Transcript Slide 1

Charter School Program Grant
Technical Assistance
2012-2015 RFP
Planning and Implementation
The 2012-15 CSP Request for Proposals is the
governing document for this competition. In the event
of discrepancies or conflict between information
provided in this technical assistance session and
information in the RFP, the information in the RFP is
to be considered the official guidance.
The Charter School Program (CSP) is authorized by
Title V, Part B, Subpart 1 of the Elementary and
Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, as amended
by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, and is
administered at the federal level by the U.S.
Department of Education.
The CSP provides support for planning, program
design, and initial implementation of charter schools.
The intent of the program is to expand the number of
high quality charter schools and to give students
more educational opportunities, resulting in higher
student achievement.
Eligible Applicants Are:
Entities authorized to open a
charter school for the 2012-2013
school year; OR
Charter schools in operation for
less than one year that have not
previously received a CSP grant.
The charter school must serve
students in grades K-12.
Application Deadline
Proposals are due by the close of business on
February 23, 2012, to the following address:
Office of Grants Management
Florida Department of Education
325 W. Gaines Street, Room 332
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
Facsimile and e-mail submissions are not
Program Periods
Charter School opening 2012-13 school year:
This is a multi-year project comprised of three program
performance periods that combined may not exceed 36
1. Planning and Program Design (max 18 months)
Occurs prior to the opening of the charter school
2. Implementation (max 24 months)
Implementation is broken into two awards (IMPI & IMPII),
which cannot exceed 24 months in total
Program Periods
Charter School opened 2011-12 school year:
This is a multi-year project comprised of two program
performance periods that combined may not exceed 24
1. Implementation (max 24 months)
Implementation is broken into two awards (IMPI & IMPII),
which cannot exceed 24 months in total
Award Amounts
Based on the availability of funds, the
following is an example of how funds
may be awarded:
1. Planning and Program Design: $25,000
(For entities authorized to open for the 2012-13 school year)
2. First Year Implementation:
3. Second Year Implementation:
• Large School Supplement- $75,000-$100,00
• See Pages 2-4 of RFP
Award Amounts
An additional $250,000 (each school) may be
awarded to up to 5 schools that meet the
following criteria:
1. Located within the feeder zone of one or more of Florida’s
Persistently Lowest Achieving (PLA) schools
2. Utilizes a weighted lottery system that gives preference to
students wishing to transfer from a PLA school
3. Initial enrollment of at least 75 students and plans to expand to a
minimum of 150
4. Enrolls and retains substantial number of students currently
attending or zoned for a PLA school
5. Demonstrate capacity to improve student achievement through
partnership or by student achievement data
RFP and Attachments
Narrative Components
Project Narrative: Must address Sections
2 – 5, in that order (up to 20 pages)
• The Instructions describe what the applicant is to
include in each Narrative Component.
• The bulleted, italicized Criteria add detail to the
instructions and are used by proposal reviewers to
assess and score each Narrative Component.
Preference Points
Preference points may be earned by applicants
that document meeting one or more of the
following funding priorities (Page 13):
• PLA Zones (must confirm with signed lease)
• Rural/Low Income School District
• One of the above and Governing Board operates at least one other
successful charter school
Must have minimum score of 70 prior to preference points
FDOE will assign preference points
Attachment A1
Overview Form
“Contact name” should be the person responsible for handling
the grant paperwork for the charter school.
Attachment B
DOE 100A:
Project Application
(District Superintendent
and Charter Head)
Attachment C
DOE 101S: Budget Narrative
Only complete
phase of
Attachment D
Budget Detail
Complete for
ALL phases of
Attachment J
CSP Grant Objectives
The Department will track each project’s performance based on
the information in the CSP Grant Objectives.
Attachment K
If Applicable
Voluntary Agreement Form:
Each charter school is required to utilize the sponsoring
district as their fiscal agent for this project.
The sponsor is prohibited from deducting funds for
indirect costs, including administrative fees or expenses,
from a sub-grant awarded to an eligible applicant, unless
the eligible applicant enters voluntarily into a mutually
agreed upon arrangement for administrative services with
the sponsor.
More information is available in our Administrative Fees TAP.
Formatting Requirements
Applications that do not adhere to the
Technical/Formatting requirements will
not be accepted:
One (1) original and one (1) copy
Black and White (no color)
Font Type/Size is Arial/12 pt
Margin size is 1 inch
(both side and top/bottom)
Single spacing
Single-sided pages
No Bound Copies
Adhere to page limitations
Conditions of Acceptance
The following conditions must be met for a
proposal to be considered for review:
• Received by close of business in Grants Management on
February 23, 2012
• Includes required forms
* DOE 100A Application Form with original signatures
* DOE 101S Budget Narrative for the first budget period only
• Submission of the signed certification signifying compliance
with the “General Assurance for Participation in Federal and
State Programs” (if not already on file in the DOE
Comptroller’s Office)
Review Process
Method of Review:
Project proposals are screened by DOE program staff
to ensure that federal regulations and state
requirements in the RFP are addressed.
Proposals meeting the conditions of acceptance will
be reviewed and scored by a peer review committee
comprised of five qualified reviewers representing
experienced charter school stakeholders and
educational professionals.
Review Process
Scoring Criteria:
Based on a 100 point scale
A minimum score of 70
points is required for an
application to be considered
eligible for funding
A proposal must have a
score of at least 70 points
before preference points
may be earned
Review Process
Method of Review:
Averages and conversions will be rounded to the
second decimal point (one through four at the third
decimal will be rounded down; five through nine at
the third decimal will be rounded up).
The high and low scores will be dropped and the
average of the three remaining scores will constitute
averaged reviewers’ score.
Proposals with an averaged score of 70 or more will
be assessed by the Department for preference points,
which will be added to the averaged reviewers’ score,
if applicable, to determine the proposal’s final score.
Review Process
Method of Review:
All proposals will be ranked in order of highest to
lowest final score.
Funding will be recommended for the applicant with
the highest score followed by succession by the
next highest scores until funds are exhausted.
Proposals with a final score of less than 70 will not
be recommended for funding.
Fiscal Requirements
All funded projects are subject to
The procedures outlined in:
The Project Application and
Amendment Procedures for Federal
and State Programs (Green Book)
The General Assurances for
Participation in Federal and State
Fiscal Requirements
Supporting documentation for expenditures is
required for all funding methods and must be
available upon request.
Federal guidelines do not allow recipients to use
these project funds for expenditures encumbered
prior to the effective date of the project award.
Funds are intended to supplement, not supplant, state
and local funds.
Subgrantees must avoid apparent and actual conflicts
of interest when administering grants.
Subgrantee Conflict of Interest Technical Assistance
Fiscal Requirements
Allowable Expenses:
• Project funds must be used for activities that directly support
the accomplishment of the project’s purpose, priorities, and
expected outcomes. All expenditures must be consistent with
applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and guidance.
Unallowable Expenses:
• Project funds may not be used to supplant existing program
and/or funding.
Acquisition of facilities and construction is prohibited.
Project funds may not be used to purchase buses.
Project funds may not be used for reoccurring expenses.
E-mail questions to Helen Giraitis at
[email protected]
Questions must be received by
close of business on January 9, 2012
Answers will be posted on
School Choice Web Site
no later than January 13, 2012