Incremental
Processes, Garbage Can Model, etc.
Business , Mathematics and science are
 Methodologies
• Deduction, induction, synthetic approach
• Case Analysis, Comparative Analysis,
biblical analysis
• Quantitative, Qualitative
Conclusion 1.
Business Education is practiced under pseudoscientific approach. It can not eliminate Halo
Effect, lacks practical experience, and many
times make Paralysis through Analysis.
But, it is needed to have better understanding
and frames for Strategy. Study of Business
is social interdisciplinary. We believe
Business Management is closer to ART
than Mathematics.
P = f(--------Strategy, HE)
Question 2.
The relation between Rosenzweig’s view and
the narrative and performative perspective
on strategy?
Halos are more than we thought
• A “Right” Strategy is pre-requisite to success but
not the only factor
• It is easier to blame “Execution” than “Strategy”.
E.g. Hewlett Packard
• Management’s narrative in case of failure
pointed towards execution
• Management is reluctant to accept the flaws in
the strategy
• Raising questions about strategy as well as
execution is important in analysing the firm’s
Strategic Risks
• Risk of customers
– (Failed market research)
• Risk of competitors
– Game theory
– Failure to predict competitor’s move
• Risk of technology
– Cornflakes v/s Intel
• Internal capability risk
– People and skills
Going in the middle is better for all of us
giving satisfaction
Decisional behaviours are in the middle of both
100 Rational
100 Emotional
Lack of time, energy, and information
Most in cases are incremental or are based on
bounded rational
The first step is key (Path & Institutionalism)
Input-Output Distortion
Persistance and tenacity
Conclusion 2.
• Strategy involves risks. Between inputs
and outputs, there is Black Box which
changes the anticipated outcomes.
• Rosenzweig seeks to improve the way that
managers understand company
performance and make strategic decisions.
Thank You.