Transcript Document


Christian Schulte

[email protected]

Software and Computer Systems School of Information and Communication Technology KTH – Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden ID1218 Lecture 04 2009-11-04


A Fourth Look

ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

A Better Length?


l([]) -> 0; l([_|Xr]) -> 1+l(Xr).

l([],N) -> N; l([_|Xr],N) -> l(Xr,N+1).

  Two different functions: l/1 and l/2 Which one is better?

ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04




l([1,2,3]) ; →  [1,2,3]  CALL(l/1) ; → CALL(l/1) ; [1,2,3] → → → → → → 1+l([2,3]) l([2,3])  ; ADD 1+l([3])  ADD  1  l([2,3])  ADD ; ; 1 1 ;   [2,3]  CALL(l/1)  ADD CALL(l/1)  ADD ; [2,3] ;  1 1 → → 1  l([3])  ADD  ADD l([3])  ADD  ADD ; ; 1  1 1 → …  requires stack space in the length of list ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04




l([1,2,3],0) ; →  [1,2,3]  0  → → → → → CALL(l/2) ; 0  CALL(l/2) ; CALL(l/2) ; [1,2,3] 0  [1,2,3] l([2,3],0+1) ;  [2,3]  0+1  0+1  CALL(l/2) CALL(l/2) ; [2,3] ;    → → → → → → 0  1  ADD  CALL(l/2) ; 1  ADD  CALL(l/2) ; 0  [2,3] [2,3] ADD  CALL(l/2) ; CALL(l/2) ; 1  0  [2,3] 1  [2,3] l([3],1+1) … ;  requires constant stack space!

ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Appending Two Lists


app([],Ys) -> Ys; app([X|Xr],Ys) -> [X|app(Xr,Ys)].

 How much memory needed: easy!

 Stack space… in the length of the first list  CONS accumulate on the stack ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Iterative Computations


 Iterative computations run with

constant stack space

 Make use of last optimization call  correspond to loops essentially  Tail recursive procedures are computed by iterative computations ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04



ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

The World Is Concurrent!


 Concurrent programs several activities execute simultaneously (concurrently)  Most of the software you use is concurrent  operating system: IO, user interaction, many processes, …  web browser, Email client, Email server, …  telephony switches handling many calls  … ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Why Should We Care?


 Software must be concurrent… … for many application areas  Concurrency can be helpful for constructing programs  organize programs into independent parts  concurrency allows to make them independent with respect to how they execute  essential: how do concurrent programs interact?

ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Concurrent Programming Is Easy…


 Erlang has been designed to be very good at concurrency…  Essential for concurrent programming here  message passing very simple interaction between concurrent programs  light-weight processes  no shared data structures independence ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Concurrency in Erlang


  Concurrent programs are composed of communicating processes  each process has a unique id: PID  processes are spawned to execute functions  send messages to PIDs  receive messages  messages are Erlang data structures Erlang processes are not OS processes  one Erlang OS process can host lots of Erlang processes create by spawning  they are independent of the underlying OS ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Creating Processes


 Spawning a process:  takes a function as input  creates a new concurrently running process executing the function  returns the PID of the newly created process ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Our First Process


loop() -> receive kill -> io:format("Aargh: dead...~n"); Other -> end.

io:format("Yummy: ~p~n",[Other]), loop() ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Running the Process


> P=spawn(fun loop/0).

<0.62.0> > P ! apple.

… Yummy: apple > P ! bogey.

… Yummy: bogey > P ! kill.

… Aaargh: dead > P ! ham.

… ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Processes Run Forever…


 Why does process not run out of memory  property of loop/0 ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04



  Creating processes  spawn(F) for function value F  spawn(M,F,As) for function F in module M argument list As with Sending messages    PID ! message Receiving messages  receive … end with clauses Who am I?

 self() returns the PID of the current process ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04



 Each process has a mailbox  incoming messages are stored in order of arrival  sending puts message in mailbox  Processes are executed fairly  if a process can receive a message or compute… …eventually, it will  It will pretty soon…  Simple priorities available (low) ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Message Sending


   Message sending P ! M is asynchronous  the sender does not wait until message has been processed  continues execution immediately  evaluates to M When a process sends messages M1 and M2 to same PID, they arrive in order in mailbox  FIFO ordering When a process sends messages M1 and M2 to different processes, order of arrival is undefined ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Message Receipt


 Only receive inspects mailbox  all messages are put into the mailbox   Messages are processed in order of arrival  that is, receive processes mailbox in order If the receive first message statement has a matching clause for the  remove message and execute clause  always choose the first matching clause  Otherwise, continue with next message  Unmatched messages are kept in original order ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Receive Example


mailbox head a b c d a b d a d 1.





receive c -> … end receive d -> …; b -> … end receive M -> … end ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04 d 3.

Receiving Multiple Messages


seq() -> receive a -> receive b -> …   end; c -> … end.

With other words: processes can use different receive statements What does it mean   is a is a sent before b ?

received before b ?

ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Receive With Timeouts


receive … after Time -> Expr end  If no matching message arrived within milliseconds, evaluate Expr  Time If only after Time clause present, process sleeps for milliseconds ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Flushing the Mailbox


flush() -> receive _ -> flush() after 0 -> true end.

ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Priority Receipt


priority() -> receive alarm -> … after 0 -> receive M -> …, priority() end end.

ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Timed Repeater


start(T,F) -> spawn(fun() -> rep(T,F) end).

stop(PID) -> PID ! stop.

rep(T,F) -> receive stop -> true after T -> F(), rep(T,F) end.

ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Different Message Types


receive {a, … } -> … ; {b, … } -> … … end  Use tuples as messages  first field of tuple describes message type ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04


Client Server Architectures

ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Client Server


 Single server processing requests  wait for request  perform request  reply to request (ok or result)  Multiple clients sending requests  send request  wait for reply  Very common architecture  WWW, RPC, RMI, …  example: RPC ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

How to Reply: RPC


  Server must know how to reply to client  client sends request… …plus its own PID  PID of process available via self() After server has fulfilled request  sends back reply to sender's PID  RPC is synchronous  client must wait until reply received ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

RPC Server


serve() -> receive {Client,Request} -> Response = process(Request), Client ! Response, end.

serve() ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

RPC Client


rpc(Server,Request) -> Server ! {self(), Request}, receive Response -> Response  end.

This is easy… but wrong…  assumption: first message in mailbox is from server  but: can be from anybody!

ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Who Talks To Me?


  If we only want to receive messages from process PID , messages must include PID Sending  P ! {self(), … } Receipt PID= …, receive {P,…} when P==PID -> … end ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Scoping in Patterns Revisited


  The following PID= …, receive {P,…} when P==PID -> … end can be rewritten to PID= …, receive {PID,…} -> … end Variables already introduced are not pattern variables but the values they are assigned to  whoa, this is ugly (my personal taste) ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

A Working RPC Client


rpc(Server,Request) -> Server ! {self(),Request}, receive {Server,Response} -> Response  end.

This is still easy… but correct…  but why: there can only be one pending reply  not so easy to see ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

The Registry


    Register processes under names (atoms)  for example: clock , logger , … Operations  register(Name,Pid )    unregister(Name) whereis(Name) registered() returns PID or undefined returns all registered names Example register(a,PID), a ! M As always: the registry is scary… ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04


Summary & Outlook

ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Summary: Concurrency


 Processes communicate by message sending  feature ordered mailbox  execute selective receive statements  messages buffered until removed by receive  are scheduled fairly  can use timeouts  Simple concurrency pattern  client – server  request – reply ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04

Outlook: L05


 How can concurrent computations  synchronize with each other  cooperate  What are the properties of programs  with and  without message sending and message receipt ID1218, Christian Schulte L04, 2009-11-04