Transcript Document

Chapter 8
The Selection Process
Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
External Candidates
Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Logic of Prediction: Past Performance
Predicts Future Performance
Not specific enough to make selection decisions
Job titles
Number of years of experience
What counts is the specific types of experiences
required and the level of success at each
Assessment Methods
by Applicant Flow
Resumes and Cover Letters
Information provided is controlled by applicant
Information needs to be verified by other predictors
to ensure accuracy and completeness
Major issues
Large number received by organizations
Falsification and misrepresentation of information
Overview of Application Blanks
What areas are covered?
Job experience
Key advantage -- Organization dictates
information provided
 Major issue -- Information requested should
Be critical to job success and
Reflect KSAOs relevant to job
Reference Checks
Approach involves verifying applicant’s
background via contact with
Prior immediate supervisor(s) or coworkers, or
HR department of current of previous companies
What are the possible problems?
Same as problems with letters of recommendation
Reluctance of companies to provide requested
information due to legal concerns
Fair Credit Reporting Act (1970)
Required compliance
Regulates organization’s acquisition and use of consumer
reports on job applicants
Before obtaining a report, organization must
 Give applicant notice in writing a report may be obtained
 Obtain written authorization from applicant
If an “adverse action” is taken, organization must
 Notify (written, oral, electronic) applicant of adverse action
 Provide information of consumer reporting agency to
 Provide notice of applicant’s rights to applicant
Enforced by Federal Trade Commission
Noncompliance may result in fines up to $1,000
EEOC’s Enforcement Guidance on
Criminal Records (2012)
For arrest and conviction records in employment
Blanket policies may result in:
Inquiring about arrest and/or conviction records, while not per
se unlawful, can lead to potential discrimination issues if not
handled properly.
Disparate impact
Disparate treatment
Race and national origin
Determinations should be made on an individual caseby-case basis
EEOC’s Enforcement Guidance on
Criminal Records (2012)
Generally prohibits decisions based on
arrests/convictions that are not job related and
consistent with business necessity – criteria:
Nature of the crime; and
Time elapsed since it occurred; and
Its relation to the nature of the job had or sought.
Employers need to
Give notice to applicant or employee that they have been
screened out because of criminal conviction;
Provide with opportunity to demonstrate that exclusion should
not be applied due to their particular circumstances; and
Consider whether the additional information provided warrants
an exception to the exclusion and shows that the policy as
applied is not job related and consistent with business
Use of Criminal Records - California
Don’t ask applicants to disclose information
About an arrest or detention that did not result in conviction.
Relating to a referral to or participation in a criminal diversion
program (a work education program as part of probation).
About convictions for most marijuana possession offenses
more than two years old.
You can’t seek the information from any other source,
nor use it as a factor in hiring, promoting, training, or
 You can ask employees and applicants about any
arrest for which the employee or applicant is out on
bail or out on their own recognizance pending trial.
 Certain exceptions exist for peace officers, health care
employees, and people with access to drugs and
Initial Interview
Begins process of necessary differentiation
 Purpose -- Screen out most obvious cases
of person / job mismatches
 Limitation -- Most expensive method
of initial assessment
Video and computer interviews
Offers cost savings
Evaluation of Initial Interview
Guidelines to enhance usefulness
Ask questions assessing most basic KSAOs
 Stick to basic, fundamental questions
suitable for making rough cuts rather than
subjective questions
 Keep interviews brief
 Ask same questions of all applicants
Discretionary Assessment
Used to separate people who receive job
offers from list of finalists (assumes each
finalist is considered fully qualified for position)
 Often very subjective, relying heavily on
intuition of decision maker
 Factors other than KSAOs are evaluated
Assess person/organization match
Assess motivation level
Assess people on relevant organizational
citizenship behaviors
Contingent Assessment Methods
“We offer you this job contingent upon
 Might involve confirmation of
Drug test results
 Medical exam results
 Background check results
Internal Candidates
Copyright © 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
Logic of Prediction: Past Performance
Predicts Future Performance
Advantages of internal over external selection
Greater depth and relevance of data available
on internal candidates
Greater emphasis can be placed on samples
and criteria rather than signs
Skills Inventory
Use skills inventory for data on employees
List of KSAOs held by each employee
Records a small number of skills listed in generic
categories, such as education, experience, and
supervisory training received
Substantive Assessment Methods
Seniority and experience
 Job knowledge tests
 Performance appraisals
 Promotability ratings
 Assessment centers
 Interviews
Overview of Seniority and Experience
Length of service with organization, department, or job
Not only length of service but also kinds of activities an employee
has undertaken
Why so widely used?
Direct experience in a job content area reflects an
accumulated stock of KSAOs necessary to perform job
Information is easily and cheaply obtained
Protects employee from unfair treatment and favoritism
Promoting senior or experienced employees is socially
acceptable -- viewed as rewarding loyalty
Evaluation of Seniority and Experience
Employees typically expect promotions will go to most
senior or experienced employee
Relationship to job performance
Experience is superior because it is:
Seniority is unrelated to job performance
Experience is moderately related to job performance,
especially in the short run
a more valid method than seniority
more likely to be content valid when past or present jobs are
similar to the future job
Experience is unlikely to remedy initial performance
difficulties of low-ability employees
is better suited to predict short-term rather than long-term
Job Knowledge Tests
Job knowledge includes elements of
both ability and seniority
 Measured by a paper-and-pencil test or
a computer
 Holds great promise as a predictor of job
Reflects an assessment of what was
learned with experience
 Also captures cognitive ability
Performance Appraisal
A possible predictor of future job performance
is past job performance collected by a
performance appraisal process
 Advantages
Readily available
Probably capture both ability and motivation
Potential lack of a direct correspondence between
requirements of current job and requirements of
position applied for
Principles of Promotion
“Peter Principle” - 1969
Employees tend to be promoted until they reach a
position at which they cannot work competently.
“Dilbert Principle” – 1990’s
Companies tend to systematically promote their
least-competent employees to management
(generally middle management), in order to limit the
amount of damage they are capable of doing.
Discretionary Assessment Methods
Narrows list of finalists to those who will
receive job offers
 Decisions often made on basis of
Organizational citizenship behavior
Differences from external selection
Previous finalists not receiving job offers do
not simply disappear