Transcript Slide 1

More about Math Functions (preview version)
The following functions are all in double data type
 fabs(x) returns |x|
fabs(1.45)= 1.45
fabs(-1.45)= 1.45
 sqrt(x) returns the square root of x
sqrt(25) =
 pow(x, y) returns x y
pow(2,3) =
 floor(x) returns the largest integer less or equal to x
floor (4.15) =
floor (-4.15)=
 ceil(x) returns the smallest integer greater than or
equal to x
ceil (4.15) =
ceil (-4.15) =
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 1
Trigonometric Functions
 sin (x), cos (x), tan (x)
 Argument should be in radians, not degrees!
 Converting from Degrees to Radians
– 0 degrees is 0 radians
– 360 degrees is 2 radians
– In general, if x is in degrees, to convert to radians, multiply
by ( / 180.0)
if theta_deg is angles in degrees,
theta_rad = theta_deg * 3.14159 / 180.0;
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 2
User-Defined Functions
• Function
– A named independent section of code that performs a specific
task and optionally returns a value to the calling program.
– Input arguments: used to pass information into a function
– Output arguments: returns result to a calling program
• Function prototype
– Provide compiler with description of a function that will be
defined in the later point of the program. It defines the return
types of output argument and types of input arguments, as well
as the function name.
– Should be put before the function call
– Syntax:
ftype fname(list of types of input arguments);
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 3
User-Defined Functions (cont’d)
Function definition
– Is the actual function; it contains the code that will be executed.
– Function header: similar to the prototype but has specified names for
input parameter (a placeholder)
– Function body is enclosed in {..} immediately follows the function
• It contains local variable__declared in the function, won’t affect variables
outside the function, even with the same name.
ftype fname(formal parameters){
local variable declaration
Function call
– To activate a function by a program. When called, the program can send
the function information in forms of actual arguments
– Syntax:
fname(actual argument)
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 4
Function with Input Arguments and One Result
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 5
Functions find_circum and find_area
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 6
Effect of Executing circum = find_circum (radius);
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 7
Memory allocation with function and function call
main function
Area = find_area(radius)
Circum = find_circum(radius)
find_area( )
find_circum( )
When find_area( radius ) is called
• It copies the value of radius
to temporary memory locations
• Then calculate PI* r*r
and store the result in a temp
location result
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 8
User-Defined Functions (cont’d)
• Void function__ a function does not return a value
– Syntax:
void fname(…){ … }
• Void argument
– Syntax:
ftype fname(void){…}
• Void function with void argument
void fname(void){…}
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 9
Advantages of Using Function Subprograms
 Procedural Abstraction
 The code for the sub problems (such as drawing a circle,
or drawing a square, or drawing a triangle) is moved from
the main function to function subprograms (i.e., function
 We can (and should) defer implementation details until we
are ready to write an individual function subprogram.
 Reuse of Function Subprograms.
 Functions can be called (executed) more than once in a
 Functions written for a given program can be used in
other programs.
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 10
Tips for Using Functions
• Don’t try to return a value that has a different type than the
function’s type
• Do use local variables whenever possible
• Don’t let function get too long
• Do limit each function to a single task
• Don’t have multiple return statements if they are unnecessary
• Do pass parameters to functions to make the function
generic and thus reusable
• Do take advantage of the ability to put functions into
• Don’t make an individual statement confusing by including
too many functions
• Do limit the use of nested function calls. f1(f2(a))
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 11
On Scope of Variables
• Scope of variables (identifiers) – determines where
you can reference a variable (an identifier).
• For variables (identifiers) declared before main
function – scope is global – they can be referenced
• For all other identifiers, their scope is local - the
function in which they are declared.
See example
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 12
Testing Functions
• A function is an independent program module. It can be
tested separately by a program which defines the argument,
call the function and displays the result of the function call
• Example ( see live example )
#include <stdio.h>
double square(double); /* function prototype */
int main() /* this is a test driver for the function square() */
double u, v;
u = square(v);
printf(“The square of %f is %d \n”, v, u);
double square(double y)
double b;
b = y*y;
return b;
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 13
Testing Function scale
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 14
Data Areas After Call scale(num_1, num_2);
CP104 Introduction to Programming
Top-down design with functions
Lecture 8 __ 15